Nadine Dougall
Nadine Dougall

Prof Nadine Dougall PhD MSc BSc CStat FHEA FRSPH Fellow RSS



Dr Nadine Dougall is Professor of Mental Health & Data Science, Head of Health & Social Care Sciences and Lead for Early Career Researchers within the School of Health & Social Care.

Nadine is Co-Director of the Scottish Centre for Policing & Public Health (SCLEPH). SCLEPH is an international academic and practice collaboration with external stakeholders of Police Scotland, Mental Health Foundation Scotland, the Global Law Enforcement & Public Health Association (GLEPHA), and the Centre for Law Enforcement and Public Health (CLEPH, Melbourne, Australia), amongst others. SCLEPH has its academic base within the School of Health & Social Care, Edinburgh Napier University and strong links with the Scottish Institute of Policing Research (SIPR).

Nadine sits on the Chief Scientist Office (CSO) of The Scottish Government’s Health Improvement, Protection & Services (HIPS) Research Committee funding panel. She is highly experienced in complex interventions in health sciences having lead, designed and collaborated in numerous CSO, NIHR and Irish HRB-funded health research studies.

Nadine’s research interests are focussed around suicide, vulnerability and agency response to suicidal behaviour and mental health distress, and she has presented her findings to UK Government’s All Party Parliamentary Group. She sits on the Academic Advisory Boards to the Scottish Government’s National Suicide Prevention Leadership Group (NSPLG) and UK’s National Confidential Inquiry into Suicide and Safety in Mental Health (NCISH). Nadine’s research exploits population-linked data in advancing knowledge in public mental health, vulnerability and suicide through the investigation of outcomes for people, services and care pathways. She has led or collaborated in several funded studies of suicide, mental health, anti-depressant prescribing, policing vulnerability, mental health distress and pre-hospital psychiatric emergencies. Her current CSO-funded research has summarised health records along the life span of people who later died by suicide, with a particular focus on childhood adversity and its relationship with mental health and suicidal behaviour.

Nadine was on the Organising and Programme committees for the 5th Global Law Enforcement and Public Health Conference and Conference chair of the National Summit on Mental Health, Distress and Emergency Departments, both hosted by Edinburgh Napier University and supported by the Health & Justice Collaboration Board of The Scottish Government and GLEPHA ( She is on the programme committee of the ‘4 Nations UK Public Health Approaches to Policing and Violence' Conference February 2021 and the subsequent webinar series.

Chartered Statistician (CStat) & Fellow of Royal Statistical Society
Fellow of Higher Education Academy (FHEA)
Fellow of Royal Society for Public Health UK (FRSPH)
Member of Global Law Enforcement & Public Health Association (GLEPHA)
Member of IHDLN – International Health Data Linkage Network.
Member of IIMHL – International Initiative for Mental Health Leadership.
Member of Centre for Advancement of Interprofessional Education (CAIPE)


Advisory panels and expert committees or witness

  • Police Scotland Substance Use Information Sharing Sub-Group
  • Expert witness: National Suicide Prevention Action Plan, Action 8 lead, suicide prevention in children and young people, based on Dougall et al CHASE research project findings.
  • Expert witness: Evidence review panel to Behavioural Insights Unit, New South Wales Dept of Premier & Cabinet, Australia.
  • Advisory board: Member of Evidence Review Board to National Institutes for Health Research (NIHR), for Public Health and Policing.
  • Review panel: Member of project review panel for Contact Assessment Method (CAM) training, Police Scotland.
  • Advisory board: Member of Project Board to The National Confidential Inquiry into Suicide and Safety in Mental Health (NCISH), UK.
  • Review panel: Member of project review panel 'A collaborative response to Distress: Strategic Priorities' to Justice Analytical Services, Scottish Government
  • Advisory board: Member of Academic Advisory Group to The Scottish Government's National Suicide Prevention Leadership Group (NSPLG).
  • Review panel: National Police & Public Health England research data and evidence Group.
  • Advisory board: 'Blue Lights' Frontiers national data platform - partnership working with Administrative Data Research Centre, University of Edinburgh, Police Scotland, Scottish Ambulance Service, Fire & Rescue Service.
  • Expert witness: International consultation by Global Law Enforcement & Public Health Association (GLEPHA) on mental health and policing.
  • Expert witness: evidence-based advice to CEO Samaritans Scotland.
  • Expert witness: Public Health England Roundtable for Law Enforcement & Public Health Data Science.
  • Advisory board: Member of Expert Reference Group for Royal College of Psychiatrist's (RCPsych) Spokesperson for suicide
  • Expert witness: MQ mental health charity - response to Health Select Committee Consultation on Suicide Prevention.
  • Advisory board: Member of MQ Mental Health Charity Data Science Group.


