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20 results

A review of the in vivo and in vitro toxicity of silver and gold particulates: Particle attributes and biological mechanisms responsible for the observed toxicity

Journal Article
Johnston, H. J., Hutchison, G., Christensen, F. M., Peters, S., Hankin, S., & Stone, V. (2010)
A review of the in vivo and in vitro toxicity of silver and gold particulates: Particle attributes and biological mechanisms responsible for the observed toxicity. Critical Reviews in Toxicology, 40(4), 328-346.
This review is concerned with evaluating the toxicity associated with human exposure to silver and gold nanoparticles (NPs), due to the relative abundance of toxicity data ava...

Identification of the mechanisms that drive the toxicity of TiO2 particulates: the contribution of physicochemical characteristics

Journal Article
Johnston, H. J., Hutchison, G. R., Christensen, F. M., Peters, S., Hankin, S., & Stone, V. (2009)
Identification of the mechanisms that drive the toxicity of TiO2 particulates: the contribution of physicochemical characteristics. Particle and fibre toxicology, 6(1), 33.
This review focuses on outlining the toxicity of titanium dioxide (TiO₂) particulates in vitro and in vivo, in order to understand their ability to detrimentally impact...

Glucocorticoids Amplify Dibutyl Phthalate-Induced Disruption of Testosterone Production and Male Reproductive Development

Journal Article
Drake, A. J., van den Driesche, S., Scott, H. M., Hutchison, G. R., Seckl, J. R., & Sharpe, R. M. (2009)
Glucocorticoids Amplify Dibutyl Phthalate-Induced Disruption of Testosterone Production and Male Reproductive Development. Endocrinology, 150(11), 5055-5064.
Common male reproductive abnormalities including cryptorchidism, hypospadias, and low sperm counts may comprise a testicular dysgenesis syndrome (TDS), resulting from fetal te...

The Biological Mechanisms and Physicochemical Characteristics Responsible for Driving Fullerene Toxicity

Journal Article
Johnston, H. J., Hutchison, G. R., Christensen, F. M., Aschberger, K., & Stone, V. (2010)
The Biological Mechanisms and Physicochemical Characteristics Responsible for Driving Fullerene Toxicity. Toxicological Sciences, 114(2), 162-182.
This review provides a comprehensive critical review of the available literature purporting to assess the toxicity of carbon fullerenes. This is required as prior to the wides...

Sertoli Cell Development and Function in an Animal Model of Testicular Dysgenesis Syndrome1

Journal Article
Hutchison, G. R., Scott, H. M., Walker, M., McKinnell, C., Ferrara, D., Mahood, I. K., & Sharpe, R. M. (2008)
Sertoli Cell Development and Function in an Animal Model of Testicular Dysgenesis Syndrome1. Biology of Reproduction, 78(2), 352-360.
Pregnancy exposure to di(n-butyl) phthalate (DBP) in rats induces a testicular dysgenesislike syndrome (TDS) in male offspring. Earlier studies suggested altered Sertoli cell ...

The origins and time of appearance of focal testicular dysgenesis in an animal model of testicular dysgenesis syndrome: evidence for delayed testis development?

Journal Article
Hutchison, G. R., Sharpe, R. M., Mahood, I. K., Jobling, M., Walker, M., McKinnell, C., …Scott, H. M. (2008)
The origins and time of appearance of focal testicular dysgenesis in an animal model of testicular dysgenesis syndrome: evidence for delayed testis development?. International Journal of Andrology, 31(2), 103-111.
A testicular dysgenesis-like syndrome is induced in rats by fetal exposure todi(n-butyl) phthalate (DBP). A key feature of this is the formation of focal dys-genetic areas com...

Consequences for the male fetus: Time windows of testosterone action and susceptibility to disorders of ‘masculinisation’

Journal Article
Sharpe, R. M., Scott, H. M., Hutchison, G., Walker, M., McKinnell, C., Saunders, P., & Welsh, M. (2007)
Consequences for the male fetus: Time windows of testosterone action and susceptibility to disorders of ‘masculinisation’. Toxicology, 240(3), 144-145.
Conference abstract in Proceedings of the Annual Congress of The British Toxicology Society.

Nanoparticle interactions with zinc and iron: Implications for toxicology and inflammation

Journal Article
Wilson, M. R., Foucaud, L., Barlow, P. G., Hutchison, G. R., Sales, J., Simpson, R. J., & Stone, V. (2007)
Nanoparticle interactions with zinc and iron: Implications for toxicology and inflammation. Toxicology and Applied Pharmacology, 225(1), 80-89.
Particulate air pollution (PM10) consists of a mixture of components, including nanoparticles and metals. Studies from our laboratory have demonstrated that transition metals ...

Serum exposed to nanoparticle carbon black displays increased potential to induce macrophage migration

Journal Article
Barlow, P., Donaldson, K., MacCallum, J., Clouter, A., & Stone, V. (2005)
Serum exposed to nanoparticle carbon black displays increased potential to induce macrophage migration. Toxicology Letters, 155(3), 397-401.
Objective: To assess whether fine and ultrafine particles (nanoparticles) have the capacity to activate factors in serum that would induce macrophage migration. This is a mode...

The Effects of Air Pollution Particles on Clearance Mechanisms Within the Lung

Barlow, P. G. The Effects of Air Pollution Particles on Clearance Mechanisms Within the Lung. (Thesis)
Edinburgh Napier University. Retrieved from
The effects of inhaled aIr pollution particles on lung clearance mechanisms is an important factor in understanding how the mammalian lung deals with such pollutants and, as s...
5 results


2024 - 2024
Although there has been a smoking ban across the UK for more than 15 years making it illegal to smoke in many workplaces there are still some circumstances where workers are being exposed to second-ha...
Funder: Association of Respiratory Nurse Specialists | Value: £8,077

Do iron-oxide nanoparticles contribute to Parkinsons Disease pathology?

2021 - 2022
Anthropogenic iron-oxide nanoparticles (IONPs) detected in ultrafine particulate matter caused by traffic and industrial emissions have increased substantially over time, constituting one of the most ...
Funder: RS Macdonald Charitable Trust | Value: £1,500

Pollution Exposure and Cardiovascular Health

2018 - 2019
The project aims to ascertain pollution exposure on Edinburgh main roads and greener routes, and also determine the health effects of active commuting via these routes
Funder: Carnegie Trust for the Universities of Scotland | Value: £4,550

Biomaterial Risk Management

2017 - 2022
Development of a reliable methodology for better risk management of engineered biomaterials in Advanced Therapy Medicinal Products and/or Medical Devices. BIORIMA stands for Biomaterial Risk Manageme...
Funder: European Commission | Value: £158,070

Nanomaterials and wastewater treatment

2015 - 2016
In an attempt to better understand the impact of nanomaterials on waste water treatment, the University will undertake a purposeful environmental hazard assessment, whereby the focus will be to assess...
Funder: Centre for Environment Fisheries & Aquaculture Science | Value: £18,992

