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660 results

Addressing gender imbalance in STEM graduate apprenticeships

Presentation / Conference
Cecil, M., & Taylor Smith, E. (2023, December)
Addressing gender imbalance in STEM graduate apprenticeships. Paper presented at Society for Research in Higher Education Conference 2023, Birmingham
There is currently significant gender imbalance within Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) graduate apprenticeship (GA) programmes in Scotland. This is a c...

Learned Words: A Poetic Content Analysis of 'Belonging' in Higher Education

Presentation / Conference
Illingworth, S., & Grimwood, M. (2023, December)
Learned Words: A Poetic Content Analysis of 'Belonging' in Higher Education. Paper presented at SRHE Conference 2023 Higher Education Research, Practice, and Policy: Connections & Complexities, Online & Conference Aston, Birmingham, UK

“I was worried if something bad happened”: How language graduates made decisions around migration in the anxious times of the Covid pandemic.

Presentation / Conference
Ratz, S. (2023, December)
“I was worried if something bad happened”: How language graduates made decisions around migration in the anxious times of the Covid pandemic. Paper presented at International Association for Languages and Intercultural Communication (IALIC) 2023, Nicosia, Cyprus

The Upskilling Agenda and the role of Technicians

Presentation / Conference
Garden, C. (2023, November)
The Upskilling Agenda and the role of Technicians. Presented at Edinburgh Technical Collaboration, Edinburgh, UK

Foundations for the Future: Skills for Success

Presentation / Conference
Garden, C. (2023, November)
Foundations for the Future: Skills for Success. Presented at Scotsman Life Sciences Conference, Edinburgh

Discursive constructions of student midwives’ professional identities: A discourse analysis

Journal Article
Mcluckie, C., & Kuipers, Y. (2024)
Discursive constructions of student midwives’ professional identities: A discourse analysis. Nurse Education in Practice, 74, Article 103847.
Background The construction and performance of professional identity is significant to broader socio-cultural understandings of who ‘professionals’ are and what they do. Impor...

Exploring the Barriers to Advanced Nurse Practitioners in Primary Care in the United Kingdom

Presentation / Conference
McPhillips, H., & Brown, E. (2023, November)
Exploring the Barriers to Advanced Nurse Practitioners in Primary Care in the United Kingdom. Poster presented at NHS Lothian Research Conference, Edinburgh

Teachers' Perceptions of online chemistry-specific CPD

Journal Article
McGill, C., Buchanan, D., Easson, M., Hendry, S., Macdonald, F., Murray, P., & Stewart, I. (2023)
Teachers' Perceptions of online chemistry-specific CPD. Science Teacher Education, 94, 18-25
A collaboration between chemistry educators, Edinburgh Napier University and the Royal Society of Chemistry presented a series of seven online professional learning sessions f...

Group Career Coaching

Presentation / Conference
Meldrum, S. (2023, November)
Group Career Coaching. Presented at CDI Scotland Members Meeting, Online
This short taster session will explore group career coaching as an approach to practice delivery. It will define what it involves, consider its benefits (such as peer learning...

Building Communities and Enhancing Belonging: A Route Map for Assessment Design

Haddow, C., & Brodie, J. (2023)
Building Communities and Enhancing Belonging: A Route Map for Assessment Design. [Assessment guide]
A sense of belonging to a community in HE has been linked to positive outcomes for students such as increased engagement, identity development and retention (Masika & Jones, 2...


28 results

Investigating the Experiences of ChatGPT and AI by Students in UK Universities

2024 - 2026
The proposed research project aims to study the usage of ChatGPT and other such tools by students in UK universities. The objective is to understand how these technologies are being utilised in their ...
Funder: Leverhulme Trust | Value: £142,760

The Library of Inspiration

2024 - 2025
The project's ultimate aim is to empower 12 and 13-year-olds from under-represented groups in engineering to become future leaders. This will be achieved through "The Library of Inspiration," physical...
Funder: Royal Academy of Engineering | Value: £99,711

QAA Enhancement activity plan | session 2023-24

2024 - 2024
Retain and Reclaim: Innovating Resilient Learning Communities Addressing student retention and academic engagement is closely aligned with the Enhancement Theme of Resilient Learning Communities and t...
Funder: The Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education | Value: £5,087

“Empowering Indonesian women in STEM: Building resilience through network, advisers and role models

2024 - 2024
Strengthening pathways into employment for women graduates: Affirming their major choices Championing female role models in STEM Facilitating networking of STEM career choices Providing support system...
Funder: British Council | Value: £24,828

Investigating and improving induction training for CS work-based learning workplace mentors, especially to ensure inclusion

2023 - 2024
This study investigates and induction training for Computing work-based learning workplace mentors, especially to ensure inclusion. Through the Council of Professors and Heads of Computing (CPHC) the ...
Funder: Council of Professors and Heads of Computing | Value: £4,925

An Evaluation Of HeARtbeat augmented reality smartphone application for 12 lead ECG electrode placement teaching to health and social care pre-registration students.