Conference Organising Activity

  • Programme Committee Member: Public Health Approaches in Policing & Serious Violence across the UK 4 Nations, UK (Virtual), 8-12 Feb 2021
  • Programme Committee Member: 5th International Law Enforcement & Public Health Conference, Edinburgh, 20-23 October 2019
  • Programme Committee Member: National priority setting agenda for policing and public health, a National event in collaboration with Police Scotland, Scottish Ambulance Service, NHS24 and Edinburgh Napier University (SCLEPH)
  • Conference organiser: 5th International Law Enforcement & Public Health Conference, Edinburgh, 20-23 October 2019
  • Programme Committee member: International Population Data Linkage Network Conference, Swansea, 2016.


Editorial Activity

  • Editorial Board Member: Journal of Research in Nursing.


Fellowships and Awards

  • Scottish Institute for Policing Research (SIPR) Impact Award - best runner up
  • First prize: NHS Research Scotland Mental Health Annual Scientific Meeting
  • Fellow: Royal Society for Public Health (FRSPH)
  • Fellow: Higher Education Academy (FHEA)
  • Award of Chartered Statistician (CStat) by the Royal Statistical Society
  • Award of Chartered Scientist (CSci) by the Royal Statistical Society
  • Fellow: Royal Statistical Society
  • Award of 'GradStat' by the Royal Statistical Society, 2004-2016


Grant Funding Panel Member

  • Grant funding panel member: Chief Scientist Office (CSO) of Scottish Government's 'Health Improvement, Protection and Services Research Committee 2019-2021


Grant Reviewer

  • Grant reviewer: Medical Research Council (MRC)
  • Grant reviewer: Scottish Centre for Administrative Data Research, 2019.
  • Grant reviewer: MQ, Mental Health Charity, 2018-19.
  • Grant reviewer: National Institutes of Health Research (NIHR), Health Technology Assessment Panel, 2017-2021.
  • Grant reviewer: National Institutes of Health Research (NIHR), Programme Grants for Applied Research, 2015-2021.


