Paul Hutton
Paul Hutton

Prof Paul Hutton



Paul is Professor of Mental Health in the School of Health and Social Care and Associate Director of the Edinburgh Research and Innovation Centre for Complex mental health problems (ERICCA), an NHS Lothian and Edinburgh Napier University research centre.

From 2016 to 2018, he was School Lead for Postgraduate Research, where he led a number of successful initiatives to improve PGR student experience, including the launch of the School's Clinical Academic Research Leader (CARL) training programme in 2017. From 2018 to 2020 he was School Deputy Director of Research, and from 2019 to 2021 he was University Lead for REF2021 Unit of Assessment 3.

Paul completed degrees in psychology at the University of Glasgow and clinical psychology at the University of Manchester. He has worked clinically within the NHS for a number of years, including most recently as Principal Research Clinical Psychologist in GMW NHS Trust’s Psychosis Research Unit. Before joining Edinburgh Napier University in 2016, Paul was a Chancellor’s Fellow in Clinical Psychology at the University of Edinburgh.

Paul's research interests are focused on understanding the causes of psychotic symptoms, understanding impaired decision-making capacity in the context of psychosis, and developing effective interventions to reduce psychotic symptoms and improve decision-making capacity in people who have these experiences. Paul has been a collaborator on a number of clinical trials of psychological interventions for psychosis and has published a number of articles on various aspects of psychosis. From 2011 to 2014 he was part of the team that completed the first trial of cognitive therapy for people with psychosis who are not taking antipsychotic medication. More recently he worked with Dr David Turner and colleagues to complete the first randomised controlled trial of a psychological intervention to improve treatment decision-making capacity in psychosis and, with Dr Philip Murphy and colleagues, the first study of the effects of collaborative psychological assessment and formulation of impaired capacity in people with psychosis. He is Chief Investigator on a Chief Scientist Office-funded Umbrella trial, where the effect of these and other interventions on capacity is being examined in parallel randomised controlled trials.

Paul was a member of the expert committee which developed the 2018 National Institute for Health & Care Excellence (NICE) guideline on supporting decision-making for people who may lack mental capacity, and was a member of the expert committee for a new NICE guideline on shared decision-making in health and social care. He also leads the 'Adults with Incapacity: The Assessment of Capacity for Health Care Professionals' module, which provides training and certification to health care practitioners who need to issue Section 47 certificates under the Adults with Incapacity (Scotland) Act 2000.

He currently supervises 3 PhD students, and has supervised 27 postgraduate research projects to successful completion, including 14 Doctoral and 13 Master's theses. Graduates in psychology, law or other relevant disciplines (nursing, medicine, philosophy, social work) who are interested in pursuing a PhD in the area of psychosis and autonomy (including decision-making capacity) are welcome to contact Paul to discuss possible opportunities.



Advisory panels and expert committees or witness

  • Associate Director, Centre for Mental Health & Capacity Law (2019-present)
  • Member, Guideline Development Group. Shared Decision Making; GID-NG10120. National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (2019-present)
  • Expert Adviser, National Institute for Health & Care Excellence (NICE), Centre for Guidelines
  • Member, Scottish Advisory Group, Nuffield Foundation Tribunal project (2017-present)
  • Associate Director, Edinburgh Research & Innovation Centre for Complex and Acute mental health problems (ERICCA) (2017-present)
  • Member, Expert Advisory Group, Centre for Mental Health and Capacity Law, Edinburgh Napier University (2017-present)
  • Member, Trial Steering Group, NIHR-funded trial of MoL for psychosis, GMW NHS Trust (2016-present)
  • Member, Guideline Development Group. Decision-Making and Mental Capacity; GID-NG10009. National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (2016-2018)


