Inga Heyman
inga heyman

Prof Inga Heyman PhD. R.N, R.M.N, Masters (Nurse Led Practice), Pg.Cert Higher Education and Learning, FRSPH, FHEA, FGLEPH

Associate Professor


Dr Inga Heyman , Associate Professor is a subject expert in Policing and Public Health at Edinburgh Napier University. She is an Honorary Member of the Faculty of Public Health, Fellow of the Global Law Enforcement Association and Fellow of the Higher Education Academy . She is Co-Director of the Scottish Centre for Policing and Public Health based in the interdisciplinary Centre for Mental Health Practice, Policy and Law Research (CMHPPLR) and Adjunct Associate Professor, The University of Tasmania. Inga is also a Research Affiliate to the ESRC Vulnerability and Policing Future Research Centre am member of the Scottish Institute of Policing Research Public Protection network.

Inga has served on the Board of of the Global Law Enforcement and Public Health Association and as invited expert witness and adviser to national and international governments. She has held expert advisory roles on national and international groups including the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime and the HMICS review in Policing and Mental Health .

Inga's international, interdisciplinary clinical, educational and research career spans 41 years. Her professional practice focus lies at the intersect of policing and public health is underpinned by her clinical practice as a registered Adult and Mental Health Nurse and teacher working across health and police services in Scotland and Australia

Inga is Co- Lead for Collaborative Practice and Inter-professional Learning in the School of Health and Social Care. She has held module leadership roles in the School of Health and Social Care and School of Applied Sciences.

She has been honoured with a number of awards for teaching and research . Recently these have included finalist and Highly commended is the Times Higher Education Awards Research Project of the Year: Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences (2024) . Commendation for Research project of the Year in the The Herald Education Awards (2024). Shortlisted finalists for The Scottish Knowledge Exchange Awards (2023) and Best Lecturer in the School of Health and Social Care.(2024),

Inga has enjoyed a strong and continued affiliation with the Global Law Enforcement and Public Health Association (GLEPHA) having served in the organising committee or as conference program member of the 4th, 6th, 7th and 8th International Law Enforcement and Public Health Conferences. She was Conference Director and host for the 5th International Law Enforcement and Public Health Conference and international satellite special interest group events and meetings in Edinburgh 2019. Inga is Co- lead of GLEPHA Educations Special interest groups supporting international knowledge exchange , post graduate students and teaching and learning development at the intersect of policing and public health

Inga co-convened the National Summit on Mental Health, Distress and Emergency Departments, both hosted by Edinburgh Napier University and supported by the Health & Justice Collaboration Board of The Scottish Government and GLEPHA (

NMC Registered Adult Nurse
NMC Registered Mental Health Nurse
NMC Registered Teacher
(Hon) Member of the Faculty of Public Health
Fellow of the Global Law Enforcement and Public Health Association
Fellow of the Royal Society for Public Health
Fellow of the Higher Education Academy
Member of the International Initiative for Mental Health Leadership (IIMHL)
Member of the Royal College of Nursing
Member of the Scottish Institute of Policing Network
Member of the Global law Enforcement and Public health special interest groups: Mental Health; Neurodiversity: Violence Prevention: Education
Member of the Scottish Alcohol Research Network
Member of the Edinburgh Napier University Harm Reduction Group
Edinburgh Napier University mental health champion

