58 results
48 results

Buried pipe localization using an iterative geometric clustering on GPR data

Journal Article
Janning, R., Busche, A., Horváth, T., & Schmidt-Thieme, L. (2014)
Buried pipe localization using an iterative geometric clustering on GPR data. Artificial Intelligence Review, 42(3), 403-425. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10462-013-9410-2
Ground penetrating radar is a non-destructive method to scan the shallow subsurface for detecting buried objects like pipes, cables, ducts and sewers. Such buried objects caus...

Factorization Techniques for Predicting Student Performance

Book Chapter
Thai-Nghe, N., Drumond, L., Horváth, T., Krohn-Grimberghe, A., Nanopoulos, A., & Schmidt-Thieme, L. (2012)
Factorization Techniques for Predicting Student Performance. In O. C. Santos, & J. G. Boticario (Eds.), Educational Recommender Systems and Technologies: Practices and Challenges (129-153). IGI Global. https://doi.org/10.4018/978-1-61350-489-5.ch006
Recommender systems are widely used in many areas, especially in e-commerce. Recently, they are also applied in e-learning for recommending learning objects (e.g. papers) to s...

GRAMOFON: General model-selection framework based on networks

Journal Article
Buza, K., Nanopoulos, A., Horváth, T., & Schmidt-Thieme, L. (2012)
GRAMOFON: General model-selection framework based on networks. Neurocomputing, 75(1), 163-170. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.neucom.2011.02.026
Ensembles constitute one of the most prominent class of hybrid prediction models. One basically assumes that different models compensate each other's errors if one combines th...

A Model of User Preference Learning for Content-Based Recommender Systems

Journal Article
Horvath, T. (2009)
A Model of User Preference Learning for Content-Based Recommender Systems. Computing and Informatics, 28(4), 1001-1029
This paper focuses to a formal model of user preference learning for content-based recommender systems. First, some fundamental and special requirements to user preference lea...

User Preference Web Search -- Experiments with a System Connecting Web and User

Journal Article
Gurský, P., Horvath, T., Jirásek, J., Krajči, S., Novotny, R., Pribolová, J., …Vojtáš, P. (2009)
User Preference Web Search -- Experiments with a System Connecting Web and User. Computing and Informatics, 28(4), 1001-1033
We present models, methods, implementations and experiments with a system enabling personalized web search for many users with different preferences. The system consists of a ...

Knowledge Processing for Web Search – An Integrated Model and Experiments

Journal Article
Gurský, P., Horvath, T., Jirásek, J., Novotny, R., Pribolová, J., Vaneková, V., & Vojtáš, P. (2008)
Knowledge Processing for Web Search – An Integrated Model and Experiments. Scalable Computing: Practice and Experience, 9(1), 51-59
We propose a model of a middleware system enabling personalized web search for users with different preferences. We integrate both inductive and deductive tasks to find user p...

Integration of two fuzzy data mining methods

Journal Article
Horvath, T., & Krajči, S. (2004)
Integration of two fuzzy data mining methods. Neural Network World, 14(5), 391-402
The cluster analysis and the formal concept analysis are both used to identify significiant groups of similar objects. Rice & Siff's algorithm for the clustering joins these t...

An ILP model for a monotone graded classification problem

Journal Article
Vojtáš, P., Horvath, T., Krajči, S., & Lencses, R. (2004)
An ILP model for a monotone graded classification problem. Kybernetika, 40(3), 317-332
Motivation for this paper are classification problems in which data can not be clearly divided into positive and negative examples, especially data in which there is a monoton...
9 results

Application of evolutionary machine learning in metamorphic malware analysis and detection

2017 - 2021
Dr Kehinde Babaagba | Director of Studies: Dr Thomas Tan | Second Supervisor: Prof Emma Hart

Towards real-time cognitively-inspired multi-modal speech separation: Novel architectures and algorithms

2016 - 2021
Dr. Mandar Gogate | Director of Studies: Prof Amir Hussain | Second Supervisor: Prof Ahmed Al-Dubai

Semantic model-driven framework for validating quality requirements of internet of things streaming data

2016 - 2021
Dr Oluwaseun Bamgboye | Director of Studies: Prof Xiaodong Liu | Second Supervisor: Dr Peter Cruickshank

A closer look at adaptation mechanisms in simulated environment-driven evolutionary swarm robotics

2013 - 2018
Swarm robotics is a special case within the general field of robotics. The distributed nature makes it...
Dr Andreas Steyven | Director of Studies: Prof Emma Hart | Second Supervisor: Prof Ben Paechter

The evaluation of data filtering criterial in wind turbine power performance assessment

2012 - 2019
Dr Brian Davison | Director of Studies: Prof Tariq Muneer | Second Supervisor: Prof Ahmed Al-Dubai

Novel hyperheuristics applied to the domain of bin packing

2010 - 2014
Hyper-heuristics (HH) have been described as methodologies that aim to offer “good enough -soon enough - cheap enough” solutions to real world...
Dr Kevin Sim | Director of Studies: Prof Emma Hart | Second Supervisor: Prof Ben Paechter

An approach to cross-domain situation-based context management and highly adaptive services in pervasive environments

2008 - 2012
The concept of context-awareness is widely used in mobile and pervasive computing t...
Dr Zakwan Jaroucheh | Director of Studies: Prof Xiaodong Liu | Second Supervisor: Prof Sally Smith

Solving a real world routing proglem using evolutionary algorithms and multi-agent systems

1999 - 2003
Dr Neil Urquhart | Director of Studies: Peter Ross | Second Supervisor: Prof Ben Paechter

1994 - 1997
Prof Kenny Mitchell | Director of Studies: Prof Jessie Kennedy | Second Supervisor: Peter Barclay