Invited Speaker

  • Conference talk: Dougall N, Heyman I, Kesic D, Thomas S, White C. Emergency Departments and the 'Missing Middle'. The 6th International Law Enforcement & Public Health Conference, Philadelphia, USA (virtual); March 2021.
  • Keynote speaker: National Summit on Mental Health, Distress and the Emergency Department. In collaboration with The Scottish Government and the Global Law Enforcement & Public Health Association (GLEPHA) Mental Health Special Interest Group
  • Conference talk: Murray J, Enang I, Dougall N, Wooff A, Aston E, Heyman I. Defining and Assessing Vulnerability: Perspectives across Law Enforcement and Public Health (LEPH), Innovation in Public Services and Public Policy (PUBSIC) Conference; Milan, Italy, 2019.
  • Conference talk: Murray J, Enang I, Heyman I, Dougall N, Wooff A, Aston E & Grandison G. Defining and assessing vulnerability Perspectives across Law Enforcement and Public Health. International Association of Forensic Mental Health Services Conference. Montreal, Canada, June 25-27, 2019.
  • Conference talk: (Symposium) Dougall N, Heyman I, Murray J, Enang I, Aston L, Wooff A. 'Law Enforcement and Public Health: towards a unified partnership approach in Scotland', International Law Enforcement & Public Health Conference, Toronto, 2018.
  • Conference talk: Ball W, Kyle R, Atherton I, Dougall N. Health Inequalities in British Nurses using Census derived databases linked to an adjusted UK Index of Multiple Deprivation, International Population Data Linkage Network Conference, Banff, 2018.
  • Conference talk: Duncan E, Best C, Dougall N, Fitzpatrick D, Maxwell M, Skar S, Corfield A, Evans J, Goldie I, Snooks H, Stark C, White C, Wojcik W. Care pathways related to Scottish Ambulance Service contacts for people with psychiatric or self-harm emergencies. Global Law Enforcement and Public Health Conference, Toronto 2018.
  • Conference talk: Hibberd C, Calveley E, Aitchieson P, Dougall N, Pratt R, Maxwell M. Can primary care nurses improve integrated care and self-management for long-term conditions - a feasibility trial process evaluation of the person centred assessment method (PCAM). RCN International Nursing Research Conference 2017.
  • Conference talk: Duncan EAS, Best C, Dougall D, Skar S, Evans J, Corfield A, Goldie I, Maxwell M, Snooks H, Stark C, White C, Wojcik W. Investigating the population characteristics, processes and outcomes of pre-hospital psychiatric and self-harm emergencies in Scotland: a national record linkage study. Paramedics Australasia International Conference (PAIC), Melbourne. November 2017.
  • Conference talk: Duncan EAS, Best C, Dougall D, Skar S, Evans J, CorfieldA, Goldie I, Maxwell M, Snooks H, Stark C, White C, Wojcik W. Psychiatric Emergencies in prehospital care: an invisible and unmet need. MQ Data Science. Manchester. March 2017.
  • Conference talk: Duncan E, Best C, Dougall N, Fitzpatrick D, Maxwell M, Skar S, Corfield A, Evans J, Goldie I, Snooks H, Stark C, White C, Wojcik W. Care pathways related to Scottish Ambulance Service contacts for people with psychiatric or self-harm emergencies, European Emergency Medical Services Congress (EMS2017).
  • Conference talk: Duncan E, Best C, Dougall N, Fitzpatrick D, Maxwell M, Skar S, Corfield A, Evans J, Goldie I, Snooks H, Stark C, White C, Wojcik W. Care pathways related to Scottish Ambulance Service contacts for people with psychiatric or self-harm emergencies. Farr Institute & European Federation for Medical Informatics joint conference. Manchester, 2017.
  • Conference talk: Best paper (£1000) Duncan EAS, Best C, Dougall N, Skar S, Evans J, CorfieldA, Goldie I, Maxwell M, Snooks H, Stark C, White C, Wojcik W. Investigating the population characteristics, processes and outcomes of pre-hospital psychiatric and self-harm emergencies in Scotland: a national record linkage study. EMS999 Research Forum. Bristol. March 2017.
  • Keynote speaker: Dougall N. Invited to present research findings (Dougall et al BJPsych 2014) at The Farr Institute's NHS Benefits Realisation Taskforce and Chief Scientist, Nine BioQuarter Edinburgh, 2016
  • Keynote speaker: Dougall N. Invited presentation on research findings (Dougall 2014 BJPsych) to House of Commons All Party Parliamentary Group, at the event 'Can patient data revolutionise healthcare?', Westminster London, 2016.
  • Conference talk: Johnson C, Dougall N, Williams B, MacGillivray S, Buchanan A, Hassett R. Patient factors associated with SSRI dose for depression treatment in general practice; Farr Institute International Conference 2015, St.Andrews 2015.
  • Conference talk: Nadine Dougall et al, “Deaths by suicide and their relationship with general and psychiatric hospital discharge: 30 year record linkage study”. Scottish School of Primary Care Annual Meeting, Crieff, April 2014.
  • Conference talk: Dougall N, Lambert P, Maxwell M et al. Deaths by suicide following discharge from Scottish hospitals. RCN International Nursing Research Conference, Belfast, March 2013.
  • Conference talk: Dougall N, Lambert P, Maxwell M, Dawson A et al. Hospital utilisation prior to suicide: 30 year data linkage study. MRC population Health Methods and Challenges Conference, Birmingham, April 2012.
  • Conference talk: Dougall N, Lambert P & Maxwell M & Dawson A. Modelling health and social risk factors for suicide in Scotland: a 30 year record linkage study. International conference abstract, Exploiting Existing Data for Health Research, Scottish Health Informatics Programme, St.Andrews, 2011.


