Samantha Campbell Casey
Samantha Campbell Casey

Dr Samantha Campbell Casey



Dr Samantha Campbell Casey is a Lecturer in Biomedical Science and Programme Leader for the MSc Biomedical Suite within the School of Applied Sciences. She was appointed as a University Teaching Fellow in 2011, was made a Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy in 2016 and has a strategic research focus on employability and skills development and is an active member of the University Centre for Higher Education Research.

After completing her undergraduate studies in Molecular Biology, she was awarded a BBSRC CASE funded studentship, working in collaboration with Rhone Poulenc, investigating histidine biosynthesis in Arabidopsis to identify potential new herbicide targets at the University of Glasgow. A period of post doctoral work working on herpes viruses, and on apicomplexan parasites provided a strong background in the area of antimicrobial research, which continued on arrival at Edinburgh Napier where she has worked on investigating bacteriophages as potential new treatment options for bacterial infections.

Samantha joined Edinburgh Napier as a Lecturer in Biomedical Science in 2005 working on the CeLLs project (Collaborative e-learning in Life Sciences), an innovative, collaborative project with SQA, Dundee University, Scottish Colleges and the Interactive University to generate online materials to support undergraduate teaching in Chemistry and Biology. She has held numerous leadership roles including Programme Leader/ Deputy programme leader/ year 2 lead for the undergraduate biological sciences suite of programmes (2011 to 2020), for the MSc Biomedical Suite since 2019, has been deputy convenor of the School LTA committee, and is Convenor of the School Health and Safety Committee. Between 2014 and 2016 Samantha led the strategic review of the undergraduate programme suite to streamline provision and ensure employability was at the heart of the new programmes which were successfully approved in 2016 and accredited by the Royal Society of Biology. As programme leader for the MSc Biomedical Suite she has implemented a programme of Academic and Employability Skills sessions to support the transition of students to MSc level study and has co developed stage 1 of the new 2 year programme in Pharmaceutical and Analytical Science which was approved in 2021. She is passionate about ensuring international students are effectively supported and as PL for a programme which recruits primarily international students, is undertaking research in this area to facilitate a clearer understanding of the challenges faced by these students.

Samantha’s focus on employability and skills research developed back in 2009 when she developed a Personal Development guide for students to evaluate their skills progression and development for future employment. This developed into a long term programme of research, including the development and evaluation of the Skills Passport, which supports students to evidence and articulate their skills development in preparation for employment. This work has established Samantha as an expert in employability and established a strong commitment to employability and skills development across the school, including the establishment of employer panels and regular interaction with industry to support learning and teaching, ensuring students are effectively prepared for employment on graduation.
Samantha has taught on a range of modules at all levels across the undergraduate and postgraduate programmes both in Edinburgh and overseas, has held multiple module leaderships, and is currently module leader for undergraduate Biochemistry (Edinburgh and Sri Lanka). She has supervised four PhD students to completion across pedagogy projects and her subject discipline, and is supporting two current PhD students as Panel Chair.

As an academic leader Samantha provides extensive support through mentoring of staff on all aspects of learning teaching and assessment. As Convenor of the School Health and Safety Committee she has led on issues related to workload, ensuring staff within the School are effectively supported and their voice heard. Her commitment to the EnRoute programme as an assessor and informal mentor has supported numerous staff across the school to success. Samantha is passionate about supporting the development of new scientific talent and regularly engages in outreach work with local schools, including via the STEM ambassador scheme and other local projects, and has supported staff development in this area especially within the technical team.


Conference Organising Activity

  • Member of the organising committee and facilitator for the University Teaching Fellows conference Summer 2019
  • Member of the organising committee for the University Teaching Fellows conference January 2018
  • Invited reviewer for QAA 3rd International Enhancement in Higher Education conference abstracts
  • Member of the organising committee for Edinburgh Napier University Staff Conference June 2012


External Examining/Validations

  • External examiner for Newcastle University School of Biology Cellular and Molecular Biology programme


Fellowships and Awards

  • Fellow of the Higher Education Academy
  • Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy


Grant Reviewer

  • National Biofilms Innovation Centre Proof of Concept applications
  • BBSRC peer review


Invited Speaker

  • Supporting students in skills, assessment and feedback through longitudinal induction within a 2-year Postgraduate programme Horizons in STEM conference June 2024
  • Using reflective practice to support longitudinal induction to assessment, feedback and skills within a 2-year Postgraduate programme, Equity in Education & Society conference (SCOTLAND) May 2024
  • Using reflective practice to support longitudinal induction to assessment, feedback and skills within a 2-year Postgraduate programme AHEA Assessment Conference (Manchester) June 2024
  • "Supporting international MSc students to success". QAA Quality insights conference
  • Responsive curriculum development to support engagement and success for International Students, Online Joint seminar on Cross Cultural Communications and Teaching with GXUST, Liuzhou, China: February 2023
  • What I wish I had known before coming here": Understanding the needs and problems faced by International Taught PG (ITPG) students "The Gathering" Edinburgh Napier Staff Conference
  • The challenge of developing reflective learners, Bioscience Education Summit, University of Edinburgh
  • Researching skills development: students as partners in this process Edinburgh Napier University Staff research conference
  • “Enhancing skills development and reflective practise in students during their programme of study”. Horizons in STEM conference
  • “Reflections on skills development” Life of Learning, Engaging students in learning, teaching and assessment conference
  • If we build it, will they come? QAA 13th Annual Enhancement Themes Conference
  • ‘Skills Passport’ for Life Sciences at Edinburgh Napier University: Helping students to help themselves QAA International Conference on Enhancement and Innovation in Higher Education
  • Feedforward to submission Edinburgh Napier Staff Conference