2023 - 2024
This study focuses on developing a set of digital tools integrated into an smartphone application (heARtbeat App) that will assist in the accurate acquisition of ECG recordings. This study will take a...
Funder: The Physiological Society | Value: £9,054

Wilfred Owen Scholarship Award

2023 - 2026
Edinburgh Napier University respectfully request that the Trustees consider this proposal to support the launch of the Wilfred Owen Scholarship Fund as a dedicated scholarship for the spouses and part...
Funder: The Officers Association Scotland | Value: £30,000

(SFF.DeepT+) Deep Tech in HEIs and Ecosystems through Entrepreneurial Education+

2023 - 2024
SFF.DeepT+ Project sets the pathway to the future, towards 2030 and beyond, with a new Systemic DeepTech Innovation framework involving (as drivers and key-actors) the relevant stakeholders of an Open...
Funder: EIT Urban Mobility

Veterans foundation - research hub

2023 - 2024
We will use the grant to launch a Scottish Armed Forces and Military Research Network platform from which HEI’s, the NHS and key military personnel and stakeholders could identify and develop potentia...
Funder: The Veterans Foundation | Value: £29,292

RESIST - Fostering Queer-Feminist Intersectional Resistances against Transnational Anti-Gender Politics

2022 - 2026
Anti-gender politics pose a grave threat to modern democratic formations because they challenge people's everyday survival, bodily integrity, and self-determination. Anti-gender spans the political sp...
Funder: European Commission | Value: £443,089



Qualification level

28 results

A clinical decision-making support system (CDSS) application for guiding staff to employ evidence-based approaches to prevent, assess, and manage delirium in ICU: Co-design methodology

2024 - date
Ms Devi Kandel | Director of Studies: Prof Cathal Breen | Second Supervisor: Dr Amani Al Bayrakdar

Illuminating the importance of craftsmanship in compassionate caring and facilitating its development in student nurses

2020 - 2021
This thesis provides a critical reflection on my original contributions to knowle...
Dr Liz Adamson | Director of Studies: Prof Kay Sambell | Second Supervisor: Dr Brian Williams

Beyond numbers and tasks: An ethnographic study exploring the work of district nursing teams and the impact this has on patients, carers, families and communities

2019 - date
Bruce Harper-McDonald | Director of Studies: Dr Janet Hanley | Second Supervisor: Dr Carol Gray Brunton

Research grounded support of student learning in Higher Education: The importance of dialogue and subject embedded, contextualised language and content

2017 - 2018
Dr Kendall Richards | Director of Studies: Dr Colin Smith | Second Supervisor: Prof Sally Smith

An investigation into wound infection assessment in Scotland

2015 - date
Ailsa Sharp | Director of Studies: Dr Janet Hanley | Second Supervisor: Dr Clare Taylor

An investigation of university and employer perceptions of barriers and enablers of work based learning (WBL) partnerships in the tourism sector in Scotland

2015 - 2020
An investigation of perceptions of work base...
Dr Lynn Waterston | Director of Studies: Prof Paul Barron | Second Supervisor: Dr Matthew Dutton

'A journey that motivates': Discovering the associate student experience

2015 - 2022
Dr Debbie Meharg | Director of Studies: Ms Alison Varey | Second Supervisor: Dr Sandra Cairncross

Journey into Higher Education: A study of postgraduate Indian students' experiences, as they make the educational journey, to a new teaching and learning environment in the UK

2014 - 2020
Dr Pauline Gordon | Director of Studies: Prof Paul Lynch | Second Supervisor: Dr Gerardine Matthews-Smith

The role of interactive technology in the co-creation of experience in Scottish visitor attractions

2014 - 2019
" As a sector that is reliant on the creation and management of memorable experiences, visitor attrac...
Dr Ellis Urquhart | Director of Studies: Prof Anna Leask | Second Supervisor: Dr Ivana Rihova

Assessing and addressing unmet needs in people affected by brain tumours

2013 - 2022
Dr Janyne Afseth | Director of Studies: Prof Lis Neubeck | Second Supervisor: Dr Carol Gray Brunton


16 results

The RESIST Project Press Release: Findings from the Work Package 1 Released

10 April 2024
Headline: Europe-wide research reveals how transgender rights, feminism, and LGBTIQ+ advocacy are systematically attacked in politics and media. Lead: A project researching so-called ‘anti-gender’ po...

