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106 results

The future of midwife-led continuity of care: Call for a dialogue

Journal Article
Kuipers, Y. J. (2024)
The future of midwife-led continuity of care: Call for a dialogue. Dialogues in Health, 4, Article 100170.
Background/Purpose: Midwife-led continuity of care (MLCC) is an evidence-based care model positively influencing the health and wellbeing of women and their families. Despite ...

‘Naming and faming’ maternity care providers: A mixed-methods study

Journal Article
Kuipers, Y., De Bock, V., Van de Craen, N., & Bosmans, V. (2024)
‘Naming and faming’ maternity care providers: A mixed-methods study. Midwifery, 130, 103912.
Background: Positive benchmarking can serve as a catalyst for maternity care improvement. Aim: To retrospectively benchmark Flemish maternity care providers’ qualities, base...

Op Weg Naar Sociale Inclusie. In Armoede En Ongelijkheid. Jaarboek 2023

Book Chapter
Mikolajczak-Degrauwe, K., Slimmen, S., Fontein-Kuipers, Y., & Timmermans, O. (2023)
Op Weg Naar Sociale Inclusie. In Armoede En Ongelijkheid. Jaarboek 2023. In J. Coene, T. Ghys, B. Hubeau, S. Marchal, P. Raeymaeckers, R. Remmen, …H. Van Regemortel (Eds.), Armoede en Ongelijkheid. Jaarboek 2023 (317-337). Leuven: Acco Uitgeverij
Mikolajczak-Degrauwe K, Slimmen S, Fontein-Kuipers Y, Timmermans O. Op weg naar sociale inclusie: effecten van een Peer Support-methodiek. In: Coen J, Ghys T, Hubeau B, Marcha...

Discursive constructions of student midwives’ professional identities: A discourse analysis

Journal Article
Mcluckie, C., & Kuipers, Y. (2024)
Discursive constructions of student midwives’ professional identities: A discourse analysis. Nurse Education in Practice, 74, Article 103847.
Background The construction and performance of professional identity is significant to broader socio-cultural understandings of who ‘professionals’ are and what they do. Impor...

Evaluation of a web-based intervention to optimize perinatal emotional wellbeing: A nested case-control study

Journal Article
Kuipers, Y. J., Bleijenbergh, R., Rimaux, S., & Mestdagh, E. (2024)
Evaluation of a web-based intervention to optimize perinatal emotional wellbeing: A nested case-control study. International Journal of Clinical and Health Psychology, 24(1), Article 100422.
Background/Objective: WazzUp Mama© is a remotely delivered web-based tailored intervention to prevent and reduce perinatal emotional distress, originally developed in the Net...

How to evaluate the Scottish shortened midwifery programme – an exploration of stakeholders’ perceptions

Presentation / Conference
Crozier, S., Kuipers, Y., McLuckie, C., & Norris, G. (2022, November)
How to evaluate the Scottish shortened midwifery programme – an exploration of stakeholders’ perceptions. Paper presented at Scotland Maternity and Midwifery Festival, Edinburgh
The presentation will outline the development of a new shortened midwifery programme in Scotland, the stakeholder-led participatory approach to evaluation and the emerging the...

Systematic Review of the Content Validity of Patient Reported Outcome Measures of Transition to Parenthood

Journal Article
Beeck, E. V., Van den Branden, L., Bramer, W. M., & Kuipers, Y. (in press)
Systematic Review of the Content Validity of Patient Reported Outcome Measures of Transition to Parenthood. Evaluation and the Health Professions,
This review aims to identify self-report instruments examining aspects of transition to parenthood for use in practice and research. After performing a literature search in Em...

The validation of the brief COPE in a Belgian perinatal population

Journal Article
van Gils, Y., Bleijenbergh, R., Brosens, C., Van den Branden, L., Rimaux, S., & Kuipers, Y. J. (2022)
The validation of the brief COPE in a Belgian perinatal population. Maternal and Child Health Journal, 26, 2050-2059.
Introduction: The Brief Coping Orientation to Problems Experienced (Brief-COPE) measures individuals’ coping strategies. There is limited evidence on the psychometric properti...

