Entrepreneurship Education and Training Programmes:: A Review and Evaluation – Part 2
Journal Article
Garavan, T. N., & O′Cinneide, B. (1994)
Entrepreneurship Education and Training Programmes:: A Review and Evaluation – Part 2. Journal of European industrial training, 18(11), 13-21. doi:10.1108/03090599410073505
Considers six entrepreneurial education and training programmes and in particular the development of high‐technology/knowledge‐based venture entrepreneurs. Examines the design...
Partnership and preparation: a new model of transition from college to university
Conference Proceeding
Meharg, D., & Fotheringham, J. (2016)
Partnership and preparation: a new model of transition from college to university. In Equality and diversity in learning and teaching in higher education : Papers from Equality Challenge Unit and Higher Education Academy joint conferences. , (102-112
Widening participation in higher education continues to be a key focus for Scottish government and the 2013 Post-16 Education (Scotland) Act places obligations upon Universiti...
Implementing web-assisted learning and engaging academic staff in the change process
Journal Article
Marek, S. A., Sibbald, A. M., & Bagher, M. (2007)
Implementing web-assisted learning and engaging academic staff in the change process. Journal of Organisational Transformation and Social Change, 3(3), 269-284. https://doi.org/10.1386/jots.3.3.269_1
In achieving the transition from a traditional taught mode of delivery to web-assisted learning, the management of universities now realise that change needs to be led and man...
Sensemaking at entrepreneurial firms: Acknowledgment practice under uncertainty
Journal Article
Johnson, D., & Bock, A. J. (2015)
Sensemaking at entrepreneurial firms: Acknowledgment practice under uncertainty. Proceedings - Academy of Management, 2015(1), 12638-12638. https://doi.org/10.5465/ambpp.2015.12638abstract
Acknowledgement practices represent individual or group responses to events or outcomes. Within organizational contexts, acknowledgement practices reflect sensemaking and have...
Event studies: finding fool's gold at the rainbow's end?
Journal Article
Baum, T., Lockstone-Binney, L., & Robertson, M. (2013)
Event studies: finding fool's gold at the rainbow's end?. International Journal of Event and Festival Management, 4(3), 179-185. https://doi.org/10.1108/ijefm-06-2013-0014
The aim of this opinion piece is to seek to cast a critical eye over the event studies field to chart its progress as an emerging area of study, relative to its close ...
A Simulation Conceptual Modelling Procedure for SCM Applications
Working Paper
Weaver, M., Albores, P., & Love, D. (2012)
A Simulation Conceptual Modelling Procedure for SCM Applications
Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to outline a seven-phase simulation conceptual modelling procedure that incorporates existing practice and embeds a process reference mo...
Book Review of "Introduction to Leadership: Concepts and Practice" - Peter G Northouse
Journal Article
McGuire, D. (2009)
Book Review of "Introduction to Leadership: Concepts and Practice" - Peter G Northouse. Journal of European industrial training, 33(8/9), 838-840. https://doi.org/10.1108/03090590910993661
This interactive textbook provides a useful introduction to a range of leadership concepts and practices. Written by Peter G. Northouse, author of Leadership: Theory and Pract...
Understanding the HRD Role in MNCs:The Imperatives of Social Capital and Networking
Journal Article
Gubbins, C., & Garavan, T. N. (2009)
Understanding the HRD Role in MNCs:The Imperatives of Social Capital and Networking. Human Resource Development Review, 8(2), 245-275. https://doi.org/10.1177/1534484309334583
In an era of increasing global competition, it is argued that knowledge and skills are the key sources of competitive advantage. This places the human resource development (HR...
Creating intellectual capital: a Habermasian community of practice (CoP) introduction
Journal Article
O’Donnell, D., Porter, G., McGuire, D., Garavan, T. N., Heffernan, M., & Cleary, P. (2003)
Creating intellectual capital: a Habermasian community of practice (CoP) introduction. Journal of European industrial training, 27(2/3/4), 80-87. https://doi.org/10.1108/03090590310468903
John Seely Brown notes that context must be added to data and information to produce meaning. To move forward, Brown suggests, we must not merely look ahead but we must also l...
Managers' personal values as predictors of importance attached to training and development: a cross-country exploratory study
Journal Article
McGuire, D., Garavan, T. N., O'Donnell, D., Saha, S. K., & Cseh, M. (2008)
Managers' personal values as predictors of importance attached to training and development: a cross-country exploratory study. Human Resource Development International, 11, 335-350. https://doi.org/10.1080/13678860802261520
Few empirical studies have examined the effect of personal values on the importance attached by individuals to training and development in organizations. We argue that persona...