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39 results

From “dirty” oil and gas to green energy: Workers’ views on skills transition

Presentation / Conference
Heidl, B., O'Neil, J., & Bratton, A. (2024, April)
From “dirty” oil and gas to green energy: Workers’ views on skills transition. Presented at 42nd International Labour Process Conference 2024 (ILPC 2024), Göttingen
As the environmental agenda progresses worldwide, it is clear that the move to sustainable forms of energy is both crucial and inevitable. For UK workers currently employed in...

The emotional labour of teleworkers conducting online counselling during Covid-19.

Journal Article
O'Neil, J., Heidl, B. H., Bratton, A., Vossler, A., & Moller, N. (in press)
The emotional labour of teleworkers conducting online counselling during Covid-19. New Technology, Work and Employment,
Drawing on emotional labour theory, this paper explores the barriers to emotionally complex telework, with a specific focus on the space, interface and pace of work. We examin...

Behind the beer: An examination of ‘entrepreneurial’ motives for starting a craft brewery

Book Chapter
Ellis, V., & Richards, J. (2021)
Behind the beer: An examination of ‘entrepreneurial’ motives for starting a craft brewery. In D. Clarke, V. Ellis, H. Patrick-Thomson, & D. Weir (Eds.), Researching Craft Beer: Understanding Production, Community and Culture in an Evolving Sector. Bingley: Emerald
Brewing has experienced a considerable revival in recent years with the number of brewers in the UK being at its highest level since the 1930s (Cask Report, 2018). After decad...

Organising to beat the Trade Union Act 2016’s voting thresholds: a case study of organising and tactics from the University and College Union

Journal Article
Richards, J., & Ellis, V. (in press)
Organising to beat the Trade Union Act 2016’s voting thresholds: a case study of organising and tactics from the University and College Union. Personnel Review,
Purpose: The paper responds to calls for ‘best practice’ on how trade unions may respond to member voting threshold requirements of the Trade Union Act 2016 (the Act). A broad...

“Brilliant at everything, saying yes to even more”: The realities of overwork in academia

Presentation / Conference
Pustelnikovaite, T., Richards, J., Ellis, V., & Saxena, S. (2021, August)
“Brilliant at everything, saying yes to even more”: The realities of overwork in academia. Paper presented at Work, Employment and Society, Online
Leaveism is an important yet underresearched phenomenon in contemporary work and employment. It refers to employees using allocated time off to work, such as taking work home ...

‘Organising from home’: Beating the Trade Union Act 2016 in a global pandemic/recession

Presentation / Conference
Richards, J., & Ellis, V. (2021, July)
‘Organising from home’: Beating the Trade Union Act 2016 in a global pandemic/recession. Paper presented at British Universities Industrial Relations Association (BUIRA), Alliance Manchester Business School, University of Manchester
In 2017, the Trade Union Act 2016 (the Act) became law in the UK, an Act extending several decades of anti-union measures, but notable for the setting of a 50% threshold in st...

Organising an industrial action ballot to protect jobs during the Covid-19 pandemic: The case of a UK university and the University and Colleges Union

Presentation / Conference
Richards, J., & Ellis, V. (2021, July)
Organising an industrial action ballot to protect jobs during the Covid-19 pandemic: The case of a UK university and the University and Colleges Union. Paper presented at 7th Conference of the Regulating for Decent Work Network, International Labor Organisation (ILO) Geneva
The paper responds to key themes of the stream: the importance/relevance of collective bargaining in protecting high-quality jobs in the UK higher education sector during the ...

Researching Craft Beer: Understanding Production, Community and Culture in an Evolving Sector

Clarke, D., Ellis, V., Patrick-Thomson, H., & Weir, D. (Eds.)
(2021). Researching Craft Beer: Understanding Production, Community and Culture in an Evolving Sector. Bingley: Emerald
Decades of stagnating demand for beer and the emergence of global brewing conglomerates had seen many of Britain’s longstanding breweries disappear and a decline in the divers...

Developing the concept of leaveism: From a form of presenteeism/absence to an emergent and expanding domain of work

Presentation / Conference
Richards, J., Canduela, J., Pustelnikovaite, T., Ellis, V., & Saxena, S. (2021, April)
Developing the concept of leaveism: From a form of presenteeism/absence to an emergent and expanding domain of work. Paper presented at International Labour Process Conference, University of Greenwich
The purpose of the paper is to develop the emergent notion of leaveism by drawing on concepts related to work intensification (WI) and ideal worker (IW) norms. The argument dr...

Discrimination Against Transgender Employees and Jobseekers

Book Chapter
McFadden, C. (2020)
Discrimination Against Transgender Employees and Jobseekers. In Handbook of Labor, Human Resources and Population Economics (1-14). Springer.
Discrimination against transgender employees and jobseekers is widely reported in multiple contexts. However, there is relative lack of literature on the experiences, extent, ...
12 results

Scoping an AI Powered Peer Advice System for Creative Freelancers

2021 - 2022
The aim of this project is to conduct an enhanced scoping exercise to establish the feasibility and parameters of creating an AI powered system (such as a ‘chatbot’) to offer advice to creative freela...
Funder: Arts & Humanities Research Council | Value: £5,000

Emotion work online: Counselling during Covid

2020 - 2023
This project seeks to understand the role new technology has played in delivering on line counselling during the Covid 19 pandemic 2020. Counselling is recognised as a process where trained therapis...
Funder: Moston Care Foundation | Value: £2,000


2020 - 2023
This project is a collaboration between the University of Edinburgh and Edinburgh Napier University to improve significantly the understanding of transition to civilian life within Scotland. By provid...
Funder: Forces in Mind Trust | Value: £226,260

Young people's expectations of work and readiness of the workplace: Two sides of the same coin?

2019 - 2021
The aim of this research is to examine high-potential Generation-Z’s (young people aged 16-18 years in full-time education who demonstrate key leadership qualities and attributes) expectations of work...
Funder: Carnegie Trust for the Universities of Scotland | Value: £9,978

The Impact of an Ageing Workforce on Employers in Hong Kong: A Study of Service Sectors

2016 - 2017
The aim of this research is to explore the impact of the ageing population on employers in the Hong Kong service sector.
Funder: ENU Development Trust | Value: £28,780

Ageing Workforce and Employers in Fife

2016 - 2016
The World Health Organisation (WHO) identified the workplace as an important setting to support the promotion of health and wellbeing in 1981 with the introduction of the Health for All strategy, and ...
Funder: NHS Fife | Value: £9,989

Women in ICT in Scotland

2015 - 2016
Investigation into the Numbers of Women working in ICT in Scotland and the nature and conditions of that work
Funder: Skills Development Scotland | Value: £26,650

Analysis of Milo and Asset Databases

2015 - 2016
Analyse the Milo and Asset databases and combine with census data and other secondary data – to obtain a mapping of provision by the voluntary sector and potential demand in East Dumbartonshire
Funder: Scottish Council for Voluntary Orgranisations | Value: £12,000

SOPA 2014

2014 - 2015
Scottish Older People’s Assembly (SOPA) 2014 Evaluation
Funder: City of Edinburgh Council | Value: £4,382

Research into the Economic Impact of a Living Wage

2014 - 2015
An evaluation of the impact of the Glasgow Living Wage on Glasgow based employers who pay the GLW to their staff.
Funder: City of Glasgow Council | Value: £14,314