3 results

Rubber plantation ageing controls soil biodiversity after land conversion from cassava

Journal Article
Peerawat, M., Blaud, A., Trap, J., Chevallier, T., Alonso, P., Gay, F., …Brauman, A. (2018)
Rubber plantation ageing controls soil biodiversity after land conversion from cassava. Agriculture, ecosystems & environment, 257, 92-102. doi:10.1016/j.agee.2018.01.034
The rapid expansion of perennial crops is a major threat to biodiversity in Southeast Asia. The biodiversity losses related to the conversion of forest lands to oil palm or ru...

Insights from measuring pollen deposition: quantifying the pre-eminence of bees as flower visitors and effective pollinators

Journal Article
Willmer, P. G., Cunnold, H., & Ballantyne, G. (2017)
Insights from measuring pollen deposition: quantifying the pre-eminence of bees as flower visitors and effective pollinators. Arthropod-Plant Interactions, 11(3), 411-425. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11829-017-9528-2
Using our accumulated datasets from Kenyan savanna, Mediterranean garigue, UK gardens and heathland, involving 76 plants from 30 families, we present detailed data to quantify...

Effect of Ozone Treatment on Inactivation of Escherichia coli and Listeria sp. on Spinach

Journal Article
Wani, S., Maker, J., Thompson, J., Barnes, J., & Singleton, I. (2015)
Effect of Ozone Treatment on Inactivation of Escherichia coli and Listeria sp. on Spinach. Agriculture, 5(2), 155-169. https://doi.org/10.3390/agriculture5020155
The efficacy of “gaseous” ozone in reducing numbers and re-growth of food-borne pathogens, (Escherichia coli and Listeria spp.), on leafy salads was investigated using spinach...