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118 results

Size-assortative pairing and discrimination of potential mates by humpback whales in the Hawaiian breeding grounds

Journal Article
Pack, A. A., Herman, L. M., Spitz, S. S., Craig, A. S., Hakala, S., Deakos, M. H., …Lowe, C. (2012)
Size-assortative pairing and discrimination of potential mates by humpback whales in the Hawaiian breeding grounds. Animal Behaviour, 84(4), 983-993.
Assortative pairing, and its relation to mate choice, has rarely been documented in mammals. Using data collected from 1998-2007, we investigated size-assortative pairing as i...

Habitat networks – reviewing the evidence base

Briers, R. (2011)
Habitat networks – reviewing the evidence base. Scottish Natural Heritage

Resightings of humpback whales in Hawaiian waters over spans of 10-32 years: Site fidelity, sex ratios, calving rates, female demographics, and the dynamics of social and behavioral roles of individuals

Journal Article
Herman, L. M., Pack, A. A., Rose, K., Craig, A., Herman, E. Y. K., Hakala, S., & Milette, A. (2011)
Resightings of humpback whales in Hawaiian waters over spans of 10-32 years: Site fidelity, sex ratios, calving rates, female demographics, and the dynamics of social and behavioral roles of individuals. Marine Mammal Science, 27(4), 736-768.
From a database of approximately 5,000 Hawaiian humpback whales identified photographically between 1976 and 2010, we extracted 71 males and 39 females having resighting spans...

Aquatic insects: challenges to populations

J. Lancaster, & R. A. Briers (Eds.), (2007)
Aquatic insects: challenges to populations. doi:10.1079/9781845933968.0000
This book considers some of the potential influences on individuals and populations (e.g. environmental stresses, parasites, cannibalism, dispersal limitations), the 'cunning ...

Dissecting spatial patterns in lake macrophyte communities at multiple spatial scales

Conference Proceeding
Briers, R. (2006)
Dissecting spatial patterns in lake macrophyte communities at multiple spatial scales. In Proceedings of the Fourteenth Annual IALE(UK) Conference (110-115
Abstract not available.

Optimal Selection of a Connected Reserve Network.

Journal Article
Önal, H., & Briers, R. A. (2006)
Optimal Selection of a Connected Reserve Network. Operations Research, 54(2), 379-388.
Spatial considerations are important in conservation reserve design. A particularly important spatial requirement is the connectivity of selected sites. Direct connections bet...

Phenotype-environment matching in the shore crab (Carcinus maenas)

Journal Article
Todd, P. A., Briers, R. A., Ladle, R. J., & Middleton, F. (2006)
Phenotype-environment matching in the shore crab (Carcinus maenas). Marine Biology, 148(6), 1357-1367.
The shore crab (Carcinus maenas) exhibits a range of carapace pattern polymorphisms, but little is known regarding their function or maintenance. If patterns represent some fo...

Spatial patterns in pond invertebrate communities: separating environmental and distance effects

Journal Article
Briers, R. A., & Biggs, J. (2005)
Spatial patterns in pond invertebrate communities: separating environmental and distance effects. Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems, 15(6), 549-557. doi:10.1002/aqc.742
1.The nature and extent of spatial pattern in communities has important implications for their dynamics and conservation. Previous studies of pond ecosystems, over relatively ...

Designing a conservation reserve network with minimal fragmentation: A linear integer programming approach

Journal Article
Önal, H., & Briers, R. A. (2005)
Designing a conservation reserve network with minimal fragmentation: A linear integer programming approach. Environmental modeling & assessment, 10(3), 193-202.
In the biological conservation literature, the optimum reserve site selection problem has often been addressed by using the prototype set covering and maximal covering formula...

The lateral extent of the subsidy from an upland stream to riparian lycosid spiders

Journal Article
Briers, R. A., Cariss, H. M., Geoghegan, R., & Gee, J. H. R. (2005)
The lateral extent of the subsidy from an upland stream to riparian lycosid spiders. Ecography, 28(2), 165-170. doi:10.1111/j.0906-7590.2005.04020.x
Adult aquatic insects emerging from streams can subsidize riparian food webs, but little is known of the spatial extent of these subsidies. Stable isotope (15N) enrichment of ...
56 results

Restoring Gambian riverine mangrove wetlands

2023 - 2024
community based mangrove restoration in the Gambia, using new techniques to restore salinised flats and working towards carbon accreditation for long term income
Funder: Ledunfly Philanthropy | Value: £95,609

Blue Carbon and Green Seagrass in Kenya

2023 - 2026
developing biodiversity credits to support seagrass conservation in Kenya
Funder: Ledunfly Philanthropy | Value: £307,361

Pollination ecosystem service support by sustainable urban drainage systems

2023 - 2026
Pollination ecosystem service support by sustainable urban drainage systems
Funder: Natural Environment Research Council | Value: £49,277

Characterising spatial freshwater soundscapes on an urban-rural gradient

2023 - 2023
The project aims to compare existing methods with a new methodology based on sensor arrays and utilising spatial audio algorithms, which can identify which direction a particular sound comes from and ...
Funder: Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council | Value: £27,660

Assessing and Protecting Spawning Herring and Associated Biodiversity: WOSHH-eDNA-Sound

2023 - 2025
Assessing and Protecting Spawning Herring and Associated Biodiversity: WOSHH-eDNA-Sound Herring helped to generate local income, identity, and societal change for centuries in Scotland, but their num...
Funder: Scottish Natural Heritage | Value: £27,906

Impacts of forestry on breeding curlew distribution

2023 - 2023
We were approached by Forestry Commission England (FCE) to consider addressing five key questions they had identified as being important in terms of impact of forestry on curlew over the next 5-10 yea...
Funder: Forestry Commission England | Value: £15,037

Optimisation of moorland bird surveys project

2023 - 2023
To analyze existing moorland bird survey data to investigate if there is an optimal (in terms of data quality vs effort level) approach to achieve the aims of detecting, and estimating breeding densit...
Funder: Forestry Commission England | Value: £13,956

Bundling seagrass carbon with mangroves

2023 - 2023
The high costs of measuring carbon stocks and increments in subtidal seagrass beds mean that fully accredited seagrass carbon projects, using current standards and protocols, are not usually financial...
Value: £10,325

Longitudinal variation in methane incorporation into stream food webs

2022 - 2022
Application for SUPER DTP Research Experience Placement student. This is an 8-week research experience internship. The funding covers employment of the student for the period of the project and £500 t...
Funder: Natural Environment Research Council | Value: £3,712

Methane-derived carbon in upland stream foodwebs: understanding the links

2022 - 2023
The work forms part of a SUPER-DTP funded PhD project. The present application relates to the use of stable isotope analysis to elucidate pathways for MDC incorporation in upland streams.
Funder: Natural Environment Research Council