Owen Lo
Owen Lo

Dr Owen Lo

Senior Research Fellow


Dr Owen Lo is a Research Fellow in the Blockpass ID Lab at Edinburgh Napier University. Additionally, he also holds the role of Tech Lead at MemCrypt Ltd. Owen graduated with a 1st Honours (Class Medal Award) degree in Computer Networks and Distributed Systems at Edinburgh Napier University before continuing to complete a PhD at the same university on the topic of e-Health. Some awards Owen has received include: Young Software Engineer of the Year Award (Lumison Prize)(2010), Team Prize Raytheon Cyber Challenge Award (2011) and Student of the Year ENU Award (2012).

During his PhD, Owen contributed to the Data Capture and Auto Identification Reference (DACAR) Project – a project funded in part by EPSRC and TSB – and which aimed to create a secure cloud-based information sharing platform for patient data in healthcare environments. His work on the DACAR project includes the development of a Patient Simulator and an electronic version of the Early Warning Score system used to perform risk assessment on patients.

In his role as a Research Fellow, Owen has collaborated with organisations including Morgan Stanley and Keysight Technologies on industry focused research projects. His collaboration with Morgan Stanley focused on insider threats and investigated machine learning techniques to assess how one may determine if an employee was conducting malicious activity. Owen’s collaboration with Keysight Technologies involved research on the topic of side channel analysis and vulnerabilities related to IoT devices. His work on side channel analysis involved applying a technique called power analysis to block-based cryptographic encryption algorithms including Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) and PRESENT. His results showed that both algorithms are susceptible to information leakage (i.e. the secret key may be revealed) under certain conditions which results in the compromised security of both algorithms. Lastly, Owen’s research into IoT security has demonstrated numerous vulnerabilities with consumer ready devices including network service vulnerabilities and Bluetooth Low Energy vulnerabilities.

During his time at ENU, Owen has contributed to the success of three university spin-out companies: Symphonic Software, Cyancomb and MemCrypt Ltd. Symphonic Software involved the development of an information sharing engine used for the secure and trusted sharing of information between different sectors including finance, healthcare, social care, and law enforcement. For Cyancomb, he worked on research and development of a fully-featured contraband detection software used to enable rapid detection of illegal content on computing devices. Owen's work on MemCrypt, the most recent spin-out from ENU, is focused on ransomware detection and data recovery. In his role as Tech Lead at MemCrypt, Owen is currently leading the development of MemCrypt's core innovation: the ability to detect and capture cryptographic keys which allows for the rapid recovery of data affected by ransomware.


Fellowships and Awards

  • Edinburgh Napier University Student of the Year Award
  • Young Software Engineer of the Year Award (3rd Place)
  • Institute Researchers win prize at Raytheon Security Challenge event


Invited Speaker

  • Blockpass Identity Lab Conference on Digital Identity, Blockchain and Advanced Cryptography
  • The Cyber Academy Big Data Conference
  • SICSA Cybernexus Workshop on Cybersecurity and the Internet of Things
  • CENSIS 5th Technology Summit
  • The Cyber Academy Conference of Ransomware, Cryptography and Pseudo-Identity
  • CEED-Scotland Forensics of IT and Data Analytics Workshop
  • The Cyber Academy Big Data Conference
  • The Cyber Academy International Conference on Cryptography and High Performance Computing


Media Activity

  • CyberASAP Alumni Case Study for MemCrypt Project (https://ktn-uk.org/news/cyberasap-alumni-insights-open-and-transparent-communication-between-team-members-and-university-is-key-to-a-successful-spin-out/)
  • DIGIT news article on MemCrypt Spinout (https://www.digit.fyi/edinburgh-napier-university-spinout-memcrypt-to-fight-ransomware/)
  • Edinburgh Napier University Press release on MemCrypt Ltd spin-out (https://www.napier.ac.uk/about-us/news/memcrypt-launch)
  • Research on IoT security vulnerabilities featured in The Scotsman article (https://www.scotsman.com/business/companies/tech/edinburgh-napier-and-glasgow-s-censis-partner-in-cybersecurity-drive-1-4765948)
  • Research on side channel analysis featured in Edinburgh Napier University Impact 2017 magazine (https://www.napier.ac.uk/~/media/images/impact-case-studies-september-2017/impact-magazine-2017.pdf)
  • Edinburgh Napier University writes news article on side channel analysis research (https://www.napier.ac.uk/about-us/news/can-your-device-be-hacked-by-tapping-its-power-supply)



  • Invited reviewer for International Journal of Information Security
  • Invited reviewer for International Conference on Security of Information and Networks (SIN)
  • Invited reviewer for Mobile Information Systems
  • Invited reviewer for Journal of Cyber Security Technology
  • Invited reviewer for IEEE Technology and Society Magazine



42 results

Modelling of integrated trust, governance and access safi.re: Information Sharing Architecture.

