Thanos Karatzias
Thanos Karatzias

Prof Thanos Karatzias



Professor Karatzias, is a Professor of Mental Health at Edinburgh Napier University, UK and a Clinical & Health Psychologist at the Rivers Centre for Traumatic Stress, Edinburgh, UK. He is the Director of Research at Edinburgh Napier University. He is a former Chair of the British Psychological Society Scotland Working Party for Adult Survivors of Sexual Abuse (BPSSS) and is a current member of the Committee of the British Psychological Society (BPS) Crisis, Disaster & Trauma Section and UK Psychological Trauma Society (UKPTS). He has spent his entire clinical and academic career working in the field of psychological trauma. In collaboration with national and international research partners he has developed a special interest in the effects and treatment of psychological trauma on physical and mental health; on prison populations; and on people with learning disabilities. He has published widely in these areas.


Research Areas


Advisory panels and expert committees or witness

  • Committee Member - Chief Scientist Office Health Improvement, Protection and Services Research Committee
  • Board Member - Research Grants Council, Hong Kong Standing Review Board
  • Board Member - British Psychological Society (BPS) Research Board
  • Board Member - UK Posttraumatic Stress Society (UKPTS)
  • Committee Member - BPS Crisis, Disaster & Trauma Section
  • Changing Faces Scotland Advisory Board
  • Committee Member - BPS Scotland


Conference Organising Activity

  • Keynote and Conference Chair - UKPTS Annual Conference. Edinburgh, Scotland.
  • Keynote: St. Andrews Health Care Conference - The Introduction CPTSD as a New Diagnosis in ICD-11
  • PTSD & complex PTSD: ICD -11 updates on concept and measurement
  • PTSD and CPTSD Using the Newly Developed ICD-TQ
  • Classification, Assessment and Treatment of PTSD and CPTSD
  • The Impact of Interpersonal Trauma on Health & Wellbeing. United Nations, N 16 Days of Activism against Gender-based Violence
  • Treating Traumatic Stress and PTSD in People with LDs
  • Evidence of distinct profiles on PTSD and Complex PTSD
  • Childhood Sexual Abuse Across The Lifespan.
  • Psychological trauma and criminal behaviour
  • Phenomenology and Treatment of Traumatic Stress in People with Intellectual Disabilities: Preliminary Results from a Randomised Controlled Trial on the effectiveness of EMDR for DSM 5 PTSD
  • Effectiveness & Acceptability of Group Psychological Interventions for Interpersonal Trauma.
  • Symptom profiles of people attending a trauma service: Is there evidence that PTSD and complex PTSD are two distinct disorders
  • Disruptive, Optimistic, Progressive and Entrepreneurial: Is Survive and Thrive D.O.P.E.?
  • Keynote: Psychological trauma: Treatment & trauma informed care
  • Keynote: Child Sexual Abuse: Impact & Recovery
  • Keynote: Male Survivors Conference: Health & Well-being


Editorial Activity

  • Journal of Military, Veteran and Family Health


External Examining/Validations

  • MSc Psychological Trauma - External Examiner
  • MSc Cognitive Behavioural Psychotherapy - External Examiner
  • Doctoral Programme in Clinical Psychology - External Examiner


Grant Reviewer

  • Grant reviewer for MRC
  • Grant reviewer for Carnegie Trust
  • Member of Russian Science Foundation (RSF) College Of Experts
  • Member of Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) Peer Review College
  • Grant reviewer for Health Technology Assessment (HTA) – Clinical Evaluation and Trials (NIHR)
  • Grant reviewer for National Institute for Health Research (NIHR)


Invited Speaker

  • UKPTS Annual Conference. Edinburgh, Scotland
  • Psychological Trauma: Impact and Treatment
  • Child sexual abuse impact and interventions: A critical review of the existing evidence


Media Activity

  • Glasgow Sunday Herald
  • Herald Scotland (web).
  • Irish Independent (web).
  • CBC News Radio
  • The Sun (Scotland)
  • The Sun (Eire).


Membership of Professional Body

  • Chartered Clinical Psychologist
  • Member of the Health Professions Council
  • Associate Fellow of the British Psychological Society
  • Chartered Scientist (CSci), Science Council
  • Fellow of the Higher Education Academy
  • Chartered Health Psychologist, British Psychological Society
  • Graduate Member, British Psychological Association



  • Journal of Affective Disorders
  • Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica
  • Journal of Anxiety Disorders
  • British Journal of Psychiatry
  • Journal of Traumatic Stress
  • Epidemiology and Psychiatric Sciences
  • European Journal of Psychotraumatology
  • International Journal of Forensic Mental Health
  • Children and Youth Services Review
  • Stress & Health
  • Psychological Trauma: Theory, Research, Practice & Policy
  • Journal of Nervous & Mental Disease
  • Psychology, Health & Medicine
  • Journal of Anxiety Disorders
  • Journal of Intellectual Disabilities
  • Journal of Psychosomatic Obstetrics and Gynaecology
  • Traumatology
  • Behaviour Research & Therapy
  • Women’s Studies International Forum
  • Journal of Behaviour Therapy & Experimental Psychiatry
  • Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease
  • Psychiatria Danubina
  • European Review of Applied Psychology
  • Child Abuse & Neglect
  • British Journal of Guidance & Counselling
  • Journal of Child Psychology & Psychiatry
  • British Journal of General Practice
  • Journal of Happiness Studies
  • Psychiatry Research
  • British Journal of Health Psychology
  • Psychology and Psychotherapy; Theory, Research and Practice
  • Quality of Life Research
  • Aggressive Behaviour


