Emma Hart
Emma Hart

Prof Emma Hart



Prof. Hart gained a 1st Class Honours Degree in Chemistry from the University of Oxford, followed by an MSc in Artificial Intelligence from the University of Edinburgh. Her PhD, also from the University of Edinburgh, explored the use of immunology as an inspiration for computing, examining a range of techniques applied to optimisation and data classification problems. 

She moved to Edinburgh Napier University in 2000 as a lecturer, and was promoted to a Chair in 2008 where she leads a group in Nature-Inspired Intelligent Systems, specialising in optimisation and learning algorithms applied in domains that range from combinatorial optimisation to robotics. Her work mainly involves development of algorithms inspired by biological evolution to discover novel solutions to challenging problems.

She was appointed as Editor-in-Chief of Evolutionary Computation (MIT Press) in 2017. She has been invited to give keynotes at major international conferences including CLAIO 2020, IEEE CEC 2019, EURO 2016 and UKCI 2015 and was General Chair of PPSN 2016, and as a Track Chair at GECCO for several years. She is an elected member of the Executive Board of the ACM SIG on Evolutionary Computation.

More broadly, she invited member of the UK Operations Research Society Research Panel, and in Scotland, co-leads the Artificial Intelligence theme within SICSA. She was appointed as a panel member for REF2021 (UoA11 Computer Science). In 2020 she was appointed to the Steering Committee that developed Scotland's AI Strategy published in 2021 . She has a sustained track record of obtaining funding from the EU, EPSRC and of engaging with industry via KTP projects and consultancy, and participates enthusiastically in public-engagement activity, e.g Pint of Science.

Her work in evolutionary robotics has attracted significant media attention, e.g. in New Scientist, the Guardian, Telegraph and the Conversation. In 2021, she gave a TED Talk on Evolutionary Robotics, available online




Advisory panels and expert committees or witness

  • Scottish Government Steering Committee: AI Strategy
  • Royal Society’s International Networks Committee
  • Appointed to the UK Operational Research Society Research Panel
  • Elected to the Executive Board of the ACM Special Interest Group SIGEVO
  • Invited to join the IEEE CIS Evolutionary Computation Technical Committee for 2012
  • Invited to co-lead SICSA Research Theme on Artificial Intelligence
  • Member of Royal Society delegation of UK scientists in UK-Russia Frontiers of Science Symposium (Kazan)


Conference Organising Activity

  • Senior Program Committee Member AAAI-19
  • Track Chair: Complex Systems @ GECCO 2017
  • General Chair of PPSN 2016, Edinburgh
  • Co-chair and organiser, Dagstuhl Seminar on Artificial Immune Systems, 2011
  • Workshop co-chair: Steering Complex Adaptive Systems, ECAL 2015: 12th International Conference on Artificial Life
  • Technical chair of IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computing (CEC), 2009
  • Workshop co-chair: ALIFE 2016, 2nd Workshop on Steering Complex Systems (Cancun, Mexico)
  • Program Chair of the ninth IEEE International Conference on Self-Adaptive and Self- Organizing Systems (2015)
  • Workshop Chair: IEEE SASO, 2nd Workshop on Fundamentals of Collective Systems, London,
  • Workshop Chair: IEEE SASO 2011, 1st Workshop on Self-Awareness in Autonomic Computing USA
  • Technical Chair BioNETICS 2009, Avignon
  • General Chair: 9th International Conference on Artificial Immune Systems at Edinburgh Napier
  • Technical Chair of Bionetics 2011, York, UK
  • Chair of Workshop in Self-Organisation in Pervasive Adaptive Systems, at IEEE SASO 2010, Budapest. 28th September 2010
  • Track Chair: Artificial Immune Systems at GECCO 2014, an ACM SIGEVO Conference.
  • Track Chair: Artificial Immune Systems and Biological and Medical Applications, Genetic & Evolutionary Computation Conference, GECCO 2016
  • Track Chair. Real-World Applications of Optimisation at GECCO 2015 (ACM)
  • Workshop Chair: • ECAL 2013, 1st Workshop on Fundamentals of Collective Systems, Italy
  • Workshop Chair, Real-World-Optimisation @ GECCO 2013
  • Workshop Chair: 2nd Awareness workshop at IIEEE SASO 2012 : Challenges for Achieving Self-awareness in Autonomic Systems


Editorial Activity

  • Editor of the ACM SIGEVO newsletter
  • Editorial Board: International Journal Metaheuristics
  • Editor-in-Chief of Evolutionary Computation (MIT Press)
  • Associate Editor of the Journal of Evolutionary Computation (MITPress)
  • Guest Editor: Scalable Computing: Practice and Experience (Special Issue on Collective Adaptive Systems)
  • Guest Editor: Special Issue of J. Evolutionary Intelligence on Aspects of Artificial Immune Systems
  • Guest Editor: Swarm Intelligence: (Special Issue on Artificial Immune Systems) 2010


Fellowships and Awards

  • Leverhulme Research Fellowship


Grant Reviewer

  • Grant reviewer: Carnegie Trust
  • Grant reviewer: Leverhulme Trust
  • Re-elected to EPSRC peer review college


