
Research Centres Groups

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113 results

8th International Electric Vehicle Conference (EVC 2023)

Conference Proceeding
8th International Electric Vehicle Conference (EVC 2023). In F. Muhammad-Sukki, N. Aini Bani, & E. (. A. Tingas (Eds.), 8th International Electric Vehicle Conference (EVC 2023)

Walking and Cycling: latest evidence to support policy-making and practice

Götschi, T., Davis, A., & Racioppi, F. (2022)
Walking and Cycling: latest evidence to support policy-making and practice. Bonn, Germany: WHO Europe
Active travel modes, especially walking and cycling, are now recognized by many as modes that are fully equal to other urban transport modes, integrated in planning frameworks...

DATASET: The impact of Covid-19 on travel behaviour, transport, lifestyles and residential location choices in Scotland

Downey, L., Fonzone, A., & Fountas, G. (2022)
DATASET: The impact of Covid-19 on travel behaviour, transport, lifestyles and residential location choices in Scotland. [Dataset].
In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, Edinburgh Napier University’s Transport Research Institute has been undertaking a study, funded by the Scottish Funding Council (SFC), in...

Bus Franchising in English and Scottish regions – viable solution or unfeasible instrument?

Journal Article
Villa i Aguilar, X., Rye, T., McTigue, C., & Cowie, J. (2022)
Bus Franchising in English and Scottish regions – viable solution or unfeasible instrument?. Transport Policy, 120, 1-10.
Much research surrounds the move from publicly owned and operated bus markets to publicly controlled and privately operated markets, or in the case of Great Britain, a fully d...

The impact of public-private partnerships for roadway projects on traffic safety: An exploratory empirical analysis of crash frequencies

Journal Article
Sonduru Pantangi, S., Fountas, G., Tawfiq Sarwar, M., Bhargava, A., Mohan, S. B., Savolainen, P., & Ch. Anastasopoulos, P. (2022)
The impact of public-private partnerships for roadway projects on traffic safety: An exploratory empirical analysis of crash frequencies. Analytic Methods in Accident Research, 33, Article 100192.
Since the mid-2000s, Public-Private Partnerships (PPP) have been established in transportation infrastructure projects as an effective alternative to the traditional procureme...

Submission to the Dublin Port Post 2040 Dialogue

Plant, E., Zhang, X., Ivers, R., Hayes, T., Henry, J., & Curran, M. (2021)
Submission to the Dublin Port Post 2040 Dialogue. Dublin: CILT Ireland
Currently in 2021, the Dublin Port Company sought views on the long-term planning of essential port infrastructure for Dublin. We would like to put forward a few key points of...

Are We Willing to Relocate with the Future Introduction of Flying Cars? An Exploratory Empirical Analysis of Public Perceptions in the United States

Journal Article
Ahmed, S. S., Fountas, G., Eker, U., & Anastasopoulos, P. C. (2022)
Are We Willing to Relocate with the Future Introduction of Flying Cars? An Exploratory Empirical Analysis of Public Perceptions in the United States. Transportmetrica A: Transport Science, 18(3), 1025-1052.
Flying cars, a new transportation mode capable of operating on both land and air, are expected to be introduced in the existing traffic fleet over the next decade or so. Due t...

Impact of COVID-19 on travel behaviour, transport, lifestyles and residential location choices in Scotland

Downey, L., Fonzone, A., Fountas, G., & Semple, T. Impact of COVID-19 on travel behaviour, transport, lifestyles and residential location choices in Scotland. Scottish Funding Council

Downey, L., Fonzone, A., Fountas, G., & Semple, T. Impact of COVID-19 on travel behaviour, transport, lifestyles and residential location choices in Scotland. Scottish Funding Council
COVID-19 was declared a pandemic by the World Health Organisation (WHO) on 21st March 2020 and on 24th March 2020, the UK and Scottish Governments imposed a ‘lockdown’, restri...

Submission to the Dublin City Council for the Public Consultation on Dublin City Development Plan 2022-2028. Theme 6: Sustainable Movement and Transport

Plant, E., Zhang, X., Ivers, R., Hayes, T., Henry, J., & Curran, M. (2021)
Submission to the Dublin City Council for the Public Consultation on Dublin City Development Plan 2022-2028. Theme 6: Sustainable Movement and Transport. Dublin: Chartered Institute for Logistics and Transport
We complement the DCC on their achievements to date and support DCC with their continued good work and initiatives in promoting sustainable movement and transport. The DCC so...

Transport Policy Review: Where does Ireland stand on Climate Change for Transport and Logistics Sectors?

