Marianne Wilson
marianne wilson

Marianne Wilson

Student Experience


Marianne Wilson is a PhD researcher in the Centre for Creative & Social Informatics. Her PhD project explores how conversational AI can responsibly support career guidance. Her research sits at the intersection of human-computer interaction and information behaviour, emphasising participatory approaches to socio-technical system design. Her research and teaching is focused on practical approaches to ensuring technology and data deliver public good.
Director of studies: Dr David Brazier, Supervisors: Dr Dimitra Gkatzia and Prof Pete Robertson.


Invited Speaker

  • Career Development Association Australia: Gen AI Guidance Launch
  • Career Development Institute Annual Conference Keynote Speaker


Membership of Professional Body

  • COST Action: Critical perspectives on career and career guidance (Co-Proposer)


Public/Community Engagement

  • Career Industry Council of Australia Webinar
  • Scottish AI Summit Workshop Co-Facilitator: ‘Building Inclusive AI Language, Dialect, and Diversity’
  • CPD: AI for Career Practitioners (Co-Design & Delivery)



  • Peer Review for ACM Conversational User Interfaces (CUI) Conference
  • Peer Review for Conversations Workshop



8 results

Exploring the relationship between listener receptivity and source of music recommendations

Presentation / Conference Contribution
Vargheese, J. P., Wilson, M., Stephen, K., Salzano, R., & Brazier, D. (2025, April)
Exploring the relationship between listener receptivity and source of music recommendations. Presented at The 47th European Conference on Information Retrieval, Lucca, Tuscany
Music recommender systems are utilised by many music streaming platforms to provide new artist and song recommendations on a person-alised basis to listeners. By applying dyna...

The power of audio: presenting archives via podcasts

Presentation / Conference Contribution
Wilson, M., Ryan, B., Hall, H., & McGregor, I. (2023, June)
The power of audio: presenting archives via podcasts. Paper presented at Shaking the Archive - Reconsidering the Role of Archives in Contemporary Society, Edinburgh
Heritage Organisations and Podcasts Scoping Study (HOPSS) was a small-scale project completed by a team at Edinburgh Napier University in 2022. Designed to scope the research ...

Exploring the relationship between listener receptivity and the source of music recommendations

Wilson, M., Stephen, K., & Vargheese, J. P. Exploring the relationship between listener receptivity and the source of music recommendations. Creative Informatics

Wilson, M., Stephen, K., & Vargheese, J. P. Exploring the relationship between listener receptivity and the source of music recommendations. Creative Informatics
Music recommender systems are utilised by many music streaming platforms to provide new artist and song recommendations on a personalised basis to listeners. These algorithm-b...

Principal Agent Theory & AI in Careers Services: Digitalisation and technologies in career education and guidance [Symposium]

Presentation / Conference Contribution
Wilson, M., Robertson, P., Cruickshank, P., & Gkatzia, D. (2023, March)
Principal Agent Theory & AI in Careers Services: Digitalisation and technologies in career education and guidance [Symposium]. Paper presented at Nordic Education Research Association Conference, Oslo

Artificial intelligence in career services

Presentation / Conference Contribution
Wilson, M. (2023, March)
Artificial intelligence in career services. Presented at Career Development Institute Scotland CPD Conference, Online

The creative use of digitised archives: case study of Lorna Lloyd’s ‘Diary of the War’ podcast series

Presentation / Conference
Ryan, B., Hall, H., Wilson, M., & Berger, J. (2022, September)
The creative use of digitised archives: case study of Lorna Lloyd’s ‘Diary of the War’ podcast series. Presented at The BBC at 100 Symposium, National Science and Media Museum, Bradford
The roundtable discussion is concerned with the creative use of digitised archives in the work undertaken for the AHRC Creative Informatics funded Platform to Platform project...

Opportunities and risks in the use of AI in career development practice

Journal Article
Wilson, M., Robertson, P., Cruickshank, P., & Gkatzia, D. (2022)
Opportunities and risks in the use of AI in career development practice. Journal of the National Institute for Career Education and Counselling, 48(1), 48-57.
The Covid-19 pandemic required many aspects of life to move online. This accelerated a broader trend for increasing use of ICT and AI, with implications for both the world of ...

Position Paper

Conference Proceeding
Wilson, M. (2021)
Position Paper. In Proceedings of 17th Workshop on Spoken Dialogue Systems for PhDs, PostDocs & New Researchers (56-58

Current Post Grad projects