Discursive constructions of student midwives’ professional identities: A discourse analysis
Journal Article
Mcluckie, C., & Kuipers, Y. (2024)
Discursive constructions of student midwives’ professional identities: A discourse analysis. Nurse Education in Practice, 74, Article 103847. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.nepr.2023.103847
The construction and performance of professional identity is significant to broader socio-cultural understandings of who ‘professionals’ are and what they do. Impor...
How to evaluate the Scottish shortened midwifery programme – an exploration of stakeholders’ perceptions
Presentation / Conference
Crozier, S., Kuipers, Y., McLuckie, C., & Norris, G. (2022, November)
How to evaluate the Scottish shortened midwifery programme – an exploration of stakeholders’ perceptions. Paper presented at Scotland Maternity and Midwifery Festival, Edinburgh
The presentation will outline the development of a new shortened midwifery programme in Scotland, the stakeholder-led participatory approach to evaluation and the emerging the...
'Powers, passages and passengers' : the construction and performance of student midwives' professional identities
McLuckie, C. (2021)
'Powers, passages and passengers' : the construction and performance of student midwives' professional identities. (Thesis). University of Stirling. Retrieved from http://researchrepository.napier.ac.uk/Output/2793206
This thesis details my study of the discourses within which student midwives construct and perform their professional identities. The title employs a metaphor commonly used in...
Analysing narratives: the narrative construction of professional identity
Book Chapter
Watson, C., & Mcluckie, C. (2020)
Analysing narratives: the narrative construction of professional identity. In M. R. Ward, & S. Delamont (Eds.), Handbook of Qualitative Research in Education (380-391). (2nd). Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing. https://doi.org/10.4337/9781788977159.00045
This chapter starts from the premise that identity and narrative are intimately bound. Indeed, it is widely claimed that identity emerges in and through our narratives of pers...
Feminist Activist Ethnography and the Development of Midwifery Identity in Student Midwives
Presentation / Conference
McHugh, N., & McLuckie, C. (2018, June)
Feminist Activist Ethnography and the Development of Midwifery Identity in Student Midwives. Poster presented at RCM Education Conference, London UK
Celebrating 70 Years of Nursing and Midwifery in NHS Scotland
Exhibition / Performance
Taylor, G., Harper-McDonald, B., O'Conner, S., McLuckie, C., & Moran, M. Celebrating 70 Years of Nursing and Midwifery in NHS Scotland. Exhibited at Edinburgh. 7 June 2018. (Unpublished))
Taylor, G., Harper-McDonald, B., O'Conner, S., McLuckie, C., & Moran, M. Celebrating 70 Years of Nursing and Midwifery in NHS Scotland. Exhibited at Edinburgh. 7 June 2018. (Unpublished
An exhibition celebrating 70 years of nursing and midwifery in NHS Scotland.
Using pre-arrival shared reading to promote a sense of community: A case study across two institutions
Journal Article
Baverstock, A., Steinitz, J., Webster-Henderson, B., Bryars, L., Cairncross, S., Ennis, L., …McLuckie, C. (2018)
Using pre-arrival shared reading to promote a sense of community: A case study across two institutions. Logos, 29(4), https://doi.org/10.1163/18784712-02904005
Seeking to improve student enrolment, engagement, and retention, Kingston University began a pre-arrival shared reading scheme in 2014–2015, sending a free book to every stude...
Pandora's Box: how to humanise educational technology to ensure an emotionally fluent midwifery programme - recognising the issues
Journal Article
McLuckie, C., & McHugh, N. (2013)
Pandora's Box: how to humanise educational technology to ensure an emotionally fluent midwifery programme - recognising the issues. MIDIRS midwifery digest, 23, 423-427
This article will focus on the challenge of providing an
emotionally vibrant midwifery curriculum for our three year
undergraduate programme. We plan to achieve this
through t...
Enabling prospective nursing and midwifery students to demonstrate their compassionate and caring attributes during the recruitment and selection process.
Presentation / Conference
Waugh, A., Petrie, G., MacKinnon, F., McLuckie, C., & Gentleman, M. (2010, June)
Enabling prospective nursing and midwifery students to demonstrate their compassionate and caring attributes during the recruitment and selection process. Poster presented at Inaugural Conference on Compassionate Care, Edinburgh