Susan Brown
Susan Brown

Dr Susan Brown

Senior Lecturer


Susan has an interest in developing talent via a range of mechanisms, from biomechanics and human movement and the measurement of movement patterns in both sporting and clinical populations, to working closely with National Governing Bodies in Sport and Industry bodies to support workforce talent development, to supporting applied research activity within talented athletes and practitioners in the Return To Play journey. Her expertise in 3-dimensional motion capture and the interpretation of kinematic as well as kinetic data has allowed her to work effectively with practitioners supporting athletes in a variety of sports, as well as health practitioners looking into interventions which could help improve movement in MS, stroke and Ehlers Danlos sufferers.

Susan has also been an active facilitator of the development of education provision for coaches and athletes, and continues to work closely with national and international governing bodies and organisations dedicated to sport. Most recently as Chair of the Education sub-group of the Scottish Professional Development Board (CIMSPA), Susan has focused attention on the development of employability within the student experience through work-based learning initiatives aligned to the partnerships she has developed and within the realm of the student learning experience and journey. This work aligns Susan's passion for developing talent across the sector and in collaboration with Industry.

In 2014, Susan proposed a partnership between Edinburgh Napier University and Scottish Rugby to support the BT Sport Scottish Rugby Academy (Edinburgh) which has resulted in a purpose built high performance gym extension to the existing facilities. The partnership has also allowed the development of the Sports Coach UK accredited PG Diploma Sport Performance Enhancement (Rugby Union Coaching) and then following this, the PG Diploma (Gymnastics Coaching). More recently, Susan has led the development and implementation of the University Strategy for Sport as well as the Dual Career Policy (2017 and ongoing), and is currently leading on developing successful partnerships with the Scottish FA in the development of the Scottish Football workforce (2020 to present), the Super 6 rugby franchise initiative (2019 to present), and various professional football and sporting clubs across the country (ongoing). Since handing over her head of subject role in 2017, Susan has been concentrating on research output and partnership and enterprise activity, facilitating knowledge exchange projects between our University and the sport and exercise industry. For example, Susan has successfully developed a partnership with Arsenal Football Club for the purpose of a research projects around the area of Return to Sport - an evolving area of research within the subject group, and another in movement patterning in Academy players, both of which she is Director of Studies for in the respective PhD studentships.

As Vice-Chair of the Scotland Professional Development Board with CIMSPA (2020 to present), Susan is still actively involved in the development of the workforce within Scotland and provides expert opinion and support. Susan is also now leading the sub group on education as Chair for the SPDB with a particular focus on work-based learning for students within industry to align with both student employability needs and industry skill development.

Within the School of Applied Sciences, Susan leads on Innovation and Enterprise across the School, supporting knowledge exchange between colleagues and external partners with a particular focus on creating and developing societal impact.




Advisory panels and expert committees or witness

  • UK Workforce Skills Observatory (WFSO) Board member
  • Vice-Chair CIMSPA Scottish Professional Development Board
  • UEFA Pro Licence (Scottish FA) Invited Panel member
  • Scotland Professional Development Board CIMSPA
  • Developing the Scottish Football Workforce
  • Expert opinion: Arsenal FC Research and Development advisory group
  • Expert opinion on biomechanics and technology developments or proposals for Arsenal FC
  • SRU research think tank
  • Adviser to Scottish Rugby coach education programme
  • Consultant for Kau Sai Chau Golf Academy via the Hong Kong Golf Association
  • Adviser to Sportscotland coach education pathways
  • Biomechanics Advisor for The R&A


Conference Organising Activity

  • Athletes as Entrepreneurs - Exploring Dual Careers
  • Functional movement evaluations: Take-off and landing strategies in a 180° single-leg jump.
  • The immediate and short term effects of elastic taping on biomechanical, functional and perceived outcomes in chronic stroke patients
  • Organiser of Qualisys Users conference held at Edinburgh Napier University (2012).
  • Non-contact injury incidence and warm up observation in Hockey
  • External advisor and Chair of Biomechanics section at BASES student conference held at Heriot Watt University (2006).


