Design and Manufacture (Graduate Apprenticeship) FT BEng (hons)

Combine electro-mechanical design with advanced manufacturing and prepare for a future career in a modern industrial environment.


The Engineering: Design and Manufacture (EDM) Graduate Apprenticeship (GA) is based on industry defined needs and has been developed in collaboration with employers and the education sector to allow knowledge, understanding, skills and competence to be developed with the necessary attributes industry expects from its graduates.

As Edinburgh Napier University is committed to delivering an excellent personalised student experience, you will have the opportunity to acquire knowledge and develop many valuable skills, such as the ability to collect, analyse, interpret and understand data and information. In acquiring this knowledge and developing the said skills, you will also appreciate the value of education and the contribution it makes to society.

The GA framework at Edinburgh Napier University builds on the strengths of the undergraduate teaching and learning programmes (full and part-time) in Mechanical Engineering, Electronic and Electrical Engineering, and Engineering with Management, Edinburgh Napier University has offered over the past 35 years. 

The EDM programme delivered by the School of Engineering and Built Environment (SEBE) shall draw on this legacy to meet the expected demand for suitably qualified engineers. 

SEBE student in a lab.

Mode of Study:



4 years

Success stories

Course details

The provision of Graduate Apprenticeship (GA) in Scotland’s workplace is a key government policy and offers an alternative route to a graduate-level education. Built on the success of existing Foundation and Modern Apprenticeships, GAs provide a “workplace learning experience”, offering the opportunity to work in partnership with industry as employers.

The GA delivered by Edinburgh Napier University’s School of Engineering and the Built Environment (SEBE) offers just such a workplace learning experience for those employed in the manufacturing sector. 

Within the EDM Graduate Apprenticeship, the degree content is delivered according to the principles and outcomes detailed in this framework. 
The aim of this Graduate Apprenticeship in Engineering: Design and Manufacture is to produce graduates with:

  • Design for Manufacture ‘concurrent engineering’ capability, integrating engineering principles, materials and technology selection into structured design methodologies based on their application to real world challenges. There is an emphasis on business economics and sustainability issues alongside design engineering and design creativity.
  • Sufficient understanding of the engineering business enterprise environment including strategy development, leadership and business operations management knowledge to play a management role in engineering project planning and delivery.
  • Personal and interpersonal effectiveness skills enabling them to work closely and collaboratively with other employees, stakeholders and customers in a contemporary engineering organisation.
  • Project management and creative thinking skills supported by a set of problem-solving and modelling tools appropriate to engineering business operations.

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    How you’ll be taught

    The GA in EDM is delivered by day-release teaching, whereby your employer will allow you to study as an undergraduate student at Edinburgh Napier University.

    Normally, you will attend the university for one fixed day per week during term-time, with some modules being work-based and delivered remotely. When not at university, full support will be provided via our virtual learning environment.

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    All of the learning shall be subject to continuous assessment, with end of term assessments covering the modules material. The assessments shall deploy a wide range of instruments, to develop the range of communication and subject specific skills. Continuous assessments shall cover sketches, concept/mind maps, idea storming, problem definitions and the production of suitable solutions. End of module assessments shall include problem-solving competencies, such as, calculations, technical specifications, reports and exams.
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    All of the learning is supported by lab sessions in the Materials, Robotics, Mechanical, Mechatronics, Electrical and Electronics labs.

Popular modules

Year one

  • Foundation Mathematics
  • Engineering Principle (Mechanical) 
  • Engineering Principles (Electrical and Electronic) 
  • Mathematical Methods I
  • Engineering Skills
  • Engineering Practice

Year two

  • Materials and Manufacture I
  • Electronic and Electrical Engineering
  • Mathematical Methods II
  • Mechanics
  • Engineering Design
  • Control Measurement and instrumentation

Year three

  • Engineering Design II
  • Materials and Manufacture II
  • Management for Engineers
  • Industrial Automation
  • Professional Engineering
  • Project Management

Year four

  • Manufacturing Systems Engineering
  • Applied Robotics
  • Manufacturing Engineering
  • Engineering Systems
  • Honours Project (40 credits)


Study modules mentioned above are indicative only. Some changes may occur between now and the time that you study.

Full information is available in our disclaimer.

Entry requirements

Entry requirements

In order to apply, you must be resident in Scotland before you start your Graduate Apprenticeship. The premises you work in must also be located in Scotland. As part of your application, you'll have to show that you have the right to live and work in Scotland.

There is no upper age limit. You can apply if you're 16 or over. Some vacancies might be for ages 18 and over, because of health and safety requirements.

Minimum Year 1

To enter this programme at the start of Year 1 you must have either: 

  • BBBB at Higher including Maths and a Science (not to be Biology) plus Nat 5 C in English, or
  • Modern Apprenticeship or HNC or HND in a relevant discipline
We welcome applications from students studying a wide range of international qualifications.
Entry requirements by country

Please note that international students are unable to enrol onto the following courses:
  • BM Midwifery/MM Midwifery
  • All Graduate Apprenticeship courses.

See who can apply for more information on Graduate Apprenticeship courses.

We’re committed to admitting students who have the potential to succeed and benefit from our programmes of study. 

Our admissions policies will help you understand our admissions procedures, and how we use the information you provide us in your application to inform the decisions we make.

Undergraduate admissions policies
Postgraduate admissions policies

Fees & funding

The course fees you'll pay and the funding available to you will depend on a number of factors including your nationality, location, personal circumstances and the course you are studying. We also have a number of bursaries and scholarships available to our students.