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83 results

The Tip of the Iceberg: Exploring the Landscape of Policing in a Digitalized World

Journal Article
Easton, M., de Paepe, J., Aston, L., & Clayton, E. (2024)
The Tip of the Iceberg: Exploring the Landscape of Policing in a Digitalized World. European Journal of Policing Studies, 7(1-2), 3-13.
In the ever-evolving landscape of law enforcement, the advent of the digital age has ushered in transformative shifts in police practices. These shifts have sparked scholarly ...

“Free Text Is Essentially the Enemy of What We’re Trying to Achieve”: The Framing of a National Vision for Delivering Digital Police Contact

Journal Article
Wells, H., Andrews, W., Clayton, E., Bradford, B., Aston, E. V., & O’Neill, M. (2024)
“Free Text Is Essentially the Enemy of What We’re Trying to Achieve”: The Framing of a National Vision for Delivering Digital Police Contact. European Journal of Policing Studies, 7(1-2), 14-35.
Police organizations in England and Wales, as in many other contexts, are increasingly shifting crime reporting and other public-facing contact online. In this article, we exp...

The first national subject benchmark statement for UK higher education in policing: the importance of effective partnership and collaboration

Journal Article
Pepper, I., Cox, C., Fee, R., Horgan, S., Jarman, R., Jones, M., …Tattum, C. (in press)
The first national subject benchmark statement for UK higher education in policing: the importance of effective partnership and collaboration. Higher Education, Skills and Work-based Learning,
Purpose The Quality Assurance Agency (QAA) for Higher Education in the UK focuses on maintaining, enhancing and standardising the quality of higher education. Of significant ...

Influence Government, Platform Power And The Patchwork Profile: Exploring The Appropriation Of Targeted Advertising Infrastructures For Government Behaviour Change Campaigns

Journal Article
Collier, B., Stewart, J., Horgan, S., Thomas, D. R., & Wilson, L. (2024)
Influence Government, Platform Power And The Patchwork Profile: Exploring The Appropriation Of Targeted Advertising Infrastructures For Government Behaviour Change Campaigns. First Monday, 29(1),
The targeted digital advertising infrastructures on which the business models of the social media platform economy rest have been the subject of significant academic and polit...

Scottish Drug Checking Project summary

Carver, H., Falzon, D., Aston, E., Craik, V., Masterson, W., & Parkes, T. (2024)
Scottish Drug Checking Project summary. Corra Foundation

Social Harm at the Border: The Case of Lampedusa

Soliman, F. (2023)
Social Harm at the Border: The Case of Lampedusa. London: Routledge
This book offers a zemiological approach for understanding border control practices, state power, and their social impact. Drawing on an ethnographic study on the borderisatio...

Longer sentences? Overcrowded UK prisons are already failing society

Digital Artefact
Foster, R., & Anderson, K. (2023)
Longer sentences? Overcrowded UK prisons are already failing society. [Magazine]

The Impact of COVID-19 on the Justice Voluntary Sector

Presentation / Conference
Skelton, F., & Haddow, C. (2023, September)
The Impact of COVID-19 on the Justice Voluntary Sector. Paper presented at European Society of Criminology (Eurocrim), Florence
Though the Justice Voluntary Sector (JVS) has long supported statutory organisations, recent years have seen the sector becoming enmeshed with the Criminal Justice System and ...

Stolen Time: The Temporal Captivity of Migrants in the Italian Border Regime

Journal Article
Castelli, V., Paynter, E., Sbaffi, G., & Soliman, F. (in press)
Stolen Time: The Temporal Captivity of Migrants in the Italian Border Regime. Modern Italy,
This paper explores the use of captivity in Italy’s response to recurrent “migration crises” at the southern border of the European Union. It first considers the case of Lamp...

Environmental Harms at the Border: The Case of Lampedusa

Journal Article
Soliman, F. (2023)
Environmental Harms at the Border: The Case of Lampedusa. Critical Criminology, 31, 725-741.
In this paper I examine authorities’ management of migrant boats on the island of Lampedusa, Italy, as an example of environmental border harm. A danger to trawlers, sunken wr...
23 results

Policing a Crisis: A narrative account of pandemic policing, technological opportunities and ethical challenges

2020 - 2025
This PhD Studentship will employ narrative inquiry to map the technological opportunities and ethical challenges faced by Police Scotland when responding to the Pandemic. By inviting frontline officer...
Funder: Scottish Institute for Policing Research | Value: £31,144

A Qualitative exploration of Scottish-Pakistanis experiences of policing.

