Alpana Mair
Alpana Mair

Dr Alpana Mair FFRPharmS, MRPharmS, MSc, PhD, IP

Associate Professor


Research interests

Alpana is an internationally renowned academic and expert policy adviser in the field of medication optimisation and patient safety with a particular focus on polypharmacy and safety and effective use of medicines in the context multimorbidity and health inequalities. She was awarded the title of Associate Professor in August 2021.

She has led EU projects with over 10 countries as the PI and project coordinator, totalling over £4.5M, SIMPATHY and iSIMPATHY. Outputs from these EU projects resulted in adoption of recommendations as DG Sante, European Commission level. and also invitation by WHO to be an expert adviser on medication safety for and commissioned to lead and action group on European Innovation Partnership on Active and Healthy Ageing (EIP AHA) for the European Commission on Polypharmacy and Adherence as part of the European commission's aims to improve the healthy life years of the older person by two years. Alpana’s research in innovation in the management of polypharmacy through the years is complemented by research into change management approaches needed to implemented large scale change, so translating research into policy and practice. Alpana was also awarded funding building on her work as a Scottish Quality and Safety Improvement Fellow for developing healthcare services for Homeless people addressing prescribing and outreach service with partnership working with pharmacists and support workers. Through she developed collaborative working with colleagues at Harvard and at Brigham women's hospital and at Johns Hopkins. she continues to undertake research and publish with the special interest group on falls and deprescribing of the European Society of Geriatric medicine and is undertaking work on patients perspective on adherence with the university of Geneva, and Utrecht.

The iSIMPATHY project for which Alpana was the PI won the Causeway award in the Health and Well-being category, by the Royal College of Surgeons, Edinburgh. In recognition of her experience, she is an Honorary Senior clinical fellow at University of Edinburgh and affiliate at the Usher Institute, and hold honorary positions at Strathclyde, Robert Gordon University and positions with Denmark are in the process of being established.

Alpana is working with new international partners across 4 EU countries and developed research applications involving colleagues in ENU for EU digital and technology funding. She has also submitted applications with colleagues in the school and also from School of applied science on environmental impact of pharmaceuticals on health and CSO application for cardiovascular research. Alpana is working with the Substance Use Research network and also Older peoples network within ENU to build up research applications. As part of her strategic leadership role, Alpana has established a multidisciplinary special interest group across the SHSC to explore the translation of research into policy and practice.

Alpana is also working with Colleagues across the EU to explore how pharmacogenomics can play a role in medication safety and improve outcomes with medicines.

External Roles, Research and Strategic Leadership

Alpana has continued to expand her Global and international collaborative work as part of the scientific committee and executive board of International Foundation of Integrated Care and also ESPACOMP and is on the international editorial board of Journal of Patient Safety and Risk, as well as a reviewer of Journal of Integrated care and Frontiers in Pharmacy. Alpana leads work for WHO on Polypharmacy and an expert adviser for WHO on patient and medication safety and worked to develop the Third Global Patient Safety Challenge, Medication without Harm. She was asked to contribute to leading a subgroup on Systems and Practice of Medication Safety. For International Foundation of Integrated Care (IFIC), she coordinates the Special Interest Group on Appropriate polypharmacy & Adherence and is EU coordinator for work on Active and Healthy Aging on polypharmacy and adherence to treatment.

Alpana has been external supervisor for PhD and Masters at Edinburgh and UCL respectively and also been asked to be an external examiner for PhD. Through her international key notes, she had been asked to teach Masters and undergraduate Students for European universities for multiprofessional teams, including Eastern European countries

Alpana has reviewed grants both international and in the UK and has also provided mentorship and support for staff developing their teaching skills and students developing professional practice in the areas of prescribing.

Professional Practice & and Research impact on Policy Development

Through her international work on SIMPATHY, iSIMPATHY , WHO and EIP AHA, Alpana established wider links across global partners including South America, America, Australia and South east Asia. She was asked to lead EU discussions to develop strategies to address improving healthy life years of the older person and also to represent DG Sante, European Commission at a WHO meeting in Japan. WHO asked her to lead a technical report as lead author on addressing polypharmacy Globally, Medication Safety in Polypharmacy and she was asked to lead on sections of the WHO Patient Safety Action Plan 2030. Alpana continues to serve as an expert adviser for WHO and has undertaken mission work to regions in the WHO working with their ministries of Health.

Alpana has been working with European and International Professional bodies to develop policy on addressing Medication Safety and the role of the wider MDT in doing this work. This includes the European Directorate for the Quality of Medicines and HealthCare, who have called for the work of iSIMPATHY and SIMPATHY to be translated across the EU. Alpana’s work on SIMPATHY and iSIMPATHY has been translated into policy across Scotland and she is working with colleagues across the UK to translate this into mainstream practice.