Meet the jewel in the crown of Edinburgh Napier University’s health training: its Simulation and Clinical Skills Centre where the latest technologies are used to help train nursing and midwifery students.

21 March 2024
Recruitment Study in a high-tech environment If you’re thinking about a career in nursing or midwifery, Physiotherapy, Occupational Therapy and Social Work, Edinburgh Napier University has the latest...

Dr Kulpa organises a gender & sexuality-focused event to celebrate inclusive queer-feminist politics across the month of March 2024.

6 March 2024
Dr Kulpa organises an inclusive queer-feminist event celebrating our diverse lives and work across Edinburgh Napier University.

AI research to look at student use of ChatGPT at UK universities

9 January 2024
An Edinburgh Napier University (ENU) project investigating the use of artificial intelligence (AI) tools such as ChatGPT in Universities across the UK is set to get underway after being backed by near...

Dr Kulpa invited at the "Go West!" Die Idee des "Westens" in bildungshistorischer Perspektive, University of Münster

15 December 2022
Dr Kulpa spoke about "Post-Enlightenment: Can We Go Beyond Occidentalist Epistemologies and Geo-Politics in Queer Studies?" as part of the "Go West! Conceptual Explorations of “The West” in History of...

Dr Sam Illingworth wins Europe-wide award for science communication

30 November 2022
Dr Sam Illingworth has drawn praise for using poetry and gaming to reach underserved audiences.

Dr Kulpa lunches project: ‘RESIST. Fostering Queer Feminist Intersectional Resistances against Transnational Anti-Gender Politics’

1 October 2022
Dr Roberto Kulpa with colleagues form 9 European organisations launches “Fostering Queer Feminist Intersectional Resistances against Transnational Anti-Gender Politics (RESIST)” research consortium ai...

Dr Timothy Olawumi was a resource person at WAiC Webinar

27 September 2022
Dr Timothy Olawumi was invited as a guest speaker/resource person at a Webinar hosted by Women Academics in Construction (WAiC) on September 27, 2022. Title: Getting Published in High Impact Journals...

Dr Kulpa invited to Leibniz-Institut für Geschichte und Kultur des östlichen Europa (GWZO), Leipzig, Germany.

1 June 2022
Dr Kulpa spoke about "Thinking About the Geo-politics of Knowledge Production: Non-anglophone Epistemologies in/of Queer Studies" at Leibniz-Institut für Geschichte und Kultur des östlichen Europa (GW...

Dr Kulpa invited to speak on "Queer Politics of Post-Enlightenment" at Lund University

1 December 2021
The talk reflected on the contemporary queer studies and the geo-temporal ‘unsettlement’ of Central and Eastern Europe in the occidental (and occidentalist) imaginary.


17 results

Gender and Sexuality Research at Edinburgh Napier University

Merchiston Campus, room: MER_H11
6 March 2024

Dr Roberto Kulpa speaks about "RESIST - Fostering Queer Feminist Intersectional Resistances against Transnational Anti-Gender Politics" research consortium at the special seminar of the Centre for Arts, Media, & Culture, Edinburgh Napier University.

Centre for Arts, Media, & Culture, Edinburgh Napier University, Edinburgh, UK
8 March 2023

Launch of the Centre for Higher Education Research

Craiglockhart, Room 1/53
12 January 2022

Narrative Methods in Multilingual and Educational Research

9 June 2021

Performing for Real

Attend in person at The Kings Fund, Cavendish Square, Marylebone, London W1G 0AN or Online via live stream (address will be sent upon Eventbrite registration)
20 November 2020

Keynote: School of Computing Teaching and Learning conference 'Post-normal learning and teaching: lessons learned and the next academic year' 3rd Sept 2021

3 September 2020

University Conference Workshop: Building a case with bricks

Craiglockhart Campus
19 June 2019

Visiting researcher - Dr Etlyn Kenny (University Of Birmingham) to present on women, computing and identity: navigating the gender structure in IT

Edinburgh Napier University (Sighthill Campus)
4 June 2019

Speaker: DLTE Monthly Seminar 'Pedagogy Before Technology? Connections between theory and practice when teaching with digital technologies'

30 April 2019

Visual Methods and Ethnography in Interdisciplinary Research

The Business School
6 March 2019 - 5 June 2019