Public/Community Engagement

  • Forrester High School Edinburgh Developing Young Workforce Careers Day
  • Skills and Prospects week Dean Park Primary School Edinburgh
  • West Lothian Science Festival Williamston Primary School
  • Inspiring STEM learning event Edinburgh
  • Science week St Joseph's Primary School Edinburgh
  • STEM ambassador
  • Edinburgh Science Festival Careers Hive 2017 volunteer



  • Member of Teaching Fellow Steering Group and reviewer for maintenance of good standing for teaching fellows
  • Invited reviewer for the Higher Education Academy Collaborative Awards in Teaching Excellence (HEA CATE)
  • Reviewer for the Journal of Further and Higher Education



22 results

Meaningfully Embedding Industry-Relevant Life Science Skills in the Undergraduate Biosciences Curriculum

Presentation / Conference Contribution
Garden, C., Campbell Casey, S., & MacCallum, J. (2023, June)
Meaningfully Embedding Industry-Relevant Life Science Skills in the Undergraduate Biosciences Curriculum. Presented at QAA Scotland's 5th International Enhancement Conference, Glasgow
For more than a decade I and colleagues have been working in partnership with the Scottish Lifesciences industry and other stakeholders to develop relevant, industry informed ...

Researching skills development: students as partners in this process

Journal Article
Campbell Casey, S., MacCallum, J., Robertson, L., & Strachan, L. (2018)
Researching skills development: students as partners in this process. New Directions in the Teaching of Physical Sciences, 13(1),
Many employers report that newly qualified graduates lack key skills necessary for success in the workplace. Although variable, many lack general ‘transferable’ or ‘soft’ skil...

Enhancing skills development and reflective practise in students during their programme of study

Journal Article
MacCallum, J., & Campbell Casey, S. (2017)
Enhancing skills development and reflective practise in students during their programme of study. New Directions in the Teaching of Physical Sciences, 12(12),
The transition to the workplace can be challenging for new graduates. At Edinburgh Napier our approach is to work proactively with students to prepare them for the world of wo...

“How am I doing? A record of skills development at Edinburgh Napier University

Presentation / Conference
Campbell Casey, S., & MacCallum, J. (2017, March)
“How am I doing? A record of skills development at Edinburgh Napier University. Poster presented at 5th Annual Gearing up for Transitions conference, Edinburgh University

Skills Passport for Life Sciences at Edinburgh Napier University: Helping students to help themselves

Presentation / Conference
MacCallum, J., Campbell Casey, S., Durkin, P., & MacNab, A. (2015, June)
Skills Passport for Life Sciences at Edinburgh Napier University: Helping students to help themselves. Poster presented at 5th Assessment in Higher Education Conference

'Skills Passport' for Life Sciences at Edinburgh Napier University: Helping students to help themselves.

Presentation / Conference
Campbell, S. A., Durkin, P., MacCallum, J., & MacNab, A. (2015, June)
'Skills Passport' for Life Sciences at Edinburgh Napier University: Helping students to help themselves. Paper presented at QAA Enhancement and Innovation in Higher Education Conference
Developing graduates with the appropriate skills for future employment is an issue that affects every sector of industry. Research within the Life Sciences sector in Scotland ...

Assessing the link between stress and retention and the existence of barriers to support service use within HE

Journal Article
Campbell Casey, S., Westbury, T., Florida-James, G., Harris, P., Campbell, S. A., Westbury, T., & Florida-James, G. (2016)
Assessing the link between stress and retention and the existence of barriers to support service use within HE. Journal of Further and Higher Education, 40(6), 824-845.
Students suffer from stress as a result of many factors, including educational unpreparedness, financial strain and inability to integrate socially. This mixed methods study a...

Driving Forward a Programme Based Approach - A Skills Passport Project

Presentation / Conference
Klawitter, P., Proudfoot, L., Mackinnon, J., Briers, R., Taylor, C., & Campbell Casey, S. (2013, June)
Driving Forward a Programme Based Approach - A Skills Passport Project. Poster presented at Edinburgh Napier University Staff Conference, Edinburgh

Isolation and characterization of soilborne virulent bacteriophages infecting the pathogen Rhodococcus equi

Journal Article
Salifu, S., Casey, S. C., & Foley, S. (2013)
Isolation and characterization of soilborne virulent bacteriophages infecting the pathogen Rhodococcus equi. Journal of Applied Microbiology, 114(6), 1625-1633.
Aims To isolate and characterize a diversity of bacteriophages (phages) that infect the soilborne pathogen Rhodococcus equi. Methods and Results Twenty-seven phages were isola...

Genome and proteome analysis of phage E3 infecting the soil-borne actinomyceteRhodococcus equi: Rhodococcusbacteriophage E3

Journal Article
Salifu, S. P., Vázquez-Boland, J. A., Salifu, S. P., Valero-Rello, A., Campbell, S. A., Inglis, N. F., …Vázquez-Boland, J. A. (2013)
Genome and proteome analysis of phage E3 infecting the soil-borne actinomyceteRhodococcus equi: Rhodococcusbacteriophage E3. Environmental microbiology reports, 5(1), 170-178.
We report on the characterization and genomic analysis of bacteriophage E3 isolated from soil and propagating in Rhodococcus equi strains. Phage E3 has a circular genome of 14...

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