2020 - 2024
In providing an understanding of the experiences of Scottish Pakistanis, findings will be of significant benefit to policy makers and practitioners, and will assist policing organisations in Scotland ...
Funder: Carnegie Trust for the Universities of Scotland | Value: £13,221

Scoping Seven Nations: Exploring International Assessments and Successes in Third Sector Cyber Maturity and Resilience

2020 - 2020
The project will explore whether, how, and with what results, a number of selected nations assess the cyber maturity of the cyber resilience of their respective voluntary/third sectors. Where relevant...
Funder: Scottish Government | Value: £5,000

Cyber Security and the Third Sector in Scotland: a Pilot Project exploring Third Sector awareness and usage of Scottish Government cyber security products and resources

2020 - 2020
The project aims to better understand how the Scottish Government’s cyber products, resources and support more generally are received by a small sample of differing Third Sector organisations. In doin...
Funder: Scottish Government | Value: £2,780

Identity, Transitions and Support: Processes of Desistance among Ex-Military Personnel in Custody

2019 - 2020
Increasingly in Scottish criminal justice, ‘desistance’ is regarded as central to supporting a reduction and cessation in offending. This approach, which places the offender at the centre of their pro...
Funder: Carnegie Trust for the Universities of Scotland | Value: £9,358

Police Stops COST project

2018 - 2022
Stop and search (S&S) is a worldwide practice carried out by the police which enables police officers to stop a person, prevent him or her from pursuing his or her passage (Bowling & Philips, 2007; Bo...
Funder: European Commission | Value: £5,000

The local provision of restorative justice in Scotland: an exploratory empirical study

2018 - 2019
This research project consists of an exploratory qualitative study on the provision of restorative justice (RJ) services in Scotland at the level of local authorities. RJ is a process of facilitated d...
Funder: Carnegie Trust for the Universities of Scotland | Value: £6,684

Law enforcement and public health: Assessing risk and vulnerability

2017 - 2018
The aim of the project is to conduct a systematic review and host round-table discussions to explore the use of police discretion when making decisions in relation to individuals' vulnerability.
Funder: Scottish Institute for Policing Research | Value: £7,986

Public confidence & police visibility: a systematic review

2017 - 2018
This project will entail a systematic literature review of police methods in visible policing to establish the current evidence base in relation to how these affect public confidence. This review will...
Funder: Scottish Institute for Policing Research | Value: £7,223

Rural policing in Scotland: Measuring and improving public confidence

2017 - 2019
Rural policing in Scotland: Measuring and improving public confidence:- This research will be undertaken in 2 contrasting Police Scotland local policing areas, Dumfries and Galloway and the Highlands....
Funder: Scottish Institute for Policing Research | Value: £8,000
10 results

Gender and Sexuality Research at Edinburgh Napier University

Merchiston Campus, room: MER_H11
6 March 2024

Dr Roberto Kulpa speaks about "RESIST - Fostering Queer Feminist Intersectional Resistances against Transnational Anti-Gender Politics" research consortium at the special seminar of the Centre for Arts, Media, & Culture, Edinburgh Napier University.

Centre for Arts, Media, & Culture, Edinburgh Napier University, Edinburgh, UK
8 March 2023

Policing Justice and Society Seminar Series - Associate Prof. Sarah Soppitt, Northumbria University

Edinburgh Napier University, Sighthill Campus
2 December 2019

Policing, Justice and Society Seminar Series - Dr Jarmo Houtsonen, Police University College, Finland

Edinburgh Napier University, Sighthill Campus
28 October 2019

Visiting researcher - Dr Richard Hough (University Of West Florida) to present on legitimacy, accountability and the use of force in American policing

Edinburgh Napier University (Sighthill Campus)
23 September 2019

Visiting Professor - Professor Ben Bradford (Global City Policing at the UCL Jill Dando Institute of Security and Crime Science) to present on the effects of stop and search on people and crime

Edinburgh Napier University (Sighthill Campus)
10 June 2019

Suspect Confessions

The Stand's New Town Theatre (Venue 7), Studio George Street Edinburgh
17 August 2018

When Innocent becomes Guilty: Psychology of False Confessions

The Banshee Labyrinth, Niddrie Street, Edinburgh, EL1 1LG
19 July 2018

Proof or Lies

Anatomy Lecture Theatre, Summerhall, Edinburgh
5 April 2018

Detective McLevy's Rogues Gallery: Faces of Crime 1870-1917

Both event and exhibition at General Register House, Princes Street, Edinburgh.
13 November 2017