Research Areas


Advisory panels and expert committees or witness

  • Expert advisory group member - Preventing Death/Serious Injury in Police Custody Risk Assessment/Care Plan/Observations CJSD Round Table Event
  • Senior partnership group member - Police Scotland CJSD Death in Police Custody
  • Expert advisory group member Good transfer of Care . Policing and mental health
  • Invited expert advisory board member - The Health-Justice Nexus: Crime and Justice as Social Determinants of Health in Scotland, which is funded through a CSO Applied Health Research
  • Invited International Expert advisory group member- United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime
  • Invited member : Police TOM - Custody Healthcare & Forensic Medical Services Delivery
  • Invited member of the Police Scotland National Mental Health Reference Group
  • Invited member Scottish National Prison and Police Education & Workforce Group,
  • Invited expert panel member - Evaluating Scotland's mental health and wellbeing strategy (Public Health Scotland)
  • Invited comminatory Scottish Government Suicide Prevention Training in the Higher and Further Education Curriculum
  • Scottish Police Authority - Mental Health and Policing - Framework for Collaboration and Collaborative Commitments
  • Expert advisory group - Mental Health and Routine Police Work ESRC funded project
  • Contributor Scottish Mental Health Law Review
  • Police Scotland Harm Prevention Sub Group
  • Invited member of Police Scotland National Taser Advisory Group
  • Core Steering Group National Police Care Network
  • Advisory board: Member of Evidence Review Board to National Institutes for Health Research (NIHR), for Public Health and Policing.
  • Invited member Police Scotland Mental Health Strategic Oversight Board
  • Review panel: Member of project review panel for Contact Assessment Method (CAM) training, Police Scotland
  • Review panel: Member of project review panel 'A collaborative response to Distress: Strategic Priorities' to Justice Analytical Services, Scottish Government
  • Advisory board: Scottish Government Distress Intervention Group, short life working group - Unscheduled Care Management of Individuals presenting with Mental Health Issues
  • Board member: Global Law Enforcement and Public Health Association


Conference Organising Activity

  • Session Chair: Policy, Partnership and Learning, The 6th International Law Enforcement & Public Health Conference, Philadelphia, USA (virtual); March 2021.
  • Conference host and lead conference organiser - Policing and Neurodiversity 2 day conference
  • Invited conference organising committee 8th International Law enforcement and Public health Conference
  • Convenor Policing and vulnerable people conference
  • Conference Programme Committee Member: Public Health Approaches in Policing & Serious Violence across the UK 4 Nations, UK (Virtual), 8-12 Feb 2021
  • Programme Committee Member: 6th International Law Enforcement & Public Health Conference, Philadelphia , USA March 2021
  • Conference Chair, organising committee and program committee : International Law Enforcement & Public Health Conference, Edinburgh, 20-23 October 2019
  • Conference program committee :Scottish International Policing Conference: Policing and Public Health: opportunities and challenges
  • Programme Committee Member: 5th International Law Enforcement & Public Health Conference, Edinburgh, 20-23 October 2019
  • Major session Chair : Working Across sectors to develop an evidence based approach to policing mental health and distress in Scotland. 4th International Law Enforcement & Public Health Conference, Toronto , Canada October 2018
  • Session Chair Scottish International Policing Conference: Policing and Public Health: opportunities and challenges
  • Session Chair: Scottish International Policing Conference 2017: Police Professionalisation and Leadership
  • Session Chair :3rd International Law Enforcement & Public Health Conference, Amsterdam, The Netherlands October 2016
  • Session Chair :3rd International Law Enforcement & Public Health Conference, Amsterdam, The Netherlands October 2016
  • Programme Committee Member: 3rd International Law Enforcement & Public Health Conference, Amsterdam, The Netherlands October 2016
  • Program committee: Scottish Mental Health Nursing Research Conference , Robert Gordon University, Aberdeen 2013


Editorial Activity

  • Invited Editor special edition : Journal of Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing Law enforcement and mental health


Fellowships and Awards

  • Best Lecturer in School of Health and Social Care - ENSA
  • THE Awards 2024 - Research Project of the Year: Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences (Highly commended)
  • Finalists - Scottish Knowledge Exchange Awards
  • Fellow of the Royal Society for Public Health
  • Fellow of the Higher Education Academy


Grant Funding Panel Member

  • Invited panel member SIPR Responsive Research Grant funding Policing and Mental Health Transfer of Care