Conference Organising Activity

  • Understanding and supporting treatment decision-making capacity in psychosis: An overview of Edinburgh-led research. 36th International Congress of Law and Mental Health, Rome, July 2019
  • Understanding and supporting treatment decision-making capacity in psychosis: An overview of Edinburgh-led research. Mental Disability Law Conference, Nottingham, June, 2018
  • Cognitive behavioural therapy for psychosis: Systematic review and meta-analysis of efficacy, safety and clinically significant change. 19th Annual International CBT for Psychosis Conference (‘Beckfest’), University of Oxford, UK, May 2018.
  • Supporting capacity amongst people with psychosis. Royal College of Psychiatrists International Congress, June, 2017.
  • Understanding and improving treatment decision-making capacity in psychosis: an overview of current and planned research in Edinburgh. Neuroscience Day, March 2015.
  • Cognitive therapy for psychosis prevention: Systematic review and meta-analysis. Royal College of Psychiatry North-West Division Annual Conference, Manchester, October 2012.
  • Cognitive therapy for people with a schizophrenia spectrum diagnosis not taking antipsychotic medication: Results from an open trial. Psychosis Conference, Greater Manchester West Mental Health NHS Foundation Trust, UK, June 2011.
  • Cognitive therapy for people with psychosis not taking antipsychotic medication: A case study. 11th Annual International CBT for Psychosis Conference (‘Beckfest’), University of Edinburgh, UK, May 2010


External Examining/Validations

  • External Examiner for PhD, University of Manchester, Sept 2019


Fellowships and Awards

  • Nominated for Best Personal Tutor Award (2016 & 2017 Edinburgh University Student Association Teaching Awards; 6 students)
  • Nominated for Best Research / Dissertation Supervisor Award (2016 & 2017 Edinburgh University Student Association Teaching Awards; 4 students)


Grant Reviewer

  • National Institute for Health Research (NIHR): Health Technology Assessment Programme, 2018
  • Swiss National Science Foundation, 2018
  • National Institute for Mental Health (NIHR): Health Services and Delivery Research Programme, 2018
  • National Institute for Mental Health (NIHR): Efficacy and Mechanism Evaluation Programme, 2017
  • National Institute for Mental Health (NIHR): Research for Patient Benefit Programme, 2016


Invited Speaker

  • Assessing and supporting treatment decision-making capacity in Scotland. West of Scotland Advanced Practice Academy, Glasgow, Sept 2019
  • Understanding and supporting treatment decision-making capacity in psychosis: An overview of Edinburgh-led research. Mental Health & Justice Neuroscience Symposium, Kings College London, Sept 2019.
  • Recent advances in supporting treatment decision-making capacity and autonomy in psychosis: An overview of Edinburgh-led research. East of Scotland PG Cert Advanced Professional Studies (Mental Health Officer Award), University of Edinburgh, May, 2018.
  • Understanding impaired decision-making capacity in the context of psychosis. Psychological Perspectives on Working with the "Hard to Reach" in Psychosis. British Psychological Society Psychosis Special Interest Group, March 2017.
  • Autonomy, mental disorder and compassionate care. National Student Psychiatry Conference, February 2016.
  • Understanding and supporting the autonomy of people with severe mental illness: Recent developments in Scotland. Law Reform Scoping Exercise - Mental Welfare Commission. Edinburgh Napier University, December 2016.
  • Psychological interventions for psychosis: empirical status and methodological issues in outcome studies. State Hospital, March 2016.
  • New Directions in Mental Health: A contribution from a clinical psychologist. New Directions in Mental Health (Wellcome-funded public event). University of Edinburgh, June 2016.
  • Psychological interventions for psychosis: empirical status and methodological issues in outcome studies. Royal College of Psychiatrists Learning Disability Section, May 2016.
  • Psychological interventions for psychosis: empirical status and methodological issues in outcome studies. Division of Psychiatry Special Lecture Series, Royal Edinburgh Hospital, October 2015.
  • Supporting treatment decision-making in psychosis: an overview of current and planned research in Edinburgh. Supported Decision-Making Seminar. Centre for Mental Health and Incapacity Law, Rights and Policy, Edinburgh Napier University. November 2014.
  • Antipsychotic drugs for schizophrenia: A review and series of exploratory meta-analyses. 13th Annual International CBT for Psychosis Conference (‘Beckfest’), University of Liverpool, UK, April 2012.
  • Cognitive therapy for psychosis prevention: Systematic review and meta-analysis. 22nd Annual Research and Evaluation Study day, Saint John of God Hospitaller Services, Dublin, Ireland, September 2012.
  • What do Cochrane reviews say about the effectiveness of popular second-generation antipsychotics compared to placebo in treating schizophrenia? ‘Giving Psychosis A Voice’ Conference, Suffolk Mental Health Partnership NHS Trust, July 2010.



