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117 results

A review of seagrass cover, status and trends in Africa

Journal Article
The recognition of the benefits that seagrasses contribute has enhanced the research interest in these marine ecosystems. Seagrasses provide critical goods and services and su...

The coastal conservation narrative is shifting from crisis to ecosystem services

Journal Article
Balke, T., Vovides, A. G., Ladd, C. J., & Huxham, M. (2023)
The coastal conservation narrative is shifting from crisis to ecosystem services. Marine Biology, 56, Article 3.
Conservation biology emerged as a crisis discipline in the 20th century amongst an increasing awareness of pollution and habitat loss. Since the early 2000s, societal and mone...

Capitalizing on the global financial interest in blue carbon

Journal Article
Friess, D., Howard, J., Huxham, M., Macreadie, P. I., & Ross, F. (2022)
Capitalizing on the global financial interest in blue carbon. PLOS Climate, 1(8), e0000061.
Natural climate solutions are crucial interventions to help countries and companies achieve their net-zero carbon emissions ambitions. Blue carbon ecosystems such as mangroves...

When nature needs a helping hand: different levels of human intervention for mangrove (re-)establishment

Journal Article
Zimmer, M., Ajonina, G. N., Aldrie Amir, A., Crgagg, S. M., Crooks, S., Dahdouh-Guebas, F., …Wodehouse, D. (2022)
When nature needs a helping hand: different levels of human intervention for mangrove (re-)establishment. Frontiers in Forests and Global Change, 5, Article 784322.
Protecting existing mangrove forests is a priority for global conservation because of the wide range of services that these coastal forests provide to humankind. Despite the r...

Stocks and productivity of dead wood in mangrove forests: A systematic literature review

Journal Article
Mwihaki Mugi, L., Kiss, D., Gitundu Kairo, J., & Huxham, M. R. (2022)
Stocks and productivity of dead wood in mangrove forests: A systematic literature review. Frontiers in Forests and Global Change, 5, Article 767337.
The functional and ecological importance of dead wood in terrestrial forests is widely recognized and researched. In contrast, much less is known about dead wood in mangrove f...

Integrating Blue: How do we make Nationally Determined Contributions work for both blue carbon and local coastal communities?

Journal Article
Dencer-Brown, A. M., Shilland, R., Friess, D., Herr, D., Benson, L., Berry, N. J., …Huxham, M. (2022)
Integrating Blue: How do we make Nationally Determined Contributions work for both blue carbon and local coastal communities?. AMBIO: A Journal of the Human Environment, 51, 1978-1993.
Blue Carbon Ecosystems (BCEs) help mitigate and adapt to climate change but their integration into policy, such as Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs), remains underdev...

Composition and structure of the mangrove fish and crustacean communities of Vanga Bay, Kenya

Journal Article
Wanjiru, C., Rueckert, S., & Huxham, M. (2022)
Composition and structure of the mangrove fish and crustacean communities of Vanga Bay, Kenya. Western Indian Ocean journal of marine science, 20(2), 25-44.
Mangroves support coastal fisheries, particularly by providing nurseries for juvenile fish. However, much remains unknown about the fish and crustacean communities in mangrove...

From fast food to a well-balanced diet: toward a programme focused approach to feedback in higher education

Journal Article
Wilder-Davis, K., Carless, D., Huxham, M., McCune, V., McLatchie, J., Jessop, T., & Marzetti, H. (2021)
From fast food to a well-balanced diet: toward a programme focused approach to feedback in higher education. Practitioner Research in Higher Education, 14(1), 3-15
Feedback may be considered ‘good’ according to many of the criteria in the literature whilst still having little or no impact on students’ learning in the longer term. Feedbac...

Nature-based Solutions for Climate Change Mitigation: Challenges and Opportunities for the ASEAN Region

Siman, K., Friess, D. A., Huxham, M., McGowan, S., Drewer, J., Koh, L. P., …Sjögersten, S. (2021)
Nature-based Solutions for Climate Change Mitigation: Challenges and Opportunities for the ASEAN Region. COP26 Universities Network
Nature-based climate solutions (NbS) are widely available, scalable, and cost-effective mechanisms to sequester carbon and safeguard Southeast Asia’s large carbon stocks. In a...

How does governance mediate links between ecosystem services and poverty alleviation? Results from a systematic mapping and thematic synthesis of literature

Journal Article
Nunan, F., Menton, M., McDermott, C. L., Huxham, M., & Schreckenberg, K. (2021)
How does governance mediate links between ecosystem services and poverty alleviation? Results from a systematic mapping and thematic synthesis of literature. World Development, 146,
Many efforts to improve the sustainable management of renewable natural resources in low- and middle-income countries seek to achieve ‘win-win’ outcomes – improved ecosystem h...
18 results

Dissolved oxygen and pH variability within seagrass meadows: mitigators of ocean acidification and potential refugia for CaCO3 dependent organisms?

2021 - date
Ahmed Mohamed | Director of Studies: Prof Mark Huxham | Second Supervisor: Prof Karen Diele

Trust, Time, and Bias: What is the effect upon correcting false memories with a fact check?

2021 - date
Ted Carlson Webster | Director of Studies: Dr Marina Wimmer | Second Supervisor: Dr Faye Skelton

Investigating drivers of seagrass loss in Kenya and testing local soluations to seagrass conservation

2020 - date
Edward Mwikamba | Director of Studies: Prof Mark Huxham | Second Supervisor: Prof Robert Briers

The hidden links in trophic food webs: where do the parasites fit?

2019 - 2020
Matthew Dicker | Director of Studies: Dr Sonja Rueckert | Second Supervisor: Prof Mark Huxham

Understanding the stocks and productivity of live and dead wood in an exploited mangrove forest

2019 - date
Lilian Mugi | Director of Studies: Prof Mark Huxham | Second Supervisor: Dr Gavin Ballantyne

Understanding the drivers of carbon sequestration in Scottish seagrass

2016 - 2022
Dani Whitlock | Director of Studies: Prof Mark Huxham

Determinants of habitat use by fish and crustaceans in mangroves: using habitat characteristics to predict communities

2015 - 2020
Caroline Wanjiru | Director of Studies: Prof Mark Huxham | Second Supervisor: Dr Sonja Rueckert

An investigation into programme level approaches to feedback: Influences on students' learning and feedback literacy

2015 - 2020
The purpose of the current research is to explore what a programme-focused approach ...
Kimberly Wilder | Director of Studies: Prof Mark Huxham

Assessing the role of intertidal seagrasses as coastal carbon sinks in Scotland

2013 - 2017
Seagrasses form dense and extensive coastal meadows extending from intertidal areas down to 40 m depth worldwide except ...
Maria Potouroglou | Director of Studies: Prof Mark Huxham | Second Supervisor: Prof Karen Diele

The role of seagrass meadows in Gazi Bay, Kenya as carbon sinks

2013 - 2017
Njoroge Githaiga | Director of Studies: Prof Mark Huxham | Second Supervisor: Dr Linda Gilpin
