Research Output
Grading entropy coordinates and criteria for evaluation of liquefaction potential
  Several methods are commonly used for the evaluation of liquefaction potential in soils. These include criteria based on SPT and CPT tests, shear wave velocity measurements and gradation limits, amongst others. This study applies the concept of grading entropy coordinates that enables plotting any particle size distribution (PSD) as a single coordinate pair in a Cartesian plane, whilst also considering the entire range of the grading curve. This is in contrast to descriptors such as the mean particle diameter (d50) and the coefficients of uniformity and curvature, cu and cc, respectively, which ignore the fines content as well as the presence of coarser particles within the PSD. Considering 62 gradings identified as liquefiable soils in existing studies it was demonstrated that the grading entropy coordinates are a potentially effective tool to assess liquefaction potential. Furthermore, it was postulated that existing internal stability criteria in terms concept of grading entropy coordinates may also be used as a framework for the evaluation of liquefaction potential.

  • Date:

    22 October 2019

  • Publication Status:


  • DOI:


  • Funders:

    RSE Royal Society of Edinburgh


Barreto Gonzalez, D., Leak, J., Dimitriadi, V., McDougall, J., Imre, E., & Lőrincz, J. (2019). Grading entropy coordinates and criteria for evaluation of liquefaction potential. In Earthquake Geotechnical Engineering for Protection and Development of Environment and Constructions, (1346-1353).


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