Editorial Activity

  • Associate Editor, Science and Medicine in Football
  • Editorial Board Sports Biomechanics


External Examining/Validations

  • External Examiner, Sheffield Hallam Unviersity
  • External Examiner for University of Sunderland from 2006-2010.


Fellowships and Awards

  • Fellow of the Higher Education Academy


Invited Speaker

  • BASES Conference 2023 - invited speaker
  • CPD Workshop delivery on Biomechanics within gymnastics for Scottish Gymnastics coaches
  • Invited speaker at Qualisys Users Group meeting, Liverpool John Moores University (2007).
  • Speed-accuracy trade-off in golf driving: a kinematic and performance analysis of a group of low handicap golfers


Media Activity

  • Students complete first year of Scottish FA & Edinburgh Napier University coaching course
  • Hearts and Hibs youngsters sign up for Edinburgh Napier University course
  • SFA and Napier team up for football coaching degree
  • Watsonians and Edinburgh Napier link up before FOSROC Super6
  • University programmes give athletes a sporting chance
  • Hearts and Napier team up to give students a double goal
  • Cricket Scotland and Napier University Launch a New Exciting Partnership
  • SRU and Sport Scotland press release on unique Sports Coach UKCC Level 4 award with SRU and our PG Diploma Sports Performance Enhancement
  • Invited guest on Radio Scotland show, Sport Nation (2012).
  • Newspaper coverage of BT Sport Scottish Rugby Academy launch at Edinburgh Napier in Daily Mail, Edinburgh Evening News, The Times and on STV 6 O’clock news
  • Press release from Hong Kong Rugby Union on the Schools of Rugby project and our evaluation of it in Hong Kong (2013)
  • Articles published on golf research findings within The Scotsman, The Herald and The Scottish Daily Mail (2011/2012).
  • Press release on Sponsorship agreement with Edinburgh Rugby (2014)


Public Engagement Activity

  • Ongoing attendance of external seminars and events in relation to building and growing KT activity through sport, sport science, fitness and health. (For example, Sporting Chance Initiative business networking event, August 2012, Hong Kong visits 2012-pre
  • Contributor to the InMotion exhibition at the Edinburgh International Science Festival (March and April 2012 and February 2013).
  • Contributor to the Royal College of Surgeons Exhibition (2006).


Public/Community Engagement

  • Edinburgh Women and Girls’ Physical Activity Inclusion Network



  • Expert reviewer for academic journals Sports Biomechanics, Medicine & Science in Sport & Exercise, European Journal of Sport Science, Journal of Sports Engineering and Technology, International Journal of Sport & Exercise Psychology and Journal of Sports Sciences (Biomechanics and Coaching sections)



17 results

Examination of the validity of the Injury-Psychological Readiness to Return to Sport (I-PRRS) scale in male professional football players: A worldwide study of 29 professional teams

Journal Article
Dunlop, G., Ivarsson, A., Einar Andersen, T., Brown, S., O’Driscoll, G., Lewin, C., …McCall, A. (2023)
Examination of the validity of the Injury-Psychological Readiness to Return to Sport (I-PRRS) scale in male professional football players: A worldwide study of 29 professional teams. Journal of Sports Sciences, 41, 1906-1914.
Perceived confidence is an important dimension of an athlete’s psychological readiness to return-to-play. However, there is no established and validated tool to evaluate confi...

Injury-inciting activities in male and female football players: a systematic review

Journal Article
Aiello, F., Impellizzeri, F. M., Brown, S. J., Serner, A., & Mccall, A. (in press)
Injury-inciting activities in male and female football players: a systematic review. Sports Medicine,
Background A comprehensive examination of the sport-specific activities performed at the time of injury is important to hypothesise injury mechanisms, develop prevention strat...

Immediate effect of a spinal mobilisation intervention on muscle stiffness, tone and elasticity in subjects with lower back pain – A randomised cross-over trial

Journal Article
Hamilton, R., Garden, C. L., & Brown, S. J. (2022)
Immediate effect of a spinal mobilisation intervention on muscle stiffness, tone and elasticity in subjects with lower back pain – A randomised cross-over trial. Journal of Bodywork and Movement Therapies, 29, 60-67
Background: Despite the lack of objective evidence, spinal manual therapies have been common practice for many years, particularly for treatment of lower back pain (LBP). This...

