38 results

Some Notes on Granular Mixtures with Finite, Discrete Fractal Distribution

Journal Article
Imre, E., Talata, I., Barreto, D., Datcheva, M., Baille, W., Georgiev, I., …Lőrincz, J. (2022)
Some Notes on Granular Mixtures with Finite, Discrete Fractal Distribution. Periodica Polytechnica Civil Engineering, 66(1), 179-192. https://doi.org/10.3311/ppci.19103
Why fractal distribution is so frequent? It is true that fractal dimension is always less than 3? Why fractal dimension of 2.5 to 2.9 seems to be steady-state or stable? Why t...

Several cases of backward erosion/liquefaction piping from Hungary

Conference Proceeding
Imre, E., Koch, E., Nagy, L., Illés, Z., Hortobágyi, Z., & Barreto, . D. (2021)
Several cases of backward erosion/liquefaction piping from Hungary. In Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Geotechnical and Geophysical Site Characterization. https://doi.org/10.53243/ISC2020-524

Examination of saturated hydraulic conductivity using grading curve functions

Conference Proceeding
Imre, E., Bálint, E. Á., Nagy, L., Lőrincz, J., Illés, Z., Barreto, D., …Feng, S. (2021)
Examination of saturated hydraulic conductivity using grading curve functions. In Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Geotechnical and Geophysical Site Characterization

Examination of saturated hydraulic conductivity using grading curve functions

Conference Proceeding
Imre, E., Bálint, E. Á., Nagy, L., Lőrincz, J., Illés, Z., Barreto, D., …Feng, S. (2021)
Examination of saturated hydraulic conductivity using grading curve functions. In 6th International Conference on Geotechnical and Geophysical Site Characterisation
In a previous research program 74 artificial soil mixtures of natural fluvial soils were prepared in 4 series of measurements for falling head permeability testing, differing ...

Housing Construction On Peatland: Phase 1 Report

Bernal-Sanchez, J., McDougall, J., Medero, G., Cook, D., & Barreto, D. (2021)
Housing Construction On Peatland: Phase 1 Report. Edinburgh: Construction Scotland Innovation Centre
The economic development and social resilience of communities in rural Scotland is being hampered by a shortage of affordable housing. Nationally, about 23,000 new homes per y...

Revisiting Hardin’s parameters for the quantification of particle breakage – A statistical entropy approach

Conference Proceeding
Leak, J., Barreto, D., Dimitriadi, V., & Imre, E. (2021)
Revisiting Hardin’s parameters for the quantification of particle breakage – A statistical entropy approach. In Powders & Grains 2021 – 9th International Conference on Micromechanics on Granular Mediahttps://doi.org/10.1051/epjconf/202124907001
It is well recognised that particle breakage in granular materials is affected by stress level, stress path, initial density, and particle size distribution (PSD), amongst oth...

The Saturated Hydraulic Conductivity Of 2-Fraction Granular Soils And The Internal Stability

Conference Proceeding
Imre, E., Illés, Z., Bálint, Á., Barreto, D., Khaliunaa, A., Tsendsuren, B., …Lizeth Guadalupe, L. L. (2020)
The Saturated Hydraulic Conductivity Of 2-Fraction Granular Soils And The Internal Stability. In Proceedinngs Book of 11th ICEEE – 2020 Conference (267-274
The four grading entropy coordinates can be used for soil classification on the basis of grain size and the grading curve shape (similarly e.g., to the diameter values). The g...

Grading entropy coordinates and criteria for evaluation of liquefaction potential

Conference Proceeding
Barreto Gonzalez, D., Leak, J., Dimitriadi, V., McDougall, J., Imre, E., & Lőrincz, J. (2019)
Grading entropy coordinates and criteria for evaluation of liquefaction potential. In Earthquake Geotechnical Engineering for Protection and Development of Environment and Constructions, (1346-1353). https://doi.org/10.1201/9780429031274
Several methods are commonly used for the evaluation of liquefaction potential in soils. These include criteria based on SPT and CPT tests, shear wave velocity measurements an...

Grading curves and internal stability

Conference Proceeding
Imre, E., Barreto, D., Talata, I., Baille, W., Rahemi, N., Goudarzy, M., …Singh, V. (2019)
Grading curves and internal stability
The measured grading curve is an empirical distribution function, a step function. This is considered here as a discrete distribution with fixed statistical...

Preliminary study on the relationship between dry density of sands and the grading entropy parameters

Conference Proceeding
Imre, E., Lorincz, J., Trang, P., Csonka, I., Kaczvinszki-Szabó, V., Telekes, G., …Singh, V. (2019)
Preliminary study on the relationship between dry density of sands and the grading entropy parameters. In XVII European Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering: Conference proceedingshttps://doi.org/10.32075/17ECSMGE-2019-0996
Some earlier data were analysed, searching the relation between the minimum dry density emax and the two grading entropy parameters (mean log diameter and fraction...