  • International Journal of Law and Psychiatry
  • Eye - Nature
  • European Archives of Psychiatry and Clinical Neuroscience
  • Early Intervention in Psychiatry
  • Psychosis: Psychological, Social and Integrative Approaches
  • Psychology and Psychotherapy: Theory, Research and Practice
  • Crisis: The Journal of Crisis Intervention and Suicide Prevention
  • Behavioural and Cognitive Psychotherapy
  • Journal of Cognitive Psychotherapy
  • British Journal of Psychiatry
  • Psychological Medicine
  • Journal of Clinical Psychiatry
  • British Journal of Clinical Psychology
  • Schizophrenia Bulletin
  • Behaviour Research and Therapy
  • Journal of Behavior Therapy and Experimental Psychiatry
  • International Journal of Mental Health and Capacity Law
  • Psychopathology Review



54 results

Discerning the adverse effects of psychological therapy: consensus between experts by experience and therapists

Journal Article
McGlanaghy, E., Jackson, J., Morris, P., Prentice, W., Dougall, N., & Hutton, P. (2022)
Discerning the adverse effects of psychological therapy: consensus between experts by experience and therapists. Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy, 29(2), 579-589.
Measurement of adverse effects of psychological therapy is inconsistent due to ambiguity about the concept. The perspective of people undertaking psychological therapy (that i...

A network meta-analysis of psychological interventions for schizophrenia and psychosis: impact on symptoms

Journal Article
Mc Glanaghy, E., Turner, D., Davis, G. A., Sharpe, H., Dougall, N., Morris, P., …Hutton, P. (2021)
A network meta-analysis of psychological interventions for schizophrenia and psychosis: impact on symptoms. Schizophrenia Research, 228,
Background: Evidence for the effectiveness of psychological interventions for schizophrenia/psychosis is growing, however there is no consensus on the psychological interventi...

Psychological interventions for ICD-11 Complex PTSD symptoms: Systematic review and meta-analysis

Journal Article
Karatzias, T., Murphy, P., Cloitre, M., Bisson, J., Roberts, N., Shevlin, M., …Hutton, P. (2019)
Psychological interventions for ICD-11 Complex PTSD symptoms: Systematic review and meta-analysis. Psychological Medicine, 49(11), 1761-1775.
Background: The 11th revision to the WHO International Classification of Diseases (ICD-11) identified Complex Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (CPTSD) as a new condition. There i...

Cognitive behavioural therapy for clozapine-resistant schizophrenia: the FOCUS RCT

Journal Article
Morrison, A. P., Pyle, M., Gumley, A., Schwannauer, M., Turkington, D., MacLennan, G., …Kingdon, D. (2019)
Cognitive behavioural therapy for clozapine-resistant schizophrenia: the FOCUS RCT. Health Technology Assessment, 23(7), 1-144.
Background: Clozapine (clozaril, Mylan Products Ltd) is a first-choice treatment for people withschizophrenia who have a poor response to standard antipsychotic medication. Ho...

A feasibility study of a cross-diagnostic, CBT-based psychological intervention for acute mental health inpatients: Results, challenges, and methodological implications

Journal Article
Paterson, C., Karatzias, T., Harper, S., Dougall, N., Dickson, A., & Hutton, P. (2019)
A feasibility study of a cross-diagnostic, CBT-based psychological intervention for acute mental health inpatients: Results, challenges, and methodological implications. British Journal of Clinical Psychology, 58(2), 211-230.
Objectives Acute psychiatric inpatient wards are characterised by minimal provision of therapeutic activities and high readmission rates. Implementation of a comprehensive inp...