Membership of Professional Body

  • Member: Royal Society for Public Health (RSPH)
  • Member: The Centre for the Advancement of Interprofessional Education
  • Member: International Initiative for Mental Health Leadership (IIMHL)
  • Member: Global Law Enforcement & Public Health Association (GLEPHA)
  • Member: International Population Data Linkage Network (IPDLN)
  • Member: Royal Statistical Society (CStat)


Public/Community Engagement

  • The Farr Institute of Health Informatics Research showcasing the UK's most significant examples of using data in research Case Study 50 Psychiatric Emergencies
  • The Farr Institute of Health Informatics Research showcasing the UK's most significant examples of using data in research Case Study 11 Suicide prevention (Dougall et al 2014)
  • Association of Medical Research Charities and MQ charity, showcased Dougall et al 2014 suicide research as case study for public engagement with UK parliamentarians, policy stakeholders and patients



  • Journal reviewer: Journal of Epidemiology & Community Health
  • Journal reviewer: National Institute of Health Research (NIHR) Public Health Research and Health Technology Assessment funding panels Final Reports peer reviewer
  • Journal reviewer: Journal of the Neurological Sciences
  • Journal reviewer: International Journal of Therapeutic Rehabilitation Research
  • Journal reviewer: BMC Health Services Research
  • Journal reviewer: Journal of Affective Disorders
  • Journal reviewer: Molecular Psychiatry
  • Journal reviewer: International Journal of Alzheimer's Disease
  • Journal reviewer: Psychological Medicine
  • Journal reviewer: BMJ Open


Visiting Positions

  • Visiting academic to University of Tasmania (in progress)



91 results

Optimisation of complex health interventions prior to a randomised controlled trial: a scoping review of strategies used.

Journal Article
Levati, S., Campbell, P., Frost, R., Dougall, N., Wells, M., Donaldson, C., & Hagen, S. (2016)
Optimisation of complex health interventions prior to a randomised controlled trial: a scoping review of strategies used. Pilot and Feasibility Studies, 2(1),
Background Many complex intervention trials fail to show an intervention effect. Although this may be due to genuine ineffectiveness, it may also be the result of sub-optimal...

Evidence of perceived psychosocial stress as a risk factor for stroke in adults: a meta-analysis

Journal Article
Booth, J., Connelly, L., Lawrence, M., Chalmers, C., Joice, S., Becker, C., & Dougall, N. (2015)
Evidence of perceived psychosocial stress as a risk factor for stroke in adults: a meta-analysis. BMC Neurology, 15(1),
Background Several studies suggest that perceived psychosocial stress is associated with increased risk of stroke; however results are inconsistent with regard to definitions ...

Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation for Schizophrenia

Journal Article
Dougall, N., Maayan, N., Soares-Weiser, K., McDermott, L. M., & McIntosh, A. (2015)
Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation for Schizophrenia. Schizophrenia bulletin / National Institute of Mental Health, 41(6), 1220-1222.
People with schizophrenia typically experience auditory hallucinations or delusions during acute episodes. Although effective drug treatments are available, many have intracta...

Transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) for schizophrenia (Review)

Journal Article
Dougall, N., Maayan, N., Soares-Weiser, K., Mcdermott, L. M., & Mcintosh, A. M. (2015)
Transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) for schizophrenia (Review). Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, 1(8),
Background: People with schizophrenia often experience symptoms which fail to fully respond to antipsychotic medication. Transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) has been propo...

Patient factors associated with SSRI dose for depression treatment in general practice: A primary care cross sectional study

Journal Article
Johnson, C. F., Dougall, N. J., Williams, B., MacGillivray, S. A., Buchanan, A. I., & Hassett, R. D. (2014)
Patient factors associated with SSRI dose for depression treatment in general practice: A primary care cross sectional study. BMC family practice, 15(210),
Background Antidepressant prescribing continues to rise. Increased long-term prescribing and higher doses are contributing to current growth; however, patient factors associat...

Reducing patient delay with symptoms of acute coronary syndrome: a research protocol for a systematic review of previous interventions to investigate which behaviour change techniques are associated with effective interventions

Journal Article
Farquharson, B., Dombrowski, S., Pollock, A., Johnston, M., Treweek, S., Williams, B., …Pringle, S. (2014)
Reducing patient delay with symptoms of acute coronary syndrome: a research protocol for a systematic review of previous interventions to investigate which behaviour change techniques are associated with effective interventions. Open Heart, 1(1),
Introduction Delay to presentation with symptoms of acute coronary syndrome (ACS) is common meaning many fail to achieve optimal benefit from treatments. Interventions have ha...

Deaths by suicide and their relationship with general and psychiatric hospital discharge: 30-year record linkage study

Journal Article
Dougall, N., Lambert, P., Maxwell, M., Dawson, A., Sinnott, R., McCafferty, S., …Springbett, A. (2014)
Deaths by suicide and their relationship with general and psychiatric hospital discharge: 30-year record linkage study. The British journal of psychiatry, 204(4), 267-273.
Background: Studies have rarely explored suicides completed following discharge from both general and psychiatric hospital settings. Such research might identify additional op...