Plant, E., & Zhang, X. (2021)
Transport Policy Review: Where does Ireland stand on Climate Change for Transport and Logistics Sectors?. Dublin: CILT Ireland
In response to the increasing climate disruption and global effort towards low-carbon transition, the Irish Government has set out to pursue a climate-resilient economy and be...
25 results

An enhanced and extended CAVForth automated bus service

2023 - 2025
CAVForth+ aims to advance the achievements of CAVForth in several directions. From the point of view of the service offered to public transport passengers, it expands the scope of the automated, full-...
Funder: Innovate UK | Value: £194,441

Cross-lingual Audio-visual Speech Enhancement based on Deep Multimodal Learning

2023 - 2025
Speech enhancement and separation techniques are often used to improve the quality and intelligibility of speech degraded by background distractions, including speech and non-speech noises. We aim to ...
Funder: Royal Society of Edinburgh | Value: £12,000

Ikerbs Phase 4 Trials for Inclusive Suitability of kerbs in a number of key city environments

2023 - 2024
Phase 4 will build apon Phases 2 and 3 with trials and experimentation: User engagement and Trials. Phase 3 findings will be consolidated with Phase 2 and final report development under Phase 4. In ad...
Funder: Mott Macdonald Group Limited | Value: £52,461

Increasing Physical Activity through Active Travel - Year 3

2021 - 2022
A major element of the project is to help increase total physical activity time through active travel across the population. Research interests include: - translational research to ensure the evidence...
Funder: Paths for All Partnership | Value: £18,077

Essential Evidence 4 Scotland (3)

2021 - 2022
Such concise summarisation of sustainable transport-related topics is part of what is known of as Translational research. This tool can be powerful in providing practitioners with targeted evidence su...
Funder: Paths for All Partnership | Value: £5,969

Increase total physical activity time through active travel - Year 2

2020 - 2021
A major element of the project is to help increase total physical activity time through active travel across the population. Research interests include: - translational research to ensure the evidence...
Funder: Paths for All Partnership | Value: £17,928

Essential Evidence for Scotland Year 2

2020 - 2021
Translational research can be powerful in providing practitioners with targeted evidence summaries when they have neither time, knowledge of, nor access to much of the peer reviewed evidence base. The...
Funder: Paths for All Partnership | Value: £6,475

Increase total physical activity time through active travel across the population

2019 - 2020
A major element of the project is to help increase total physical activity time through active travel across the population. Research interests include: - translational research to ensure the evidenc...
Funder: Paths for All Partnership | Value: £22,776

An Autonomous Bus Service from Park & Ride Across Forth Bridge to Edinburgh Park Train & Tram Interchange

2019 - 2023
Project CAV Forth, led by Fusion Processing, will bring together organisations from across the UK to develop a high capacity Autonomous Bus Pilot Service across the Forth Bridge – a UNESCO World Herit...
Funder: Innovate UK | Value: £148,140

Essential Evidence for Scotland

2019 - 2019
Translational research can be powerful in providing practitioners with targeted evidence summaries when they have neither time, knowledge of, nor access to much of the peer reviewed evidence base. The...
Funder: Paths for All Partnership | Value: £5,047


10 results
9 results

Blog for Public Health Scotland

19 December 2023
Blog on 20mph speed limits in settlements across Scotland as a move from 30mph. This follows the Bute House Agreement between the SNP and Green Party so that the Scottish Government has stated that al...

Richard Llewellyn appointed to SEStran Board

8 August 2018
Transport Research Institute academic, Richard Llewellyn, has been appointed to serve a four-year term as a non-Councillor board member on the South East of Scotland Transport Partnership (SEStran) Bo...

After weeks of travel chaos, questions loom about rail privatisation

8 June 2018
On Saturday 9th June, Dr Jonathan Cowie of Edinburgh Napier University's Transport Research Institute was quoted by the i paper in a feature about the recent problems on the railways, particularly wit...

Cobbles, potholes, and rough roads can cause nerve damage for cyclists, study finds

8 October 2017
Cyclists who regularly ride on poor road surfaces or cobbles could be at risk of suffering nerve damage in their hands and arms, a new study has found. The study by Edinburgh Napier University found ...

Is your commute causing you permanent nerve damage?

7 October 2017
Potholes are not just a danger to your bike - but could also cause permanent nerve damage to you, according to new research. A study by Edinburgh Napier University discovered that Hand Arm Vibration ...

TRI Academic Appointed Institution Chair

27 July 2017
TRI Academic, Richard Llewellyn, has been appointed as chair of the Scottish Region of the Chartered Institution of Highways and Transportation for 2017-18.

Dr Jason Monios wins funding to study climate change adaptation at ports

18 April 2017
TRI's Dr Jason Monios is part of a consortium that was successful in a funding application to the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC). Led by Professor Adolf Ng at the Un...

TRI Academic Invited Speaker at Road Safety Conference

2 April 2017
TRI researcher, Richard Llewellyn, was invited to speak on the controversial subject of Shared Space and its implications at a industry conference in Stirling.

TRI members give evidence at Scottish parliament committee hearing

8 February 2017
Professor Tom Rye and Dr Jason Monios of the Transport Research Institute gave evidence at a hearing of the Scottish Parliament Rural Economy and Connectivity Committee on 8th February 2017. The aim o...