Grant Reviewer

  • The Chief Scientist Office of the Scottish Government


Invited Speaker

  • Police and Health' Working across complex systems to support people webinar
  • Neurodiversity: Navigating the criminal justice system at the intersect of policing and health - Policing and Vulnerability Doctoral and ECR Webinar Series
  • Panel session Chair - European Law enforcement and Pubic health conference Public Health Approaches in Policing - Scotland
  • Global Public Health week -In Crisis: Police and Community Response to Mental Health Calls An International Panel on Alternatives and Engagement Impact of police and healthcare systems and practice on human rights of those in mental distress
  • Invited Orators Panel Chair - President Atifete Jahjaga President of the Republic of Kosovo (2011 – 2016), member of the Council of Women World Leaders and President Aleksander Kwaśniewski President of the Republic of Poland (1995-2005) Chair of the Eastern and Central European and Central Asian Commission on Drug Policy (ECECACD) Member of the Global Commission on Drug Policy, European Law Enforcement and Public Health conference Umea, Sweden
  • Panel co-chair and speaker. European Law Enforcement and Public Health Conference 2023 Developments in LEPH education: promising opportunities and cautionary tales
  • Invited panel chair - International Law Enforcement and Public Health Conference , Philadelphia, US A. Policy and partnership
  • Session Chair . Public Health Approaches in Policing & Serious Violence across the UK 4 Nations, UK (Virtual), 8-12 Feb 2021
  • Session chair The 6th International Law Enforcement & Public Health Conference, Philadelphia, USA (virtual); March 2021.Mental health pathway: right care, right time
  • I.HEYMAN.The Intersection between People in Mental Health Distress, Police and Out-of-hours Health Services: An Exploratory Case Study School of Nursing and Midwifery Postgraduate Research Symposium, Robert Gordon University, Aberdeen.
  • HEYMAN.I. , DOUGALL.N.,WHITE, C., MURRAY, J., ENANG, I., WOOFF, A., & ASTON, E., The Scottish Centre for Law Enforcement and Public Health: how we got here and where we are going. Major session (M1) presentation given by I Heyman and panel at the 5th Global Law Enforcement and Public Conference, Edinburgh 2019.
  • HEYMAN I, DOUGALL N, THOMAS S, KERR J. Mental Health and Distress in the Emergency Department. National Summit. In collaboration with The Scottish Government Distress Intervention Group and the Global Law Enforcement & Public Health Association (GLEPHA) Mental Health Special Interest Group
  • Invited speaker : Murray J, Enang I, Dougall N, Wooff A, Aston E, Heyman I. Defining and Assessing Vulnerability: Perspectives across Law Enforcement and Public Health (LEPH), Innovation in Public Services and Public Policy (PUBSIC) Conference; Milan, Italy, 2019.
  • HEYMAN, I. The Intersection between Police, People in Mental Health Distress and Unscheduled Health Care: An Exploratory Case Study. The Fifth Scottish Institute for Policing Research (SIPR) and Police Scotland Postgraduate Symposium. Edinburgh: Scottish Institute for Policing Research.
  • Invited conference speaker Murray J, Enang I, Heyman I, Dougall N, Wooff A, Aston E & Grandison G. Defining and assessing vulnerability Perspectives across Law Enforcement and Public Health. International Association of Forensic Mental Health Services Conference. Montreal, Canada, June 25-27, 2019.
  • Conference talk: (Symposium) Dougall N, Heyman I, Murray J, Enang I, Aston L, Wooff A. 'Law Enforcement and Public Health: towards a unified partnership approach in Scotland', International Law Enforcement & Public Health Conference, Toronto, 2018
  • PhD Scottish Institute for Policing Research and Centre for Evidence Based Crime Policy International Policing Scholar Summer School (IPSSS) George Mason University, Washington USA. Summer School
  • Police and Emergency Health Practitioner Experiences in the Care of People in Mental Health Distress Presentations by I. HEYMAN, Justice Analytical Services, Scottish Government, Crowne Plaza, Edinburgh
  • HEYMAN I, DOUGALL N, WILLIAMS B, HEIJMER-MASON O. 2018 Working across sectors to develop an evidence-based approach to policing mental health and distress in Scotland. Major session (M14) conference presentation by I HEYMAN and panel at the 4th Global Law Enforcement and Public Conference, Toronto 2018.
  • I.HEYMAN.Black, white and grey – a case study of the experiences of police, people in mental health distress and emergency health services. School of Nursing and Midwifery Postgraduate Research Symposium, Robert Gordon University, Aberdeen.
  • Police and Emergency Health Practitioner Experiences in the Care of People in Mental Health Distress. Presentations by I. HEYMAN. Police Division, Safer Communities Directorate Scottish Government, St Andrews House, Edinburgh
  • A study of police and emergency health practitioner experiences in the care of people in mental health distress. Presentations by I. HEYMAN Health and Justice Collaboration Board, Scottish Government, St Andrews House, Edinburgh
  • HEYMAN, I.. Police and emergency health practitioner experiences in the care of people in mental health distress- a ‘grey area’ of practice. The Fourth Scottish Institute for Policing Research (SIPR) and Police Scotland Postgraduate Symposium. Edinburgh: Scottish Institute for Policing Research.
  • HEYMAN, I. Black, white and grey – a study of the interface and pathways between police, those in mental health distress and emergency health service.: Robert Gordon University Postgraduate Research Symposium. Aberdeen, Scotland
