19 results

The effect of exporting hospitality and tourism degrees overseas on the home campus: a conceptual model.

Journal Article
Lagiewski, R. M., Barron, P., & Leask, A. (2019)
The effect of exporting hospitality and tourism degrees overseas on the home campus: a conceptual model. Journal of hospitality, leisure, sport & tourism education, 24, 211-222. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jhlste.2019.03.005
Hospitality and tourism programmes have, over the recent decades, been involved in the delivery of their degrees in international locations through a variety of export models....

Guest editorial

Journal Article
Platt, L., & Ali-Knight, J. (2018)
Guest editorial. Journal of Place Management and Development, 11(3), 262-265. https://doi.org/10.1108/jpmd-08-2018-131
Authors are guest editors of special issue of Journal to Place Management and Development.

An Exploration of Tourists’ Perceptions of a Rural Mountain Bike Event

Journal Article
Newland, B. L., & Robertson, M. (2018)
An Exploration of Tourists’ Perceptions of a Rural Mountain Bike Event. Journal of Applied Sport Management, 10(1), 13-22. https://doi.org/10.18666/JASM-2017-V10-I1-8324
The natural attributes of rural locations are well suited to sport event tourism and can play a significant role in strategic tourism development in new markets. The purpose o...

Special Issue: Grassroots Festivals and Place Making

Journal Article
Special Issue: Grassroots Festivals and Place Making. Journal of Place Management and Development, 11(3),
Authors are editors of the special issue to Journal of Place Management and Development.

Special Issue: Critical Event Studies: Issues and Perspectives

Journal Article
Special Issue: Critical Event Studies: Issues and Perspectives. Event Management, 22(6),
Authors are guest editors of a special issue to the journal Event Management.

Technology, society, and visioning the future of music festivals

Journal Article
Robertson, M., Yeoman, I., Smith, K. A., & McMahon-Beattie, U. (2015)
Technology, society, and visioning the future of music festivals. Event Management, 19(4), 567-587. https://doi.org/10.3727/152599515X14465748774001
Many music festivals fail because the experiences offered do not ensure relevance and meaning to the attendee. Engagement with new and virtual landscapes and with the enhanced...

Dissemination of Solar Energy Technologies for Rural Electrification in Kenya – Challenges & Opportunities

Kerr, G., & Amakobe, W. (2014)
Dissemination of Solar Energy Technologies for Rural Electrification in Kenya – Challenges & Opportunities. African Centre for Technology Studies
Understanding the challenges and opportunities in the solar energy technology value chain is essential for key actors in order to disseminate these technologies for rural elec...

Sing ’til you’re grinning: community choirs versus football teams

Kerr, G. (2011)
Sing ’til you’re grinning: community choirs versus football teams
No abstract available.

Home and commercialized hospitality

Book Chapter
LYNCH, P. (2001)
Home and commercialized hospitality. In In Search of Hospitality, 100-117. Elsevier. https://doi.org/10.1016/b978-0-7506-5431-9.50010-x
We others who have long lost the more subtle of the physical senses, have not even proper terms to express an animal's inter-communications with his surroundings, living or ot...