Marker location and knee joint model constraint affect the reporting of overhead squat kinematics in elite youth football players

Journal Article
Coyne, L. M., Newell, M., Hoozemans, M. J. M., Morrison, A., & Brown, S. J. (in press)
Marker location and knee joint model constraint affect the reporting of overhead squat kinematics in elite youth football players. Sports Biomechanics,
Motion capture systems are used in the analysis and interpretation of athlete movement patterns for a variety of reasons, but data integrity remains critical regardless of the...

Inter-Segmental Coordination during a Unilateral 180° Jump in Elite Rugby Players: Implications for Prospective Identification of Injuries

Journal Article
Krajewski, K. T., McCabe, C., Sinnott, A. M., Moir, G. L., Lamont, H. S., Brown, S., & Connaboy, C. (2020)
Inter-Segmental Coordination during a Unilateral 180° Jump in Elite Rugby Players: Implications for Prospective Identification of Injuries. Applied Sciences, 10(2),
Musculoskeletal injuries often occur during the execution of dynamic sporting tasks that involve rotation. The prescription of appropriate prevention strategies of musculoskel...

A biomechanical investigation of a spinal mobilisation intervention with Multiple Sclerosis patients

Presentation / Conference
Hamilton, R., Brown, S., & Garden, C. (2019, October)
A biomechanical investigation of a spinal mobilisation intervention with Multiple Sclerosis patients. Poster presented at Rehabilitation in Multiple Sclerosis, Special Interest Group on Mobility, Glasgow, UK
Final PhD results with comparisons over 3 studies investigating a biomechanical analysis of a spinal mobilisation therapy analysing muscle tissue quality, functional balance a...

Return to Play practices following hamstring injury: A worldwide survey of 131 premier league football teams

Journal Article
Dunlop, G., Ardern, C., Einar Andersen, T., Lewin, C., Dupont, G., Ashworth, B., …McCall, A. (2020)
Return to Play practices following hamstring injury: A worldwide survey of 131 premier league football teams. Sports Medicine, 50, 829-840.
Purpose: Return-to-play (RTP) is an on-going challenge in professional football. Return-to-play related research is increasing. However, it is unknown to what extent the reco...

Joint range of motion entropy changes in response to load carriage in military personnel

Journal Article
Morrison, A., Hale, J., & Brown, S. (2019)
Joint range of motion entropy changes in response to load carriage in military personnel. Human Movement Science, 66,
Background Overuse accounts for 82% of injuries in military personnel, and these occur predominantly in the spine and low limbs. While non-linear analyses have shown changes i...

The investigation of a spinal mobilisation intervention in people with Multiple Sclerosis

Presentation / Conference
Hamilton, R., Brown, S., & Garden, C. (2018, September)
The investigation of a spinal mobilisation intervention in people with Multiple Sclerosis. Poster presented at Rehabilitation in Multiple Sclerosis, Special Interest Group on Mobility
Preliminary results of a spinal mobilisation intervention in people with multiple sclerosis, a randomised cross-over trial.

A Comparison of a markerless and a marker based motion capture system measuring trunk and lower limb kinematics across a range of common Lower Limb Protocols: Preliminary Findings

Presentation / Conference
Coyne, L., Newell, M., Brown, S. J., & Morrison, A. (2018, July)
A Comparison of a markerless and a marker based motion capture system measuring trunk and lower limb kinematics across a range of common Lower Limb Protocols: Preliminary Findings. Poster presented at 8th World Congress of Biomechanics, Dublin, Ireland

Pre-Napier Funded Projects

  • The effect of differing shaft dynamics on the biomechanics of the golf swing

Current Post Grad projects

Previous Post Grad projects

Non-Napier PhD or MSc by Research supervisions

  • PhD Studentship Supervisor: NUI Galway and Arsenal FC