  • Black, White and Grey - A study of Police and emergency health practitioner experiences in the care of people in mental health distress. Presentation by I. HEYMAN, Justice Analytical Services Scottish Government, St Andrews House, Edinburgh
  • HEYMAN, I., The pathways and interface between police, those in mental health distress and emergency health services – A Literature Review. Scottish Institute of Policing Research International Conference – Policing Vulnerable People and Vulnerable Places. Edinburgh.
  • HEYMAN, I. A study of pathways and interface between police, those in mental health distress and emergency health services. The Third International Conference in Law Enforcement and Public Health. Amsterdam, The Netherlands
  • HEYMAN, I. Insider-outsider collaborative health and police research: challenges and facilitators. The Third International Conference in Law Enforcement and Public Health. Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
  • HEYMAN, I., . Supporting an understanding of the pathways and interface between police, those in mental health distress and emergency health services. Scottish Institute of Policing Research and Police Scotland Postgraduate Symposium. Dundee University.
  • HEYMAN, I. Supporting an understanding of the pathways and interface between police, those in mental health distress and emergency health services. The Third Scottish Institute for Policing Research (SIPR) and Police Scotland Postgraduate Symposium. Edinburgh: Scottish Institute for Policing Research.
  • TEE, S., WEBSTER- HENDERSON, B.J., and HEYMAN, I., The Patient’s Voice in Health Professional Education in the UK – 10 Years on: Beyond a Tick Box Exercise toward Cultural Change? Inter-Professional Health Care Education. Vancouver, Canada.
  • HEYMAN, I., GIBB, A., . Integration of the UK Prevent counter-terrorism strategy into mainstream health and social care education. Nurse Education Today Conference. Churchill College, Cambridge.
  • HEYMAN, I. Black, white and grey: The pathways and interface between police, those in mental health distress and emergency health services. The Second Scottish Institute for Policing Research (SIPR) and Police Scotland Postgraduate Symposium. Edinburgh Scottish Institute for Policing Research.
  • HEYMAN, I., JOSEPH, S., DIACK, L., KLEIN, S., MCCLUSKEY, S. AND WOOLNOUGH, P., Collaborative vulnerabilities? – understanding the challenges of interagency education and practices to protect those most susceptible to serious harm in Scotland .Law Enforcement and Public Health Conference. Amsterdam, Netherlands.
  • HEYMAN, I., The Challenges of Adult Support and Protection. (Key note speaker) National Adult Protection Conference, Renfrewshire.
  • HEYMAN, I., . Curriculum development through understanding the student nurse experience of suicide intervention education- a phenomenographic study. NET NEP, Netherlands.
  • HEYMAN, I., The Challenges of Adult Support and Protection. (Key note speaker) National Adult Protection Conference, Renfrewshire.
  • HEYMAN, I., GIBB, A., INNES, G., Preventable? Integration of the UK Prevent counter-terrorism strategy into mainstream health and social care education. Law Enforcement and Public Health conference. Amsterdam, Netherlands.
  • HEYMAN I., Multi-agency learning using The Collaborative Outcomes Learning Tool. Workshops x2. National Adult Protection conference. Connecting, Exchanging, Protecting: Getting it Right for Adult Protection. Stirling.
  • HEYMAN, I., Understanding the challenges of Police and interagency education and practices to protect those most susceptible to serious harm in Scotland. POLCON 5, Teesside University.
  • HEYMAN I., INNES. G., GOODHAND, K., The Hidden Educator – The use of High Fidelity Silicone Masks in Health and Social Care Education. Innovate to Stimulate conference. Robert Gordon University, Aberdeen.
  • HEYMAN I., . Multi agency learning using The Collaborative Outcomes Learning Tool. Workshops x2. National Child Protection conference. Connecting, Exchanging, Protecting: Getting it Right for Child Protection. Stirling.
  • HEYMAN, I. AND INNES, G., Virtually joining forces - Collaborative police and health practice and education to support those with co-morbid physical and mental health needs in police custody. Workshop. Law Enforcement and Public Health Conference. Amsterdam, Netherlands.
  • HEYMAN, I., GOODHAND, K. AND INNES, G., Collaborative Outcome Learning Tool (COLT) – An interactive, multiagency educational tool to support public protection communication and information sharing. POLCON 5, Teesside University.
  • HEYMAN I, WEBSTER – HENDERSON, B.J., Joining Forces – Collaborative police and nurse interventions and education to support those with mental health needs: a comparative international literature review. International Council of Nurses Quadrennial Congress. Melbourne, Australia.
  • HEYMAN, I., The Student Nurse Experience of Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training (ASIST) – A Phenomenographic Study. Enhancing Nursing through Educational Research (ENTER) Conference: Edinburgh Napier University.
  • HEYMAN. I, AND WEBSTER- HENDERSON, B.J., . Sick, nicked and hanging out for change. Police and Nursing roles in the care of those with complex mental health needs in custody. International Council of Nurses Quadrennial Congress. Melbourne, Australia.
  • HEYMAN. I., A Risky Business? – The Scottish Nursing Experience of Protecting Vulnerable Adults. International Council of Nurses Quadrennial Congress. Melbourne, Australia.


