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62 results

Travel Plans for New Developments: A Global Review

Conference Proceeding
De Gruyter, C., Rose, G., Currie, G., & Rye, T. (2017)
Travel Plans for New Developments: A Global Review. In Proceedings Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting
Travel plans, also known as Transportation Demand Management (TDM) plans, can be required for new infill and greenfield developments through the land use planning and approval...

Trends In the Use of Dial-a-Ride and DRT Services – in Sweden and the UK

Presentation / Conference
Rye, T., Hunter, D., & Wretstrand, A. (2017, January)
Trends In the Use of Dial-a-Ride and DRT Services – in Sweden and the UK. Poster presented at Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting, Washington DC
Poster presentation. No abstract available.

The role of urban freight transport policies in local transport strategies: a comparison of Scotland, England and Sweden.

Presentation / Conference
Zehra Akgün, E., Monios, J., Rye, T. & Fonzone, A. (2017, January)
The role of urban freight transport policies in local transport strategies: a comparison of Scotland, England and Sweden. Paper presented at 49th Annual UTSG Conference, Dublin

Parking enforcement activity and public attitudes to enforcement: a case study of Edinburgh, Scotland (UK) in the context of the EU Push and Pull project

Presentation / Conference
Rye, T. & Llewellyn, R. (2016, November)
Parking enforcement activity and public attitudes to enforcement: a case study of Edinburgh, Scotland (UK) in the context of the EU Push and Pull project. Paper presented at International workshop on the economics of parking, Barcelona, 28th November 2016, University of Barcelona
Effective parking enforcement is absolutely critical to the effective operation and to the public acceptability of on-street parking policy. Very little empirically-based aca...

Street audits and reasons for non- or partial implementation of their recommendations

Presentation / Conference
Hunter, D., & Rye, T. (2016, October)
Street audits and reasons for non- or partial implementation of their recommendations. Presented at Rehabilitation International World Congress 2016, Edinburgh

The role of reporting mechanisms in transport policy implementation by local authorities in England.

Presentation / Conference
McTigue, C., Rye, T., & Monios, J. (2016, July)
The role of reporting mechanisms in transport policy implementation by local authorities in England. Paper presented at World Conference on Transport Research, Shanghai, China
Objectives This paper provides an insight into the implementation of local transport policy. The UK Transport Act 2000 made a number of reforms, requiring all local transport ...

A Comparison of Policy Transfer Processes: Different Sustainable Transport Concepts Transferred to and from Different Countries

Conference Proceeding
Mladenovic, L., Plevnik, A., & Rye, T. (2016)
A Comparison of Policy Transfer Processes: Different Sustainable Transport Concepts Transferred to and from Different Countries. In Proceedings of Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting
Policy transfer is the process of applying a policy, or knowledge that informs a policy, from one setting to another. The European Union (EU) provides the ideal platform for k...

The CIVITAS CAPITAL indicator set - and beyond

Conference Proceeding
Stantchev, D., Gudmundsson, H., Rye, T., Sauter, D., Armoogum, J., & Rydén, C. (in press)
The CIVITAS CAPITAL indicator set - and beyond
The availability of data, and especially of reliable and robust indicators that can provide as comprehensive view of mobility in a city as possible, without requiring an enorm...

Why Sweden has the highest public transport mode share in western Europe and what Scotland might be able to learn from this

Presentation / Conference
Rye, T. (2015, May)
Why Sweden has the highest public transport mode share in western Europe and what Scotland might be able to learn from this. Paper presented at Scottish Transport Applications and Research Conference, Glasgow, Scotland
This paper first carries out some comparative analysis of travel survey data from different EU countries that collect such data, and in particular at the share of trips made b...

Urban parking policy in Europe: A conceptualization of past and possible future trends

Journal Article
Mingardo, G., van Wee, B., & Rye, T. (2015)
Urban parking policy in Europe: A conceptualization of past and possible future trends. Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, 74, 268-281.
In the last two decades parking has increasingly gained importance in urban planning. Despite the growing number of papers published in recent years, an overall conceptualizat...
14 results


2016 - 2019
The objectives of this project are as follows. The project will: 1. Produce a culture shift in terms of environment for Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans (SUMPs) in member states and in the organisatio...
Funder: European Commission | Value: £254,160


2015 - 2016
The CIVITAS-DYN@MO mission is to strengthen sustainable mobility through promoting non-polluting lifestyles, through social interaction and collaboration on the basis of the new media, and through in...
Funder: European Commission | Value: £115,400


2014 - 2017
The project aims to improve urban mobility in European cities by means of parking space management combined with mobility management measures. By introducing paid parking, increasing parking fees, red...
Funder: European Commission | Value: £84,325


2013 - 2016
The mission of CIVITAS CAPITAL is to contribute significantly to the goals of the EU's Transport White Paper by capitalising systematically on the results of CIVITAS and creating an effective "value c...
Funder: European Commission | Value: £62,823

IntelliBike: an instrumented bicycle for cycling infrastructure

2011 - 2015
To develop an instrumented bicycle (IntelliBike) to monitor cycleway condition, ride-quality and environmental variables. This will optimise maintenance expenditure, improve Britain’s cycleways and pr...
Funder: The CIHT Foundation | Value: £5,000

Transport Learning

2011 - 2014
Producing and delivering training material on various aspects of sustainable transport in different convergence regions of the EU.  Napier has key role as trainer and producer of materials
Funder: EU Framework Programme 7 and FP6 and earlier programmes

UKTRC - Long-term programme example project

2010 - 2013
The research project examines whether and how governance structures make a difference to policy effectiveness (design and delivery) and accountability within the field of carbon emissions management a...
Funder: Economic and Social Research Council | Value: £15,286


2010 - 2013
Developing quality-management-schemes for continuous improvement of the accessibility of the door-to-door mobility-chain in European
Funder: EU Framework Programme 7 and FP6 and earlier programmes

Challenge (ELTIS Plus)

2010 - 2013
This project is implementing two inter-related activities: the management of the European Local Transport Information Service website,, and the promotion of the uptake of sustainable urb...
Funder: European Commission | Value: £242,526

Active Access

2009 - 2012
Active Access aims to increase the use of cycling but especially walking for short everyday trips in local areas, in order to benefit people’s health, and the health of the local economy. It aims to t...
Funder: European Commission | Value: £308,400