Prof. Ahmed Al-Dubai is currently Professor in the School of Computing, Engineering and Built Environment (SCEBE), Edinburgh Napier University, where he leads the IoT and Networked Systems Research Group. He is also the Research Lead of the Cybersecurity and Cyber Physical Systems Subject Group at SCEBE . Prof Al-Dubai was awarded his PhD from the Dept. Computing Science, University of Glasgow in 2004. He leads interdisciplinary research and initiatives on the area of Multi-access Edge Computing, High-Performance Networks, Cognitive IoT Systems, VANETs, AI, E-Health, Smart Cities and Security. His research has been supported by EU, Universities UK and the Royal Society, Carnegie Trust, EPSRC and Scottish Funding Council. His findings have been published widely in top tier journals including different IEEE Transactions journals, and in prestigious international conferences including IEEE IPDPS, IEEE ICC, IEEE GLOBECOM, IEEE WCNC, ICPP and IEEE IPCCC.
He has been the recipient of several international academic awards and recognition including Best Papers Awards at IEEE Smart IoT, IEEE IUCC 2015, ACM MoMM 2013 and ACM SAC 2002. Prof Al-Dubai has been regularly invited to give keynote and plenary speeches at several international conferences. He has been a member of several editorial boards of scholarly journals. He has been the Guest Editor for over 30 special issues in scholarly journals and the Chair/Co-Chair of over 35 International Conferences and workshops. Prof Al-Dubai is a Fellow of the British Higher Education Academy and a Senior Member of the IEEE.