Media Activity

  • The NEN – North Edinburgh News - Pioneering conference highlights neurodiversity and policing
  • International blog - Joining dots: A Multisystem Approach to Policing and Public Health.
  • Pod cast - Faculty of Public Health - The Emergency Services SIG. Policing and public health
  • Newspaper article: Public health providers and police services are two sides of the same coin, The Scotsman, 27th June 2019,


Public/Community Engagement

  • Pioneering conference highlights neurodiversity and policing
  • Peter Hillen and Inga Heyman “I’m not going to leave someone to die”: A policing response to Scotland’s drugs death crisis. Sceptics Society Edinburgh .
  • Public engagement funding . Interprofessional Learning



  • Journal of Drug Issues
  • Australasian Emergency Care
  • Harm Reduction Journal
  • Policing and Society
  • Oxford Bibliographies- Oxford University Press
  • Journal of Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing
  • International Journal of Mental Health Nursing


Visiting Positions

  • Adjunct Associate Professor - University of Tasmania, Australia
  • Host Fulbright Scholar



29 results

Neurodiversity: Navigating the criminal justice system at the intersect of policing and health

Presentation / Conference Contribution
Heyman, I., & Spassiani, N. (2025, January)
Neurodiversity: Navigating the criminal justice system at the intersect of policing and health. Presented at Vulnerability & Policing Futures Research PhD Series, Online
People with neurodiversity or a neurodisability are overly represented in policing interactions. Yet, knowledge to support meaningful and positive impacts on criminal justice ...

