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92 results

Improving street based routing using building block mutations.

Conference Proceeding
Urquhart, N. B., Ross, P., Paechter, B., & Chisholm, K. (2002)
Improving street based routing using building block mutations. In J. Gottlieb, E. Hart, & S. Cagnoni (Eds.), Applications of Evolutionary Computing: EvoWorkshops 2002: EvoCOP, EvoIASP, EvoSTIM/EvoPLAN Kinsale, Ireland, April 3–4, 2002 Proceedings. , (189-202).
Street based routing (SBR) is a real-world inspired routing problem that builds routes within an urban area for mail deliveries. The authors have previously attempted to solve...

Metaheuristics for university course timetabling.

Book Chapter
Lewis, R. M. R., Paechter, B., & Rossi-Doria, O. (2007)
Metaheuristics for university course timetabling. In K. Dahal, K. Chen Tan, & P. Cowling (Eds.), Evolutionary Scheduling, (237-272). Berlin / Heidelberg: Springer.
In this chapter we consider the NP-complete problem of university course timetabling. We note that it is often difficult to gain a deep understanding of these sorts of problem...

2-Dimensional Outline Shape Representation for Generative Design with Evolutionary Algorithms

Conference Proceeding
Lapok, P., Lawson, A., & Paechter, B. (2019)
2-Dimensional Outline Shape Representation for Generative Design with Evolutionary Algorithms. In H. Rodrigues, J. Herskovits, C. Mota Soares, A. Araújo, J. Guedes, J. Folgado, …J. Madeira (Eds.), EngOpt 2018 Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Engineering Optimization, (926-937).
In this paper, we investigate the ability of genetic representation methods to describe two-dimensional outline shapes, in order to use them in a generative design system. A s...

Strengthening the Forward Variable Selection Stopping Criterion

Conference Proceeding
Herrera, L. J., Rubio, G., Pomares, H., Paechter, B., Guillén, A., & Rojas, I. (2009)
Strengthening the Forward Variable Selection Stopping Criterion. In Artificial Neural Networks – ICANN 2009. , (215-224).
Given any modeling problem, variable selection is a preprocess step that selects the most relevant variables with respect to the output variable. Forward selection is the most...

This pervasive day: creative Interactive methods for encouraging public engagement with FET research

Journal Article
Helgason, I., Bradley, J., Egan, C., Paechter, B., & Hart, E. (2011)
This pervasive day: creative Interactive methods for encouraging public engagement with FET research. Procedia Computer Science, 7, 207-208.
This paper describes a case study of a programme of interactive public engagement activities presented by the PerAda Co-ordination Action project (FET Proactive Initiative on ...

Improving vehicle routing using a customer waiting time colony.

Conference Proceeding
Sa'adah, S., Ross, P., & Paechter, B. (2004)
Improving vehicle routing using a customer waiting time colony. In J. Gottlieb, & G. Raidl (Eds.), Evolutionary Computation in Combinatorial Optimization, 188-198.
In the vehicle routing problem with time windows (VRPTW), there are two main objectives. The primary objective is to reduce the number of vehicles, the secondary one is to min...

A local search for the timetabling problem.

Conference Proceeding
Rossi-Doria, O., Blum, C., Knowles, J., Sampels, M., Socha, K., & Paechter, B. (2001)
A local search for the timetabling problem. In E. Burke, & P. Causmaecker (Eds.), Proceedings of the Conference on the Practice and Theory of Automated Timetabling (PATAT 2002), 124-127
This work is part of the Metaheuristic Network, a European Commission project that seeks to empirically compare the performance of various metaheuristics on different combinat...

Solving CSPs using self-adaptive constraint weights: how to prevent EAs from cheating

Conference Proceeding
Eiben, A. E., Jansen, B., Michalewicz, Z., & Paechter, B. (2000)
Solving CSPs using self-adaptive constraint weights: how to prevent EAs from cheating. In GECCO'00: Proceedings of the 2nd Annual Conference on Genetic and Evolutionary Computation. , (128-134
This paper examines evolutionary algorithms (EAs) extended by various penalty-based approaches to solve constraint satisfaction problems (CSPs). In some approaches, the penalt...

Evolving planar mechanisms for the conceptual stage of mechanical design

Conference Proceeding
Lapok, P., Lawson, A., & Paechter, B. (2019)
Evolving planar mechanisms for the conceptual stage of mechanical design. In GECCO '19: Proceedings of the Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference Companion. , (383-384).
This study presents a method to evolve planar mechanism prototypes using an evolutionary computing approach. Ultimately, the idea is to provide drafts for designers at the con...

Computing the State of Specknets: an immune-inspired approach.

