Additional Information for Applicants

The information below is to help and assist applicants with respect to the processes involved at each stage.  It answers many frequently asked questions and has links to other key documents.

Find out more about the following:

Enquiry Process

  • Enquiries can be emailed to
  • Many enquiries can be answered with information provided on the main webpage, the scoping document, the guidelines for the application form and the additional information for applicants.
  • The team aim to reply to enquiries within 10 working days.

Review of Scope

  • Please read the Scoping document before completing your application.
  • It is important that applicants understand the scope of the fund prior to applying.
  • Please ensure your application is within the scope of the fund.
  • Should applicants have any queries regarding the scope, please follow the Enquiry Process outlined above.

Submit Application

  • The Application Form and Guidelines on completing the Application Form can be accessed from the main webpage 
  • Applicants are advised to read the Guidelines prior to completing the Application Form, should any queries arise, please follow the Enquiry Process outlined above.
  • Forms should be downloaded from the main webpage and once complete should be sent to
  • The closing dates for submissions can be found on the main webpage.
  • Applicants will receive an email acknowledging receipt of their application, together with a unique Reference No. and the timelines for the Round within 5 working days.
  • Contact the ENU team if you do not receive this email at
  • All applications received by the closing date and time will progress to the next stage.

Sift Review

  • All applications within each Round are distributed to the Sift Panel members for review.
  • Applications are reviewed by the panel against a Sift List to determine if they should proceed to peer review.
  • The sift list has been developed in line with the scope of the fund.
  • Applications should fall within the scope of the fund as defined here
  • As a result of the Sift Panel meeting, applications will either progress to peer review or will be rejected at this stage.
  • Applicants will receive an email confirming the outcome of the Sift Panel meeting within 7 working days of that meeting.

Peer Review

  • Applicants are requested to provide details of five independent referees on the Application Form.
  • Peer Reviews will be requested from a combination of these referees and a pool of referees collated by Edinburgh Napier University.
  • A minimum of three Peer Reviews for each application is sought.
  • There will be a set date for Peer Review replies.
  • Applications with Peer Reviews will progress to the next stage, Right to Reply.
  • Applications that do not receive any Peer Reviews will be contacted by the ENU team to discuss their options – withdraw from the process or move to the next funding round and seek alternative referees.

Right to Reply

  • Applicants will be sent the anonymous peer reviews on a set date and given 10 working days to reply.
  • The reply should be a maximum of 1000 words and can include either one table or one diagram.
  • The applicant’s reply will be one of the documents sent to the Awards Panel members for review.
  • All applicants whose application receives at least one Peer Review will have the Right to Reply.

Awards Panel

  • The Application Form, Peer Reviews & Right to Reply documents will be made available to panel members for review.
  • Each application will be presented and discussed at the Awards Panel meeting.
  • Applications will be ranked by each panel member as required, taking into account the relevant documentation and the subject matter expertise of the panel in alignment with the NHSScotland Assure scope for the fund.
  • The Awards Panel will decide the outcome for each application. There are three possible outcomes – fund, resubmit or reject.
  • The Awards Panel Chair will present the outcome of the Awards Panel to the Oversight Board.

Current Awards Panel

Prof Peter Barlow (Chair)

Chair of Immunology & Infection, Head of the Centre for Biomedicine & Global Health, Edinburgh Napier University

Dr Richard Beattie

Principal Engineering Manager, NHSScotland Assure, NHS National Services Scotland

Dr Stephanie Dancer

Principal Investigator, NHSScotland Assure Research Service Fund, Edinburgh Napier University

Prof Michael Gormley

School of Energy, Geoscience, Infrastructure and Society, Heriot Watt University

Susan Grant

Principal Architect, NHSScotland Assure, NHS National Services Scotland

Dr Teresa Inkster

Consultant Microbiologist/Infection Control Doctor, NHSScotland Assure, NHS National Services Scotland

Prof Pat Langdon

Co PI NHSScotland Assure Research Service Fund, Director Transport Research Institute (TRIc), Edinburgh Napier University

Frank Mills

Chartered Engineer, FCIBSE, FIMechE, FASHRAE

Dr Olga L. Moncayo

Consultant Microbiologist / Honorary Senior Clinical Lecturer in Microbiology, NHS Lothian/University of Edinburgh

Dr Ginny Moore

Scientific Lead - Biosafety, Air and Water Microbiology Group, UKHSA Porton

Dr Geraldine O'Brien

Research Lead, NHSScotland Assure, NHS National Services Scotland

Prof Jacqui Reilly

Research Group Co-Lead, Safeguarding Health through Infection Prevention Research Group, Glasgow Caledonian University

Prof Tim Sharpe

Head of Architecture, University of Strathclyde


Oversight Board

  • The Awards Panel Chair and the ENU Project Manager present the outcome of the Awards Panel and a review of processes and governance.
  • The Oversight Board will ensure adherence to process and governance throughout.
  • The Oversight Board will agree the following :-
    • which fundable applications are funded based on budget considerations
    • how to manage funded applications where funds are not available
    • confirmation of applications suitable for resubmission
    • confirmation of applications which are to be rejected

    Current Oversight Board

    Dr Stephanie Dancer (Chair)

    Principal Investigator, NHSScotland Assure Research Service Fund, Edinburgh Napier University

    Prof Pat Langdon (Deputy Chair)

    Co PI NHSScotland Assure Research Service Fund,  Director Transport Research Institute (TRIc) Edinburgh Napier University

    Mrs Sarah Gibson

    Portfolio Programme Manager, NHSScotland Assure, NHS National Services Scotland

    Mr Gavin Grant


    Dr Geraldine O'Brien

    Research Lead, NHSScotland Assure, NHS National Services Scotland

    Mr Gordon Stewart

    Capital Projects Advisor, Health Infrastructure and Sustainability, Scottish Government Health and Social Care Directorates

    Prof Colin J Suckling

    Research Professor of Chemistry, Department of Pure & Applied Chemistry, University of Strathclyde

    Ass Prof Graham Wright

    Head of Research, School of Applied Sciences, Edinburgh Napier University



  • Successful applicants will be informed via email within 10 working days of the Oversight Board meeting.
  • Applicants will progress to the next stage, Funded Research


  • Applications deemed suitable for resubmission by the Awards Panel and ratified by the Oversight Board may resubmit their application.
  • Applicants will be informed via email within 10 working days of the Oversight Board meeting.
  • Applicants are only permitted to resubmit once.
  • A resubmission does not equate to guaranteed funding.
  • The resubmitted application will be subject to the full application process.
  • Resubmissions should take the form of
    • A response letter to address feedback and points raised by the anonymous Peer Reviewers, the Awards Panel and the Oversight Board (max 1000 words)
    • Application form with any adjustments to relevant sections highlighted to show changes
    • Any other relevant documents such as letters of support, project plans, etc.


  • Unsuccessful applicants will be informed via email within 10 working days of the Oversight Board meeting