Police and Health: Working together across complex systems to support people

Presentation / Conference Contribution
Heyman, I. (2025, January)
Police and Health: Working together across complex systems to support people. Presented at The National Police and Prison Care Networks Webinar series, Online

Police officer knowledge of and attitudes to opioid overdose and naloxone administration: an evaluation of police training in Scotland

Journal Article
Hillen, P., Speakman, E. M., Jamieson, M., Dougall, N., Heyman, I., Murray, J., Aston, E. V., & McAuley, A. (2025)
Police officer knowledge of and attitudes to opioid overdose and naloxone administration: an evaluation of police training in Scotland. Policing and Society, 35(1), 1-16.
In the context of escalating drug-related deaths, during 2021 Police Scotland implemented a pilot project incorporating naloxone training to test the carriage and administrati...

Police officer’s perspectives of people who use drugs: compassion or stigma? Evidence from an evaluation of Police Scotland’s naloxone pilot

Presentation / Conference
Hillen, P., Heyman, I., Dougall, N., Murray, J., Aston, E., Jamieson, M., …McAuley, A. (2024, March)
Police officer’s perspectives of people who use drugs: compassion or stigma? Evidence from an evaluation of Police Scotland’s naloxone pilot. Presented at Drugs Research Network Webinar: ‘Drugs, Stigma and Emergency Services’, Online
This presentation explored selected quantitative and qualitative data from an evaluation of Police Scotland’s naloxone pilot. The data indicated that police officers in Scotla...

Naloxone In Police Scotland - June 2023 update

Presentation / Conference Contribution
Hillen, P. (2023, June)
Naloxone In Police Scotland - June 2023 update. Presented at Drugs Research Network Scotland - end of phase 2 conference, Glasgow
This presentation describes the independent findings of an evaluation of a Police Scotland test of change (pilot) of the carriage and administration of naloxone as an emergenc...

Impact of Childhood Adversity and mental health on young person suicide: the CHASE study

Presentation / Conference
Dougall, N., Heyman, I., Savinc, J., Abbott-Smith, S., & Murray, J. (2023, May)
Impact of Childhood Adversity and mental health on young person suicide: the CHASE study. Paper presented at European Conference on Law Enforcement and Public Health, Umeå, Sweden
Background Suicide rates have been increasing in recent years after a period of decline since the 1990s, with notable increases in those aged 15-24. Childhood adversity is a k...

Lean Into Interprofessional Education with an Interprofessional Mega Simulation

Presentation / Conference Contribution
Frederick, A., Greig, Y., Heyman, I., & Matthew, H. (2023, May)
Lean Into Interprofessional Education with an Interprofessional Mega Simulation. Presented at Collaborating Across Borders VIII Conference, Online
This presentation will review the steps used to develop, implement and evaluate the impact of a largescale, patient care planning, tabletop simulation. Participants will revie...

Naloxone In Police Scotland: Pilot evaluation

Hillen, P., Speakman, E., Dougall, N., Heyman, I., Murray, J., Jamieson, M., …McAuley, A. (2022)
Naloxone In Police Scotland: Pilot evaluation. Edinburgh: Drug Deaths Taskforce, Scottish Government
This report describes the independent findings of an evaluation of a Police Scotland test of change (pilot) of the carriage and administration of naloxone as an emergency firs...

Law enforcement and mental health: The missing middle

Book Chapter
Thomas, S., White, C., Dougall, N., & Heyman, I. (2022)
Law enforcement and mental health: The missing middle. In I. Bartkowiak-Théron, J. Clover, D. Martin, R. Southby, & N. Crofts (Eds.), Law enforcement and public health: Partners for Community Safety and Wellbeing (111-123). New York: Springer
Commonly, in the course of their duties, the police will come into contact with people who have a lived experience of mental illness. It is acknowledged that these contacts ca...

Policing and health collaboration: Landscape review 2021

Bath, R., Blackstock, M., Borrett, J., Cook, T., Dougall, N., Forbes, R., …Wylam, J. (2021)
Policing and health collaboration: Landscape review 2021. College of Policing

Current Post Grad projects

Previous Post Grad projects