Consensus on items and quantities of clinical equipment required to deal with a mass casualties big bang incident: a national Delphi study

Journal Article
Duncan, E. A. S., Colver, K., Dougall, N., Swingler, K., Stephenson, J., & Abhyankar, P. (2014)
Consensus on items and quantities of clinical equipment required to deal with a mass casualties big bang incident: a national Delphi study. BMC Emergency Medicine, 14(5),
Background: Major short-notice or sudden impact incidents, which result in a large number of casualties, are rare events. However health services must be prepared to respond t...

The epidemiology of hospital treated traumatic brain injury in Scotland.

Journal Article
Shivaji, T., Lee, A., Dougall, N., McMillan, T., & Stark, C. (2014)
The epidemiology of hospital treated traumatic brain injury in Scotland. BMC Neurology, 14(2),
Background Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) is an important global public health problem made all the more important by the increased likelihood of disability following a hospita...

Evaluation of the Scottish Recovery Indicator 2 (SRI 2)

MacGregor, A., Reid, S., Maxwell, M., Miller, I., Macleod, S., Corbett, J., …Harris, F. (2013)
Evaluation of the Scottish Recovery Indicator 2 (SRI 2). Edinburgh: Scottish Recovery Network
Executive summary The Scottish Recover Indicator (SRI) is a web based service development tool designed by the Scottish Recovery Network to support and develop recovery focuse...

Pre-Napier Funded Projects

  • Research Grant: Duncan E, Dougall N, Fitzpatrick D, Maxwell M, Skar S, Corfield A, Evans J, Goldie I, Snooks H, Stark C, White C, Wojcik W. Using record linkage analysis to inform the development of an improved care pathway(s) for psychiatric and self-harm emergencies currently transferred by ambulance to Emergency Departments; CSO £30,000
  • Research Grant: Wells M, MacAuley F, Patterson J, Hulbert-Williams N, Dougall N, McGarva J, Niblock P, Philp J, Slaven E, Boa S, Cowie J, Gray K; Improving quality of life and swallowing function in patients with head and neck cancer: Development and feasibility of a Swallowing Intervention Package (SIP); CSO £224,974
  • Research Grant: Bauld L, Dobbie F, Moore L, Campbell R, White J, Amos A, Dougall N. A process evaluation of the implementation of ASSIST Scotland; 2014; CSO £279,576.
  • Research Grant: Maxwell M, Mercer S, Hibberd C, Cameron I, Pratt R, Hoy C, Dougall N. Patient Centred Assessment Method (PCAM): improving nurse led biopsychosocial assessment of patients with long term conditions and co-morbid mental health needs; 2014; NIHR HS&DR; £278,054.
  • Research Grant: Farquharson B, Williams B, Smith K, Dougall N, Dombrowski S, McGhee J, Treweek S, Jones C. Development of interventions to reduce patient delay with symptoms of Acute Coronary Syndrome: identifying optimal content and mode of delivery; 2014; CSO £280,154
  • Commercial funding: Dougall N; NHS Highland £1752 for statistical consultancy; 2013.
  • Research Grant: Maxwell M, Williams C, Mercer S, Dougall N, Bradstreet S, McHugh G, McGregor A, Donaldson C, Ettershank C. A feasibility study for a trial of Recovery versus Mindfulness models for Depression (ReMoDe), CSO CZH/4/831, £152,584, University of Stirling, 2012-2014.
  • Research Grant: The Scottish Government, £55,000; Scottish Recovery Network: An evaluation of the Impact of the Scottish Recovery Indicator, University of Stirling, 2011-2012.
  • Research Grant: Williams, Dougall et al; The Scottish Government, £770,000; Scottish Person Centredness Intervention Collaboration (ScoPIC), University of Stirling, 2011-2016.

Current Post Grad projects

Previous Post Grad projects

Non-Napier PhD or MSc by Research supervisions

  • Edel McGlanaghy Clinical Psychology Doctorate
  • PhD supervision: Chris Johnson, University of Stirling, 2014-2021
  • Supervision: Caylin Joski Jethi - Masters by Research , University of Stirling 2014-2015.
  • PhD Supervision: Sara Levati Glasgow Caledonian University
  • Supervision: Chris Johnson - Masters by Research, University of Stirling