Conference Proceeding
Davoudani, D., Hart, E., & Paechter, B. (2009)
Computing the State of Specknets: an immune-inspired approach. In Performance Evaluation of Computer and Telecommunication Systems, 2008. SPECTS 2008. International Symposium on, 52-59
Speckled Computing is an emerging technology based on the deployment of thousands of minute semiconductor grains in dense, wireless networks known as Specknets. Specknets coll...
13 results

AWARENESS (Co-ordination Action)

2010 - 2013
For latest news and events, please see the project webpage here Awareness is a Coordination Action (CA), supporting research under the FP7: FET Proactive Intiative:Self-Awareness in Autonomic Systems...
Funder: European Commission | Value: £487,925


2008 - 2011
The project finished on 31/06/11 and was evaluated as "Excellent: the project has fully achieved its objectives and technical goals for the period and has even exceeded expectations" The reviewers co...
Funder: European Commission | Value: £761,800

Scapa Flow Technologies

2005 - 2006
To use evolutionary techniques to develop prototype software that will automatically optimise the performance of Enterprise Java software for large e-commerce systems.
Funder: Innovate UK | Value: £62,436


2000 - 2004
Metaheuristics are widely used to solve important practical combinatorial optimization problems. But the how and why they work effectively for specific problems and for others not, remains a mystery. ...
Funder: European Commission | Value: £170,000

SCOPE: Server Configuration Optimisation through Parameter Evolution

2001 - 2006
SCOPE: Server Configuration Optimisation through Parameter Evolution
Funder: Innovate UK | Value: £100,000


2013 - 2016
FOCAS is a coordination action in the area of collective adaptive systems. It provides increased visibility to the research carried out by projects funded by the FOCAS FET Proactive Initiative and oth...
Funder: European Commission | Value: £639,999


2000 - 2003
This project seeks to provide the technology and software infrastructure necessary to support the next generation of evolving infohabitants in a way that makes that infrastructure universal, open and ...
Funder: European Commission | Value: £171,524

KTP: Intelligent Agents

2019 - 2022
Improving customer experience through intelligent workflow
Funder: Innovate UK | Value: £268,152

EvoNet II

2000 - 2012
The EvoNet series of conferences continue to be run annually by Jennifer Willies through the Institute of Informatics & Digital Innovation.
Funder: European Commission | Value: £467,000


1996 - 1999
The Evonet Network of Excellence brings together European researchers and practitioners in the field of evolutionary computing. Like evolution in nature, evolutionary techniques "breed" progressively ...
Funder: EU Framework Programme 7 and FP6 and earlier programmes


Qualification level

29 results

A closer look at adaptation mechanisms in simulated environment-driven evolutionary swarm robotics

2013 - 2018
Swarm robotics is a special case within the general field of robotics. The distributed nature makes it...
Dr Andreas Steyven | Director of Studies: Prof Emma Hart | Second Supervisor: Prof Ben Paechter

Participation Space Studies: a socio-technical exploration of activist and community groups? use of online and offline spaces to support their work

2011 - 2016
Participation Space Studies explore eParticipation ...
Dr Ella Taylor-Smith | Director of Studies: Dr Colin Smith | Second Supervisor: Dr Michael Smyth

An investigation into visual graph comparison

2007 - 2014
Information Visualisation is extensively used in single graph analysis. However, relatively little work has been done in the field of graph comparison. Thi...
Alan Melville | Director of Studies: Prof Jessie Kennedy | Second Supervisor: Dr Martin Graham

Evolving planar mechanisms for the conceptual stage of mechanical design

2015 - 2020
Dr Paul Lapok | Director of Studies: Alistair Lawson | Second Supervisor: Prof Ben Paechter

Ransomware detection techniques using file-based analysis

2020 - date
Simon Davies | Director of Studies: Rich Macfarlane | Second Supervisor: Prof Bill Buchanan

Haptic User Experience Evaluation for Virtual Reality

2020 - date
Joanna Aldhous | Director of Studies: Dr Emilia Sobolewska | Second Supervisor: Dr Gemma Webster

Group activity and travel scheduling with shared autonomous vehicles

2019 - date
Akinwole Obafemi | Director of Studies: Dr Zeeshan Siddiqui | Second Supervisor: Prof Ahmed Al-Dubai

Evolving Robust Behaviours for Robotic Swarms with a Modular Design Approach

2019 - date
Kirsty Montague | Director of Studies: Prof Emma Hart | Second Supervisor: Prof Ben Paechter

Towards real-time cognitively-inspired multi-modal speech separation: Novel architectures and algorithms

2016 - 2021
Dr. Mandar Gogate | Director of Studies: Prof Amir Hussain | Second Supervisor: Prof Ahmed Al-Dubai

Work-based learning environments (WBLE) for fostering industry-relevant skills and optimal economic performance.

2021 - date
John Marshall | Director of Studies: Dr David Haynes | Second Supervisor: Dr Peter Cruickshank