Developing a woman‐centered, inclusive definition of positive childbirth experiences: A discussion paper

Journal Article
Leinweber, J., Fontein‐Kuipers, Y., Karlsdottir, S. I., Ekström‐Bergström, A., Nilsson, C., Stramrood, C., & Thomson, G. (in press)
Developing a woman‐centered, inclusive definition of positive childbirth experiences: A discussion paper. Birth,
Introduction: A positive childbirth experience promotes women’s health, both during and beyond the perinatal period. Understanding what constitutes a positive childbirth exper...

Psychological health of pregnant and postpartum women before and during the COVID-19 Pandemic

Presentation / Conference
Kuipers, Y. (2022, May)
Psychological health of pregnant and postpartum women before and during the COVID-19 Pandemic. Presented at Nordic Midwifery Congress (NJF), Helsinki
Background: The COVID-19 pandemic is likely to influence psychological health of pregnant and postpartum women. Methods: We conducted a non-concurrent cross-sectional study a...
14 results

Translating informed consent in Scottish maternity services

2022 - 2022
This project examines informed consent during pregnancy, labour and birth in the case of parents with limited English-proficiency (LEP) in Scotland (e.g. refugees and asylum seekers who have recently ...
Funder: Royal Society of Edinburgh | Value: £500

'Witches' stories: persecuted for helping others: documentary analysis of early midwives and nurses as reported within the Scottish Witchcraft Survey database

2021 - 2021
Aim: to investigate accounts of nurses/healers and midwives accused/persecuted as 'witches'. Methods: Documentary analysis of the Survey of Scottish Witchcraft online database of those 'witches' cate...
Funder: Royal College of Nursing Foundation | Value: £7,114

The Bassett Scholarship for improving midwifery perinatal bereavement care in Lothian

2020 - 2024
This proposal will provide a midwife interested in the area of bereavement the opportunity to undertake a PhD over a 3 year period. This undertaking will develop skills and understanding of midwives w...
Funder: NHS Lothian | Value: £70,356

Eye Movement Desensitisation and Reprocessing (EMDR) for post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) post perinatal loss: investigating final details for pilot trial and feasibility study

2019 - 2019
Approximately 3,500 women in the UK experience the trauma of perinatal loss each year. Up to 39% go on to develop perinatal PTSD. There is no effective treatment for these women, but EMDR is effective...
Funder: Chief Scientists Office | Value: £33,319

An evaluation of the Care 24 service

2018 - 2022
The overall aim of the evaluation is to explore the experience and assess how successfully the Care 24 service meets the intended aims of the service initiative from the perspectives of families who h...
Funder: NHS Lothian | Value: £43,255

NIHR global group: reducing childhood mortality through prevention of preterm birth mortality and morbidity and stillbirth.

2018 - 2021
Our NIHR global health research group will develop and implement clinical strategies to reduce preterm birth and stillbirth related morbidity and mortality, and provide a platform for future clinical ...
Funder: National Institute for Health Research | Value: £20,564

Scoping exercise to inform the development of an education strategy for the Children’s Hospice Across Scotland (CHAS)

2017 - 2019
The aim of the scoping exercise is to inform the development of an education strategy for CHAS relating to the delivery of palliative care for babies, children and young people (BCYP) and their famili...
Funder: Children's Hospice Association Scotland | Value: £23,203

Breastfeeding and breast pumps - project development

2017 - 2019
Improving breastfeeding outcomes is an international and national priority for infant and maternal health. However, breastfeeding rates in Scotland are amongst the lowest in Europe and the duration o...
Funder: Scottish Government | Value: £73,971

Breastfeeding and Breast pumps Interventions - workshops

2017 - 2018
This funding is for collaborative workshops to develop data collection tools and intervention components to inform a definitive trial of a breast pump intervention. It is part of the BABI study funded...
Funder: NHS Health Scotland | Value: £3,040

Breast pumps survey analysis

2017 - 2018
The aim of this study is to analyse free text data generated via an online survey with mothers. The survey elicited opinions on the provision of a free breast pump or breast pump hire service for brea...
Funder: NHS Health Scotland | Value: £9,221