Suicidal ideation in people with psychosis not taking antipsychotic medication: Do negative appraisals and negative metacognitive beliefs mediate the effect of symptoms?

Journal Article
Hutton, P., Di Rienzo, F., Turkington, D., Spencer, H., & Taylor, P. (2019)
Suicidal ideation in people with psychosis not taking antipsychotic medication: Do negative appraisals and negative metacognitive beliefs mediate the effect of symptoms?. Schizophrenia Bulletin, 45(1), 37-47.
Between 5 and 10 percent of people with psychosis will die by suicide, a rate which is 20 to 75 times higher than the general population. This risk is even greater in those no...

The paranoia as defence model of persecutory delusions: a systematic review and meta-analysis

Journal Article
Murphy, P., Bentall, R. P., Freeman, D., O'Rourke, S., & Hutton, P. (2018)
The paranoia as defence model of persecutory delusions: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Lancet Psychiatry, 5(11), 913-929.
Background An influential psychological model of persecutory delusions proposed they are caused by a bias towards holding others responsible for negative events, which serves ...

The effect of reducing the 'jumping to conclusions' bias on treatment decision-making capacity in psychosis: A randomised controlled trial with mediation analysis

Journal Article
Turner, D. T., MacBeth, A., Larkin, A., Moritz, S., Livingstone, K., Campbell, A., & Hutton, P. (2019)
The effect of reducing the 'jumping to conclusions' bias on treatment decision-making capacity in psychosis: A randomised controlled trial with mediation analysis. Schizophrenia Bulletin, 45(4), 784-793.
Background Evidence-based psychological interventions to support treatment decision-making capacity (‘capacity’) in psychosis do not currently exist. This study sought to esta...

Decision-making ability in psychosis: a systematic review and meta-analysis of the magnitude, specificity and correlates of impaired performance on the Iowa and Cambridge Gambling Tasks

Journal Article
Woodrow, A., Sparks, S., Bobrovskaia, V., Paterson, C., Murphy, P., & Hutton, P. (2019)
Decision-making ability in psychosis: a systematic review and meta-analysis of the magnitude, specificity and correlates of impaired performance on the Iowa and Cambridge Gambling Tasks. Psychological Medicine, 49(1), 32-48.
To identify factors which may help or hinder decision-making ability in people with psychosis, we did a systematic review and meta-analysis of their performance on the Iowa an...

A systematic review and meta-analysis of group treatments for adults with symptoms associated with complex post-traumatic stress disorder

Journal Article
Mahoney, A., Karatzias, T., & Hutton, P. (2018)
A systematic review and meta-analysis of group treatments for adults with symptoms associated with complex post-traumatic stress disorder. Journal of Affective Disorders, doi:10.1016/j.jad.2018.09.059
Background: No previous meta-analyses have specifically investigated the effectiveness of psychological group therapy for symptoms associated with complex interpersonal trauma...

Current Post Grad projects

Previous Post Grad projects

Non-Napier PhD or MSc by Research supervisions

  • Supervision of Doctoral thesis - Dr Edel Mc Glanaghy
  • Supervision of Doctoral thesis - Dr David Carmichael
  • Supervision of Doctoral thesis - Dr David Turner
  • Supervision of Doctoral thesis - Dr Philip Murphy
  • Supervision of Doctoral thesis - Dr Amanda Larkin
  • Supervision of Doctoral thesis - Dr Beata Michalska
  • Supervision of Doctoral thesis - Dr Natalie Bordon
  • Supervision of Doctoral thesis - Dr Shonagh Reid
  • Supervision of Doctoral thesis - Dr Helen Bratton
  • Supervision of Doctoral thesis - Dr Margerita Panayiotou
  • Supervision of Doctoral thesis - Dr Diana Stovell