Call for Papers

We invite original research and in-depth conceptual papers on the conference theme, ‘Identity, Purpose and Belonging: The First Scottish International Conference on Armed Forces in Society’ as well as research in the areas of, including but not limited to:

  • Armed Forces and Veterans’ Mental Health & Wellbeing
  • Veteran Housing
  • Transitioning from the Transition
  • Service Children
  • Service Families
  • Service and Supporting Charities
  • Elderly Veterans
  • Military, Veterans and Military Families’ Education (HW/FE/Schools)
  • Post-Military and Veteran Employment
  • Cyber Security
  • Military History
  • The Role of Military Reservists in Society
  • Urban & Rural Considerations for Military Veterans and their Families
  • Female Veterans
  • Veterans in Prison
  • LGBTQ+ within the Military and Veteran Communities
  • The impact of Devolution on Armed Forces Support
  • Military Art
  • Public Engagement
  • Military Sociology
  • Critical Military Studies

On the 22 August, devoted to Military Histories, there is an opportunity for a panel addressing veteran identities or regimental identities from the 19th century onwards. If you are interested, please could you submit a panel proposal which includes three presenters speaking for 20 minutes each and a chair. Please provide a Title and Abstract for each paper (abstracts of up to 250 words) and a brief summary CV of each participant.

On the 23 August, devoted to Arts and the Armed Forces, there is an opportunity for panels addressing:

  • Arts for Veterans
  • Military Art for Strategic Engagement
  • Art as a tool to maintain or create Regimental Identities
  • Military Sociology
  • Critical Military Studies 

On the 23 August, devoted to cultural representations (literature, film, television, art, etc) of modern conflict (c.1800 to the present), individual paper or panel proposals are welcomed. If you are interested, please provide a title and abstract (up to 250 words) for each participant.  If you are submitting a panel proposal, please include a brief explanation (150 words) of the rationale for the panel.  You should also include a brief summary CV of each participant. 

Key Dates

  • Submissions: NOW OPEN
  • Submissions deadline: 30 June 2024
  • Announcement of decision: 30 June 2024

Submissions of revised paper summary: 15 July 2024

Submit your abstract to

Submission Guidelines

Authors wishing to present a competitive paper are invited to submit an extended abstract by 6 May 2024. Submissions are now open.

All papers will be double-blind reviewed, so authors should not be identified within the text. If the paper is accepted for the conference, the authors will have the opportunity to revise their paper based on reviewer feedback.

The extended abstract should be between 1,400–1,700 words and should follow the following structure:

  • Title, and Keywords (3–5)
  • Purpose
  • Methodology/Approach
  • Findings
  • Theoretical Implications
  • Practical Implications (if applicable)
  • Originality/Value
  • List of references

A summary of research (250 words) will also be requested during the submission. If the extended abstract is accepted for a presentation at the conference, this summary will be published in the conference proceeding. If your submission is a working paper, please indicate this in the relevant section (e.g., Findings) and provide as much detail/discussion as possible for the other sections.

Please respect the following formatting details:

  • File Naming: The files must contain the last name of the submitting author, the abstract’s title (up to first five words), and the date of submission.
    • Example: Author_document_title_day_month_year.
  • Margins: Normal.
  • Font Type & Size: Arial, 12 pt.
  • Line-spacing: 1.5.
  • File Format: MS Word (i.e. .doc, .docx) or PDF.
  • References: Please follow APA system.

For further information about the conference please contact: