Social Events

Visiting Edinburgh for the conference provides a good opportunity to take in some of the city. The Royal Edinburgh Military Tattoo and The Fringe Festival will be ongoing in Edinburgh while the conference is happening. Why not spend sometime visiting the city and discover its vibrant nature during the festival period or take a tour to learn more of Edinburgh’s great history.

The Royal Edinburgh Military Tattoo

The Royal Edinburgh Military Tattoo is an unrivalled experience, this annual event unites some of the best of the British Military with international dance, music and more. This iconic show takes place against the backdrop of Edinburgh Castle. There are almost 1,000 performers throughout the duration of the show. The Tattoo has great history with its beginning over 70 years ago, starting with small shows in Princess Street Gardens and The Castle Esplanade.

The new Lord Provost of Edinburgh then invited the General Officer Commanding the Army to produce a military show called the Edinburgh Tattoo to coincide with the Edinburgh International Festival. These shows quickly grew in popularity to the international show that we have today which is viewed live by over 220,000 people each year.

Fringe Festival

Edinburgh’s famous Fringe Festival takes place for three weeks in August (2nd - 26th), so you may be lucky enough to catch some of it!
The city of Edinburgh becomes home to an extravagant array of creative arts from all around the world. All variety of Artists and performers that you can think of will take to hundreds of stages all over the city, entertaining the public with shows for everyone. Venues pop up all over Edinburgh and can be anything, from existing theatres to new spaces adapted for the Fringe like bars, parks, tents and even shipping containers! During the time of The Fringe, the streets of Edinburgh are full of colour, excitement and vibrancy, the city is brought to life and reimagined during the festival.

Take a Tour

Why not take a tour of Scotland starting in Edinburgh. We have partnered up with Edinburgh Tour Guides. The company specialise in private bespoke tours for
families/small groups to show you exactly what you want to see with your valuable time here in Scotland. Have a look at some of their sample tours which can be pre-booked such as Culloden battlefield, hearing both sides of the story and infamous last battle on main-land Scotland and then get to walk the battlefield. Or stay local with an Edinburgh walking tour discovering all of the cities hidden secrets.