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58 results

Scottish Government Consultation Response: Incorporating the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child into Scots Law

Barnes Macfarlane, L. (2019)
Scottish Government Consultation Response: Incorporating the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child into Scots Law
Response to the Scottish Government Consultation: Incorporating the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child into Scots Law. Response 308224602 by Dr Lesley-Anne Barnes Macfa...

The Children (Scotland) Bill 2019: what would it do for children?

Presentation / Conference
Barnes Macfarlane, L. (2019, November)
The Children (Scotland) Bill 2019: what would it do for children?
Presentation at final workshop in RSE-funded workshop series, co-organised by me.

Twenty Years of the Scottish Parliament in Child and Family Law

Presentation / Conference
Barnes Macfarlane, L. (2019, October)
Twenty Years of the Scottish Parliament in Child and Family Law. Presented at Twenty Years of the Scottish Parliament in Child and Family Law, Edinburgh
Three funded workshops celebrating the work of the Scottish Parliament in the field of Child and Family Law. I co-organised and co-chaired each of the three day-long workshop...

Public Understanding of Trafficking in Human Beings in Great Britain, Hungary and Ukraine

Journal Article
Sharapov, K. (2019)
Public Understanding of Trafficking in Human Beings in Great Britain, Hungary and Ukraine. Anti-trafficking review, 13, 30-49.
This article provides a summary of research undertaken to investigate public awareness and understanding of human trafficking in Great Britain, Ukraine, and Hungary. Respondin...

National menace: mediating homo/sexuality and sovereignty in the Polish national/ist discourses

Journal Article
Kulpa, R. (2020)
National menace: mediating homo/sexuality and sovereignty in the Polish national/ist discourses. Critical Discourse Studies, 17(3), 327-343.
The bio-political discourses of nationhood and homo/sexuality burgeon geo-culturally and historically, and this article presents a case-study of Poland post-2004 EU enlargemen...

Scottish Government Consultation Response: Review of Part I of the Children (Scotland) Act 1995 and Creation of a Family Justice Modernisation Strategy

Barnes Macfarlane, L. (2018)
Scottish Government Consultation Response: Review of Part I of the Children (Scotland) Act 1995 and Creation of a Family Justice Modernisation Strategy
Response to the Scottish Government Consultation: Review of Part I of the Children (Scotland) Act 1995 and Creation of a Family Justice Modernisation Strategy. Response 68767...

Surveying Friendship. What the Quantitative Data Tell Us About Friendship among LGBT Communities

Presentation / Conference
Kulpa, R. (2018, October)
Surveying Friendship. What the Quantitative Data Tell Us About Friendship among LGBT Communities. Paper presented at Queering Friendship: Citizenship, Care and Choice (‘Intimate’ Project), University of Lisbon, Lisbon, PT
2018, Surveying Friendship. What the Quantitative Data Tell Us About Friendship among LGBT Communities. To: Queering Friendship: Citizenship, Care and Choice (‘Intimate’ Proje...

Consultation Submission: Scottish Law Commission - Tenth Programme of Law Reform

Barnes Macfarlane, L. (2018)
Consultation Submission: Scottish Law Commission - Tenth Programme of Law Reform
Submission to the Scottish Law Commission consultation: Tenth Programme of Law Reform.

Minority ethnic young people: Confident negotiators

Journal Article
Arshad, R., Botterill, K., Hopkins, P., & Sanghera, G. (2017)
Minority ethnic young people: Confident negotiators. Race Equality Teaching, 34(2), 5-9.
No abstract available.

Decolonizing Queer Epistemologies: Section Introduction

Book Chapter
Kulpa, R., & Silva, J. M. (2016)
Decolonizing Queer Epistemologies: Section Introduction. In G. Brown, & K. Browne (Eds.), The Routledge Research Companion to Geographies of Sex and Sexualities (139-142). London: Routledge
5 results

RESIST - Fostering Queer-Feminist Intersectional Resistances against Transnational Anti-Gender Politics

2022 - 2026
Anti-gender politics pose a grave threat to modern democratic formations because they challenge people's everyday survival, bodily integrity, and self-determination. Anti-gender spans the political sp...
Funder: European Commission | Value: £443,089

Centre for Child & Family Law and Policy Research Internships

2021 - 2022
The internships will involve: (i) conducting practice-based research on areas of law and practice governing children and adults in their private and family life – to include family law, public childca...
Funder: The Clark Foundation for Legal Education | Value: £3,399

Research Network to create Multi-Disciplinary Research Centre for Scottish Child and Family Law and Policy

2021 - 2023
Our Research Network will launch the unique Multi-Disciplinary Centre for Scottish Child and Family Law and Policy, building upon the successes and networking opportunities generated by our workshop s...
Funder: Royal Society of Edinburgh | Value: £19,500

Pacific Community Filmmaking Consortium for Gender and Public Engagement

2020 - 2021
Gender inequality in the Pacific is a serious challenge and a sensitive issue - requiring a culturally appropriate and joined up development approach to support and drive the necessary social changes....
Funder: Arts & Humanities Research Council | Value: £93,888

Scottish Parliament Research Project: Family Law (Scotland) Bill 2019

2019 - 2019
The Scottish Parliamentary Corporate Body is seeking to award a contract for research on behalf of the Justice Committee. The Family Law (Scotland) Bill (‘the Bill’) is due to be introduced this yea...
Funder: The Scottish Parliament | Value: £4,872
6 results

The RESIST Project Press Release: Findings from the Work Package 1 Released

10 April 2024
Headline: Europe-wide research reveals how transgender rights, feminism, and LGBTIQ+ advocacy are systematically attacked in politics and media. Lead: A project researching so-called ‘anti-gender’ po...

Dr Kulpa organises a gender & sexuality-focused event to celebrate inclusive queer-feminist politics across the month of March 2024.

6 March 2024
Dr Kulpa organises an inclusive queer-feminist event celebrating our diverse lives and work across Edinburgh Napier University.

Dr Kulpa invited to speak at European University Viadrina, Germany

8 September 2023
The talk reflected on the epistemic b/orders in collaborative knowledge creation in queer studies, as critical discipline pursued within the neoliberal higher education system.

Dr Kulpa invited at the "Go West!" Die Idee des "Westens" in bildungshistorischer Perspektive, University of Münster

15 December 2022
Dr Kulpa spoke about "Post-Enlightenment: Can We Go Beyond Occidentalist Epistemologies and Geo-Politics in Queer Studies?" as part of the "Go West! Conceptual Explorations of “The West” in History of...

Dr Kulpa invited to Leibniz-Institut für Geschichte und Kultur des östlichen Europa (GWZO), Leipzig, Germany.

1 June 2022
Dr Kulpa spoke about "Thinking About the Geo-politics of Knowledge Production: Non-anglophone Epistemologies in/of Queer Studies" at Leibniz-Institut für Geschichte und Kultur des östlichen Europa (GW...

Dr Kulpa invited to speak on "Queer Politics of Post-Enlightenment" at Lund University

1 December 2021
The talk reflected on the contemporary queer studies and the geo-temporal ‘unsettlement’ of Central and Eastern Europe in the occidental (and occidentalist) imaginary.