Online view sampling for estimating depth from light fields
Conference Proceeding
Kim, C., Subr, K., Mitchell, K., Sorkine-Hornung, A., & Gross, M. (2015)
Online view sampling for estimating depth from light fields. In 2015 IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP)
Geometric information such as depth obtained from light fields
finds more applications recently. Where and how to sample
images to populate a light field is an important probl...
Real-time variable rigidity texture mapping
Conference Proceeding
Koniaris, C., Mitchell, K., & Cosker, D. (2015)
Real-time variable rigidity texture mapping. In CVMP '15 Proceedings of the 12th European Conference on Visual Media Production.
Parameterisation of models is typically generated for a single pose, the rest pose. When a model deforms, its parameterisation characteristics change, leading to distortions i...
Latency aware foveated rendering in unreal engine 4
Conference Proceeding
Swafford, N. T., Cosker, D., & Mitchell, K. (2015)
Latency aware foveated rendering in unreal engine 4. In CVMP '15 Proceedings of the 12th European Conference on Visual Media Production
We contribute a foveated rendering implementation in Unreal Engine 4 (UE4) and a straight-forward metric to allow calculation of rendered foveal region sizes to compensate for...
Guided ecological simulation for artistic editing of plant distributions in natural scenes
Journal Article
Bradbury, G. A., Subr, K., Koniaris, C., Mitchell, K., & Weyrich, T. (2015)
Guided ecological simulation for artistic editing of plant distributions in natural scenes. The Journal of Computer Graphics Techniques, 4(4),
In this paper we present a novel approach to author vegetation cover of large natural scenes. Unlike stochastic scatter-instancing tools for plant placement (such as multi-cla...
Carpet unrolling for character control on uneven terrain
Conference Proceeding
Miller, M., Holden, D., Al-Ashqar, R., Dubach, C., Mitchell, K., & Komura, T. (2015)
Carpet unrolling for character control on uneven terrain. In MIG '15 Proceedings of the 8th ACM SIGGRAPH Conference on Motion in Games
We propose a type of relationship descriptor based on carpet unrolling that computes the joint positions of a character based on the sum of relative vectors originating from a...
Augmented creativity: bridging the real and virtual worlds to enhance creative play
Conference Proceeding
Zünd, F., Ryffel, M., Magnenat, S., Marra, A., Nitti, M., Kapadia, M., …Sumner, R. W. (2015)
Augmented creativity: bridging the real and virtual worlds to enhance creative play. In SA '15 SIGGRAPH Asia 2015 Mobile Graphics and Interactive Applications
Augmented Reality (AR) holds unique and promising potential to bridge between real-world activities and digital experiences, allowing users to engage their imagination and boo...
Adaptive rendering with linear predictions
Journal Article
Moon, B., Iglesias-Guitian, J. A., Yoon, S., & Mitchell, K. (2015)
Adaptive rendering with linear predictions. ACM transactions on graphics, 34(4), 121:1-121:11.
We propose a new adaptive rendering algorithm that enhances the
performance of Monte Carlo ray tracing by reducing the noise, i.e.,
variance, while preserving a variety of hig...
L3V: A Layered Video Format for 3D Display
Conference Proceeding
Mitchell, K., Sinclair, D., Kosek, M., & Swaford, N. (2014)
L3V: A Layered Video Format for 3D Display
We present a layered video format for 3D interactive display which adapts and exploits well-developed 2D codecs with layer centric packing for real-time user perspective playb...
Error analysis of estimators that use combinations of stochastic sampling strategies for direct illumination
Journal Article
Subr, K., Nowrouzezahrai, D., Jarosz, W., Kautz, J., & Mitchell, K. (2014)
Error analysis of estimators that use combinations of stochastic sampling strategies for direct illumination. Computer Graphics Forum, 33(4), 93-102.
We present a theoretical analysis of error of combinations of Monte Carlo estimators used in image synthesis. Importance sampling and multiple importance sampling are popular ...
Poxels: polygonal voxel environment rendering
Conference Proceeding
Miller, M., Cumming, A., Chalmers, K., Kenwright, B., & Mitchell, K. (2013)
Poxels: polygonal voxel environment rendering. In Proceedings of the 20th ACM Symposium on Virtual Reality Software and Technology - VRST '14, 235-236. doi:10.1145/2671015.2671125
We present efficient rendering of opaque, sparse, voxel environments with data amplified in local graphics memory with stream-out from a geomery shader to a cached vertex buff...