Alpana has a substantive role at Scottish Government where she is responsible for coordinating delivery of Governments work programme, advising Ministers on Quality, Prescribing, safety and effective use of medicines, and leading international work on medication safety with Malawi and Zambia. She is responsible for development of National Polypharmacy guidance, and quality prescribing guidelines, patient app and shared decision-making tools.

Career History
Alpana has had a portfolio career working across multiple sectors in pharmacy including academia at Sunderland, Nottingham and Aberdeen Universities. She holds a masters in Clinical pharmacy practice from Kings College London and Advanced Leadership Masters from Harvard and ENU. She has a PhD from University of Dundee Medical School and Diplomas in advanced practice in Diabetes, Substance misuse and respiratory. She qualified as an independent prescriber over 15 years ago and continues to work as a prescriber in the Homeless Practice, supporting safety and effective use of medicines for a vulnerable population. Alpana was previously the Deputy Chief Pharmaceutical Officer for Scotland.



Advisory panels and expert committees or witness

  • Expert Adviser MEDSAFE Research project, University of Copenhagen, DENMARK
  • Member of Scottish Science Group Working Group on Role of Science in Policy Making
  • Expert Adviser BEAMER EU £11.6 M Funded Project on Adherence
  • Expert Adviser for WHO Patient Safety Action Plan
  • Expert Member Royal Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain Polypharmacy position paper
  • Executive Board member, ESPACOMP, European Society of Persistence Adherence & Compliance
  • Expert Adviser to develop WHO Global Patient Safety Challenge: Medication Without Harm
  • Expert Adviser WHO Patient Safety Flagship
  • Expert member Prescribing Competencies : Royal Pharmaceutical Society Great Britain
  • European Lead for European Commission DG Sante EU Innovation Partnership Polypharmacy and Adherence Lead
  • Board Member Royal Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain


Conference Organising Activity

  • Scientific Committee member International Foundation of Integrated Care,
  • Member of WHO Scientific committee & session Chair International Conference in Patient Safety
  • Scientific committee Lead, ESPACOMP
  • Chair, Polypharmacy & Adherence SIG, International Foundation on Integrated Care


Editorial Activity

  • Editorial Board, Journal of Patient Safety and Risk Management


Fellowships and Awards

  • Honorary Senior Clinical Fellow, University of Edinburgh
  • Affiliate Usher Institute
  • Scottish Patient Safety and Quality Fellow
  • Faculty Fellow Royal Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain


Grant Reviewer

  • Review of Medication without harm Challenge grant
  • Grant Reviewer-Pharmacy Research UK funding


