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45 results

Epidemiology of q-fever in domestic ruminants and humans in Africa: A systematic review

Journal Article
Festo Bwatota, S., Cook, E. A. J., Mark de Clare Bronsvoort, B., Wheelhouse, N., Hernandez-Castor, L. E., & Mkilema Shirima, G. (2022)
Epidemiology of q-fever in domestic ruminants and humans in Africa: A systematic review. CABI One Health,
Q-fever is a zoonotic infectious disease caused by the gram-negative, intracellular, spore-forming bacterium Coxiella burnetii. Infected ruminants (cattle, sheep, and goats) a...

Efficacy of two Chlamydia abortus subcellular vaccines in a pregnant ewe challenge model for ovine enzootic abortion

Journal Article
Livingstone, M., Ranjan Wattegedera, S., Palarea-Albaladejo, J., Aitchison, K., Corbett, C., Sait, M., …Longbottom, D. (2021)
Efficacy of two Chlamydia abortus subcellular vaccines in a pregnant ewe challenge model for ovine enzootic abortion. Vaccines, 9(8), Article 898.
Chlamydia abortus, the aetiological agent of enzootic abortion of ewes, is a major cause of reproductive loss in small ruminants worldwide, accounting for significant economic...

A global multinational survey of cefotaxime-resistant coliforms in urban wastewater treatment plants

Journal Article
Marano, R. B., Fernandes, T., Manaia, C. M., Nunes, O., Morrison, D., Berendonk, T. U., …Cytryn, E. (2020)
A global multinational survey of cefotaxime-resistant coliforms in urban wastewater treatment plants. Environment International, 144,
The World Health Organization Global Action Plan recommends integrated surveillance programs as crucial strategies for monitoring antibiotic resistance. Although several natio...

Understanding the attitudes and acceptability of extra-genital Chlamydia testing in young women: evaluation of a feasibility study

Journal Article
Brown, S., Paterson, C., Dougall, N., Cameron, S., & Wheelhouse, N. (2019)
Understanding the attitudes and acceptability of extra-genital Chlamydia testing in young women: evaluation of a feasibility study. BMC Public Health, 19(1),
Background Chlamydia trachomatis (C. trachomatis) is the most common bacterial sexually transmitted infection in the UK. Recent studies suggest that in addition to the genital...

Microbes associated with fresh produce: sources, types and methods to reduce spoilage and contamination

Book Chapter
Kaczmarek, M., Avery, S. V., & Singleton, I. (2019)
Microbes associated with fresh produce: sources, types and methods to reduce spoilage and contamination. In G. M. Gadd, & S. Sariaslani (Eds.), Advances in Applied Microbiology. Vol 107, (29-82). Elsevier.
Global food security remains one of the most important challenges that needs to be addressed to ensure the increasing demand for food of the fast growing human population is s...

Immunological homeostasis at the ovine placenta may reflect the degree of maternal foetal interaction

Journal Article
Wattegedera, S. R., Doull, L. E., Goncheva, M. I., Wheelhouse, N., Watson, D. M., Pearce, J., …Entrican, G. (2019)
Immunological homeostasis at the ovine placenta may reflect the degree of maternal foetal interaction. Frontiers in Immunology, 9,
Successful mammalian pregnancies are a result of complex physiological, endocrinological and immunological processes that combine to create an environment where the mother is ...

Ferlavirus-related deaths in a collection of viperid snakes

Journal Article
Flach, E. J., Dagleish, M. P., Feltrer, Y., Gill, I. S., Marschang, R. E., Masters, N., …Wheelhouse, N. M. (2018)
Ferlavirus-related deaths in a collection of viperid snakes. Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine, 49(4), 983-995.
Between June and October 2013 26 snakes of six viperid species kept in two adjoining rooms died (n = 16) or were euthanized on medical (1) or welfare grounds (9). Two were fro...

Sources and survival of Listeria monocytogenes on fresh, leafy produce

Journal Article
on fresh, leafy produce. Journal of Applied Microbiology, 125(4), 930-942.

on fresh, leafy produce. Journal of Applied Microbiology, 125(4), 930-942.
Listeria monocytogenes in an intracellular human pathogen which enters the body through contaminated food stuffs and is known to contaminate fresh leafy produce such as spinac...

Sources and contamination routes of microbial pathogens to fresh produce during field cultivation: A review

Journal Article
Alegbeleye, O. O., Singleton, I., & Sant’Ana, A. S. (2018)
Sources and contamination routes of microbial pathogens to fresh produce during field cultivation: A review. Food Microbiology, 73, 177-208.
Foodborne illness resulting from the consumption of contaminated fresh produce is a common phenomenon and has severe effects on human health together with severe economic and ...

Megasonic elution of waterborne protozoa enhances recovery rates

Journal Article
Bridle, H., Kerrouche, A., & Desmulliez, M. (2018)
Megasonic elution of waterborne protozoa enhances recovery rates. Matters,
Waterborne pathogens represent a major concern for human and animal health making monitoring of water essential to prevent outbreaks. Sample preparation is critical to assess ...
25 results

Direct and paracrine effects of Chlamydia infection on decidualisation of endometrial stromal cells

2018 - 2018
SRF summer studentship
Funder: Society for Reproduction and Fertility | Value: £2,750

TRANSFORM - Education reform project – Improving Research capability in the Sri Lankan Higher Education sector.

2018 - 2019
TRANSFORM - Education reform project – Improving Research capability in the Sri Lankan Higher Education sector.
Funder: British Council | Value: £75,000

Mechanism of Chlamydia induced progesterone resistance

2018 - 2019
Chlamydia trachomatis is the most common sexually-transmitted infection in the world, and is associated with miscarriage, pre-term birth and infertility. However, the understanding of the mechanisms t...
Funder: Society for Reproduction and Fertility | Value: £12,034

Development of a UV-C hand-sanitiser unit

2017 - 2017
Development of a UV-C hand-sanitiser unit
Funder: Scottish Funding Council | Value: £5,000

Acceptability of extragenital Chlamydia testing

2017 - 2018
Chlamydia trachomatis is the most common sexually transmitted infection in Scotland, and has significant long‐term consequences to reproductive health. Recent studies suggest that in addition to the g...
Funder: Chief Scientists Office | Value: £27,998

Wild Birds as Transmission Vectors for Antimicrobial Resistant in the Environment

2017 - 2017
sfam Student into work grant
Funder: Society of Applied Microbiology | Value: £2,500

MinION sequencing of bacterial isolates

2017 - 2020
MinION sequencing of bacterial isolates
Funder: Society of Applied Microbiology | Value: £2,500

Measuring activity of lytic proteins from bacteriophage infecting R. equi as a possible antimicrobial tool

2017 - 2017
SFAM students and graduates into work grant
Funder: Society of Applied Microbiology | Value: £2,500

Electrolysed Water for Post-Harvest Washing (JadooJal)

2017 - 2019
assist the development of a novel electrolysed water based application to reduce spoilage and microbial contamination of a variety of fresh produce types of importance to Indian commerce.
Funder: Innovate UK | Value: £231,163

Supporting Evidence Based Interventions

2017 - 2019
Supporting Evidence Based Interventions
Funder: University of Glasgow | Value: £6,500