Visiting Positions

  • Visiting Professor in Mental Health



226 results

Group psychotherapy for female adult survivors of interpersonal psychological trauma: a preliminary study in Scotland

Journal Article
Karatzias, T., Ferguson, S., Gullone, A., & Cosgrove, K. (2016)
Group psychotherapy for female adult survivors of interpersonal psychological trauma: a preliminary study in Scotland. Journal of Mental Health, 25(6), 512-519.
Background: There is limited evidence on manualised group interventions that facilitate the development of trauma recovery skills, affect regulation and meaning making for sur...

The experiences of family carers in the delivery of invasive clinical interventions for young people with complex intellectual disabilities: policy disconnect or policy opportunity?

Journal Article
Brown, M., Hoyle, L., & Karatzias, T. (2016)
The experiences of family carers in the delivery of invasive clinical interventions for young people with complex intellectual disabilities: policy disconnect or policy opportunity?. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 25(3-4), 534-542.
Aims and objectives To explore the experiences of family carers in the delivery of invasive clinical interventions within community settings. Background Many young people with...

Multi-dimensional self-esteem and magnitude of change in the treatment of anorexia nervosa.

Journal Article
Collin, P., Karatzias, T., Power, K., Howard, R., Grierson, D., & Yellowlees, A. (2016)
Multi-dimensional self-esteem and magnitude of change in the treatment of anorexia nervosa. Psychiatry Research, 237, 175-181.
Self-esteem improvement is one of the main targets of inpatient eating disorder programmes. The present study sought to examine multi-dimensional self-esteem and magnitude of ...

Intellectual disabilities among prisoners: prevalence and mental and physical health comorbidities.

Journal Article
Hellenbach, M., Karatzias, T., & Brown, M. (2017)
Intellectual disabilities among prisoners: prevalence and mental and physical health comorbidities. Journal of Applied Research in Intellectual Disabilities, 30(2), 230-241.
Background Limited evidence suggests that people with ID (ID) are overrepresented in prisons although prevalence rates of ID among prisoners vary significantly across studie...

Diabetes in People with Intellectual Disabilities: A Systematic Review of the Literature.

Journal Article
MacRae, S., Brown, M., Karatzias, T., Taggart, L., Truesdale-Kennedy, M., Walley, R., …Davies, M. (2015)
Diabetes in People with Intellectual Disabilities: A Systematic Review of the Literature. Research in Developmental Disabilities, 47, 352-374.
Objective To present an analysis of the evidence related to the prevalence of diabetes in people with intellectual disabilities (ID), their experiences of their condition and...

Psychological interventions for women with intellectual disabilities and forensic care needs: a systematic review of the literature

Journal Article
Hellenbach, M., Brown, M., Karatzias, T., & Robinson, R. (2015)
Psychological interventions for women with intellectual disabilities and forensic care needs: a systematic review of the literature. Journal of Intellectual Disability Research, 59, 319-331.
Objective Research evidence to date concerning offending by people with intellectual disabilities (ID) has concentrated on male perpetrators and little is known about their f...

A study protocol for a pilot randomised trial of a structured education programme for the self-management of Type 2 diabetes for adults with intellectual disabilities

Journal Article
Taggart, L., Coates, V., Clarke, M., Bunting, B., Davies, M., Carey, M., …Karatzias, T. (2015)
A study protocol for a pilot randomised trial of a structured education programme for the self-management of Type 2 diabetes for adults with intellectual disabilities. Trials, 16, 148.
Background: The need for structured education programmes for type 2 diabetes is a high priority for many governments around the world. One such national education programme in...

Adverse life events and health: A population study in Hong Kong

Journal Article
Karatzias, T., Yan, E., & Jowett, S. (2015)
Adverse life events and health: A population study in Hong Kong. Journal of Psychosomatic Research, 78(2), 173-177.
Objective: Although the effects of adverse life events on mental health have been well documented in the literature, there has never been a population based study that investi...


Book Chapter
Taggart, L., Brown, M., & Karatzias, T. (2014)
Diabetes. In L. Taggart, & W. Cousins (Eds.), Health Promotion for People with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities (69-76). Open University Press

Effectiveness and Acceptability of Group Psychoeducation for the Management of Mental Health Problems in Survivors of Child Sexual Abuse (CSA).

Journal Article
Karatzias, T., Ferguson, S., Chouliara, Z., Gullone, A., Cosgrove, K., & Douglas, A. (2014)
Effectiveness and Acceptability of Group Psychoeducation for the Management of Mental Health Problems in Survivors of Child Sexual Abuse (CSA). International Journal of Group Psychotherapy, 64, 492-514.
There has been limited published research on the effectiveness of manualized psychoeducational approaches for the mental health and behavioral problems of child sexual abuse (...

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