Invited Speaker

  • Improving Quality Prescribing: NES Education Conference
  • Key Note: Polypharmacy and Adherence: BEAMER
  • Key Note: WHO challenge and Polypharmacy : European HealthCare Alliance
  • Implementing the WHO Third Global Patient Challenge: Flagship Reports, WHO Patient Safety Collaborative
  • Addressing Polypharmacy and Medication Safety , Oman Ministry of Health
  • Person Centred Approach to Address Medication Use : EU DigiHealth Conference, Paris
  • Key Note: SIMPATHY and iSIMPATHY,Intereg France :Spain_Optimage
  • Key Note: Delivering from Policy to practice: iSIMPATHY project, PresQuiPP
  • Implementing The WHO challenge in Scotland: Policy to Practice, WHO & Imperial College London
  • Medication Safety in Low income countries: CMO Global Health Conference
  • Findings from SIMPATHY and moving to iSIMPATHY, OPTIMAGE, France
  • Addressing Medication Safety in Adversity & the COVID 19 pandemic, WHO & Imperial College Global Collaborative
  • Key Note:Polypharmacy and age related Disease: Croatian Government
  • Patient Safety : Improving polypharmacy across Europe: International Federation of Pharmacists, Hague
  • Key Note: Pharmacotherapy management systems in Scotland: University of Seville
  • Implementing Polypharmacy and Adherence programmes : IFIC, Oxford, Dublin
  • Addressing Polypharmacy by targeting High Risk medicines : International Society of Pharmacovigilance, Brazil
  • Vaccination Safety: International Federation of Pharmacists, Hague
  • Digital solutions to address person centred medicines use: Ageing Fit, Nice
  • Health and ageing in the XXI century: University Egas Moniz, Portugal
  • Key Note: Adherence and Ageing: Royal College of Physicians Edinburgh
  • WHO Flagship reports to Address Medication without Harm, WHO, Geneva
  • Pharmacovigilance, prescribing in the Elderly and Polypharmacy , WHO Asia Pacific, India
  • Management of Polypharmacy at Scale, Doha, Ministry of Health/ School of Pharmacy Qatar
  • Not another pill : Institute of Healthcare Improvement, Boston, USA
  • Outcomes of the A1 Action Group: Conference of Partners, European Commission, Brussels ,
  • Integrated Care and Polypharmacy Management, School of Public Health ,University of Lisbon
  • Patient Safety and Appropriate Polypharmacy; International Federation of Pharmacists, Hague
  • WHO Global Medication Safety Challenge; WHO Uppsala and WHO Asia Pacific, Mysore, India
  • Key note speaker: Findings from SIMPATHY: ESPACOMP conference, Dublin
  • Polypharmacy and Pharmacovigilance: WHO Uppsala Monitoring Centre
  • Key Note: Scottish Polypharmacy guidance and SIMPATHY, Association of UK Pharmacy Hospitals Edinburgh
  • Drug Development and Appropriate Polypharmacy; Association of Pharmaceutical Sciences ,International Federation of Pharmacists, Glasgow
  • Findings from SIMPATHY: European Geriatric Medicines Society, Berlin
  • Scottish Polypharmacy Guidance : UK Medicines Information
  • Key note: Policy, Polypharmacy and Adherence, ESPACOMP, Budapest
  • WHO Ministerial Launch of Global Patient Safety Challenge: Medication, Bonn without Harm
  • SIMPATHY implementation ; European Clinical Pharmacists Society, Heidelberg
  • Aging Pharmacists Role: International Federation of Pharmacists, Seoul, South Korea
  • Implementing SIMPATHY findings in Portugal, Ministerial meeting, University of Lisbon
  • SIMPATHY project, CHAFEA, Odense, Denmark
  • Polypharmacy and pharmacists role: International Federation Pharmacist, Seoul, South Korea
  • Sustainable Implementation Of Polypharmacy Reviews : IFIC, Dublin
  • Polypharmacy as a Flagship project: WHO Eastern Mediterranean Ministerial Launch, Oman
  • SIMPATHY : European Geriatrics Medicines Group, Lisbon
  • Polypharmacy as a Patient Safety issue:, WHO Patient Safety Conference, Florence, Italy
  • Inappropriate polypharmacy, Adherence & SIMPATHY, ESPACOM, Lisbon
  • Undertaking Polypharmacy and SIMPATHY, European Clinical Pharmacists Society, Oslo
  • Change Management & Polypharmacy, Health Economics and Policy, Athens, 2016
  • SIMPATHY: International Foundation of Integrated Care, Barcelona
  • A1 Action Group achievements: SIMPATHY, European Commission Conference of Partners, Brussels
  • Scottish Model of implementing Polypharmacy: International Society of Social Pharmacy ,Aberdeen, 2016
  • Pharmacist role in Pharmacovigilance, MHRA
  • Pharmacists Role and polypharmacy, European Commission, Brussels
  • Inappropriate Polypharmacy and Adherence, WHO, Japan.
  • Raising the professional bar and Polypharmacy, RPSGB Annual conference,, Birmingham, 2014
  • Management of Polypharmacy, UKMI, Birmingham
  • Prescription for Excellence , Scottish Prescribing Advisers Association Stirling, 2014
  • Prescription for Excellence, European Commission , Brussels
  • Dangers of Polypharmacy ,University of Naples


Membership of Professional Body

  • Royal Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain


Public/Community Engagement

  • iSIMPATHY ministerial Launch
  • SIMPATHY Ministerial Launch



  • Editorial Team & Reviewer International Journal of Integrated Care
  • Editorial Board & Reviewer Journal of Patient Safety and Risk Management
  • Reviewer :Journal of Patient Safety


Visiting Positions

  • Senior Lecturer , School of Pharmacy, Robert Gordon University, Aberdeen
  • Pharmacy, University of Strathclyde



46 results

Quality Prescribing Strategy for Respiratory: A Guide for Improvement 2024-2027

Anderson, D., Fardon, T., Mair, A., Korsah, P., Smith, G., Strath, A., McMahon, A., & Leitch, J. (2024)
Quality Prescribing Strategy for Respiratory: A Guide for Improvement 2024-2027

Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus - quality prescribing strategy: improvement guide 2024 to 2027

Mair, A., Kennon, B., Chalmers, J., Smith, G., Strath, A., McMahon, A., & Leitch, J. (2024)
Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus - quality prescribing strategy: improvement guide 2024 to 2027. Scottish Government
This quality prescribing guide is intended to support clinicians across the multidisciplinary team and people with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus (T2DM) in shared decision-making an...

Gaps in patient safety: Areas that need our attention

Journal Article
Wu, A. W., Vincent, C., Øvretveit, J., Mair, A., Buckle, P., Garcia Elorrio, E., Bellandi, T., Letaief, M., Ushiro, S., & Koizumi, S. (2023)
Gaps in patient safety: Areas that need our attention. Journal of Patient Safety and Risk Management, 28(6), 246-252.

Proceedings of the International Ambulatory Drug Safety Symposium: Munich, Germany, June 2023

Journal Article
Alexander, G. C., Budnitz, D., Hughes, C., Maas, R., Mair, A., McDonald, E. G., Meid, A. D., Payne, R., Seidling, H. M., Shakir, S., Suissa, S., Tannenbaum, C., Schneeweiss, S., & Dreischulte, T. (2024)
Proceedings of the International Ambulatory Drug Safety Symposium: Munich, Germany, June 2023. Drug Safety, 47(1), 103-111.
Meeting report.

Optimizing polypharmacy management in the elderly: a comprehensive European benchmarking survey and the development of an innovative online benchmarking application

Journal Article
Kardas, P., Mair, A., Stewart, D., & Lewek, P. (2023)
Optimizing polypharmacy management in the elderly: a comprehensive European benchmarking survey and the development of an innovative online benchmarking application. Frontiers in Pharmacology, 14, Article 1254912.
Background: Polypharmacy, defined as the simultaneous use of multiple medications by a patient, is a worldwide problem of rising prevalence. Paving the way for drug interactio...

Optimizing pharmacotherapy and deprescribing strategies in older adults living with multimorbidity and polypharmacy: EuGMS SIG on pharmacology position paper

Journal Article
van Poelgeest, E., Seppala, L., Bahat, G., Ilhan, B., Mair, A., van Marum, R., …van der Velde, N. (2023)
Optimizing pharmacotherapy and deprescribing strategies in older adults living with multimorbidity and polypharmacy: EuGMS SIG on pharmacology position paper. European Geriatric Medicine, 14(6), 1195-1209.
Key summary points: Aim: To summarize the literature on medication review and deprescribing in older adults, and formulate recommendations to improve prescribing medications i...

iSIMPATHY Evaluation Report

Mair, A., Kirke, C., Scott, M., Michael, N., Kanan, Y., Law, S., Scullin, C., Fleming, G., Hyder Skinner, N., & Kyle, D. (2023)
iSIMPATHY Evaluation Report

Recommendations for wider adoption of clinical pharmacy in Central and Eastern Europe in order to optimise pharmacotherapy and improve patient outcomes

Journal Article
Urbańczyk, K., Guntschnig, S., Antoniadis, V., Falamic, S., Kovacevic, T., Kurczewska-Michalak, M., …Kardas, P. (2023)
Recommendations for wider adoption of clinical pharmacy in Central and Eastern Europe in order to optimise pharmacotherapy and improve patient outcomes. Frontiers in Pharmacology, 14, Article 1244151.
Clinical pharmacy as an area of practice, education and research started developing around the 1960s when pharmacists across the globe gradually identified the need to focus m...

Evidence of the Impact of Interventions to Decrease Polypharmacy

Book Chapter
Mair, A. (2023)
Evidence of the Impact of Interventions to Decrease Polypharmacy. In Encyclopaedia of Evidence in Pharmaceutical Public Health and Health Services Research in Pharmacy. Springer.
As many as 50% of all patients with long-term conditions are using their medicines in a way that is not fully effective. This results in suboptimal treatment of their conditio...

Polypharmacy and Integrated Care

Book Chapter
Mair, A., & Alonso, A. (2021)
Polypharmacy and Integrated Care. In V. Amelung, V. Stein, E. Suter, N. Goodwin, E. Nolte, & R. Balicer (Eds.), Handbook Integrated Care (453-477). Cham: Springer.
Safe and effective pharmacological treatment remains one of the greatest challenges in medicine, where models of healthcare delivery lag behind the enormous growth in single d...

Pre-Napier Funded Projects

  • Pharmacist Street Outreach for Homeless people
  • Lead for EU funded Joint Action on Frailty subgroup: polypharmacy
  • Chief Investigator/ Project coordinator CHAFEA: SIMPATHY Public Health Funded project

Current Post Grad projects

Non-Napier PhD or MSc by Research supervisions

  • Polypharmacy
  • Impact of a National Formulary