Conference Proceeding
Buchanan, W. J., Uthmani, O., Fan, L., Burns, N., Lo, O., Lawson, A., …Anderson, C. (2013)
Modelling of integrated trust, governance and access safi.re: Information Sharing Architecture. In M. Felici (Ed.), Cyber Security and Privacy, (91-101). https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-642-41205-9_8
We live in a world where trust relationships are becoming ever more important. This paper outlines how an architecture which abstracts these relationships between domains, org...

Who would you trust to identify you in accessing your health record?

Conference Proceeding
Buchanan, W. J., Anderson, C., Smales, A., Varga, J., Burns, N., Uthmani, O., …Lawson, A. (2013)
Who would you trust to identify you in accessing your health record?
Within health and social care there is a strong need to provide access to highly sensitive information, and one which requires high levels of identity assurance. This paper ou...

A scaleable and trusted e-Health eco-system: safi.re

Presentation / Conference
Buchanan, W. J., Burns, N., Lo, O., Lewis, R., Uthmani, O., & Fan, L. (2013, April)
A scaleable and trusted e-Health eco-system: safi.re. Paper presented at Cyber Security and Privacy EU Forum 2013, European Commission, Brussels
At present most health and social care systems do not have extendable trust and governance. This presentation outlines the safi.re architecture which uses three main component...

Conducting Performance Evaluation of an e-Health Platform

Lo, O., Fan, L., Buchanan, W. J., & Thuemmler, C. (2012)
Conducting Performance Evaluation of an e-Health Platform. In T. Issa, P. Isaías, & P. Kommers (Eds.), Advances in Business Information Systems and Analytics; Information Systems and Technology for Organizations in a Networked Society, 295-315. IGI Global Publishing. doi:10.4018/978-1-4666-4062-7.ch016
For increased awareness and adoption of e-Health implementations, results from evaluation must be catered towards three primary perspectives: organizational, end-user and tech...

Technical evaluation of an e-health platform.

Conference Proceeding
Lo, O., Fan, L., Buchanan, W. J., & Thuemmler, C. (2012)
Technical evaluation of an e-health platform. In M. Macedo (Ed.), Proceedings of the IADIS International Conference e-Health 2012
Methodologies for evaluation of e-Health platforms are still lacking. We propose an e-Health evaluation framework that aims to provide a concise methodology for the evaluation...

E-Health: chances and challenges of distributed, service oriented architectures

Journal Article
Thuemmler, C., Fan, L., Buchanan, W. J., Lo, O., Ekonomou, E., & Khedim, A. S. (2012)
E-Health: chances and challenges of distributed, service oriented architectures. Journal of cyber security and mobility, 37,
Societies are undergoing unprecedented demographic and socio-economical changes on a pace that has never been experienced before. Health care models are in transition to remai...

Towards simulation of patient data for evaluation of E-health platform and services.

Presentation / Conference
Lo, O., Fan, L., Buchanan, W. J., Thuemmler, C., & Lawson, A. (2012, June)
Towards simulation of patient data for evaluation of E-health platform and services. Paper presented at 13th Annual Post Graduate Symposium on the Convergence of Telecommunications, Networking and Broadcasting, Liverpool
This paper presents the design and implementation of the Patient Simulator, a software application used for the simulation of patient data. The simulator aims to evaluate e- H...

Information sharing around child protection.

Presentation / Conference
Buchanan, W. J., Uthmani, O., Lewis, R., Steyven, A., Fan, L., Thuemmler, C., …Lawson, A. (2012, June)
Information sharing around child protection. Paper presented at Information Sharing in the Public Sector, Edinburgh
Background This presentation focuses on creating a scaleable, robust and secure information architecture for social and health care. At its core is the sa.FIRE (Secure Analysi...


Presentation / Conference
Buchanan, W. J., Fan, L., Ekonomou, E., & Lo, O. (2012, May)
Cloud4Health. Paper presented at Symposium on the Future of e-Health, Edinburgh Napier University, Edinburgh
The cloud4health platform focuses on creating a next generation infrastructure which aims to integrate assisted living with primary and secondary health care, in order to redu...

Integrating assisted living with primary and secondary health care.

Presentation / Conference
Buchanan, W. J., Fan, L., Ekonomou, E., Lo, O., Uthmani, O., & Thuemmler, C. (2012, May)
Integrating assisted living with primary and secondary health care. Paper presented at Data Handling in Health and Social Care: Striking the balance between confidentiality, security and information sharing, Edinburgh
This presentation outlines the Cloud4Health platform.

Current Post Grad projects

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