Invited Speaker

  • Invited Talk: Tecnologico de Monterrey, Mexico
  • Invited Talk: University of St Andrews (Computer Science)
  • AHDB Smart Agriculture Conference (Invited Speaker)
  • Invited Seminar: University of Aberystwyth: Seminar, Life Long Learning in Optimisation
  • University of Stirling: Research Seminar
  • University of Nottingham Research Seminar
  • Invited Speaker: Women@GECCO workshop, GECCO 2015
  • Keynote Speaker at 28th European Conference on Operational Research in Poznan in July 2016
  • Inivited Talk: Mathematical Modelling of Wind Risk, Arcachon, France. Optimisation for Forestry
  • Keynote: 15th UK Conference on Computational Intelligence (UKCI 


Media Activity

  • The PerAda project hosted a public debate "Emotion as Interface" at Edinburgh International Science Festival, chaired by Emma Hart, with panel guests Prof Kevin Warwick, Prof Nikola Serbedzija, ad Dr Jenny Tillotson
  • FOCAS project featured in EU FET newsletter


Research Degree External Examining

  • PhD Examiner: University of Cardiff (School of Mathematics)
  • PhD Examiner: Robert Gordon University
  • Phd External Examiner Queen Mary University
  • PhD Examiner University of Edinburgh
  • PhD Examiner: University of York
  • PhD Examiner: University of Hong Kong
  • PhD Examiner: University of Aberytwyth
  • PhD Examiner: Manchester Metropolitan
  • PhD examiner, University of Pretoria, South Africa
  • PhD Examiner University of Kent Canterbury
  • PhD Examiner University of YorK (Computer Science)
  • PhD Examiner: Swinburne University of Technology, Australia
  • PhD at the University of Cardiff, in the School of Computer Science and Informatics
  • PhD examiner at the University of York
  • PhD examiner, University of Nottingham
  • PhD external examiner at Hong Kong Polytechnic University



161 results

Hyper Heuristics: an emerging direction in modern search technology.

Book Chapter
Burke, E., Hart, E., Kendall, G., Newall, J., Ross, P., & Schulenburg, S. (2003)
Hyper Heuristics: an emerging direction in modern search technology. In F. Glover, & G. A. Kochenberger (Eds.), Handbook of MetaHeuristics, 457-474. Springer US. https://doi.org/10.1007/0-306-48056-5_16

Requirements for getting a robot to grow-up

Conference Proceeding
Ross, P., Hart, E., Lawson, A., Webb, A., Prem, E., Poelz, P., & Morgavi, G. (2003)
Requirements for getting a robot to grow-up. In W. Banzhaf, T. Christaller, P. Dittrich, J. T. Kim, & J. Ziegler (Eds.), Advances in Artificial Life 7th European Conference, ECAL 2003, Dortmund, Germany, September 14-17, 2003. Proceedings. , (847-856). https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-540-39432-7_91
Much of current robot research is about learning tasks in which the task to be achieved is pre-specified, a suitable technology for the task is chosen and the learning process...

Genetic algorithms and timetabling

Book Chapter
Ross, P., Hart, E., & Corne, D. (2003)
Genetic algorithms and timetabling. In A. Ghosh, & K. Tsutsui (Eds.), Advances in Evolutionary Optimisation. Springer. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-642-18965-4_30
Genetic algorithms can be used to search very large spaces, and it would seem natural to use them for tackling the nastier kinds of timetabling problem. We completed an EPSRC-...

Exploiting the analogy between the immune system and sparse distributed memory.

Journal Article
Hart, E., & Ross, P. (2002)
Exploiting the analogy between the immune system and sparse distributed memory. Genetic Programming and Evolvable Machines, 4(4), 333-358. doi:10.1023/a:1026191011609
The relationship between immunological memory and a class of associative memories known as sparse distributed memories (SDM) is well known. This paper proposes a new model for...

A role for immunology in 'next generation' robots.

Conference Proceeding
Hart, E., Ross, P., Webb, A., & Lawson, A. (2003)
A role for immunology in 'next generation' robots. In J. Timmis, P. Bentley, & E. Hart (Eds.), Artificial Immune Systems. ICARIS 2003, 46-56. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-540-45192-1_5
Much of current robot research is about learning tasks in which the task to be achieved is pre-specified, a suitable technology for the task is chosen and the learning process...

Requirements for getting a robot to grow up.

Conference Proceeding
Ross, P., Hart, E., Lawson, A., Webb, A., Prem, E., Poelz, P. & Morgavi, G. (2003)
Requirements for getting a robot to grow up. ISBN 9783540200574

Controlling a simulated Khepera with an XCS classifier system with memory.

Conference Proceeding
Webb, A., Hart, E., Ross, P. & Lawson, A. (2003)
Controlling a simulated Khepera with an XCS classifier system with memory. ISBN 9783540200574
Autonomous agents commonly suffer from perceptual aliasing in which differing situations are perceived as identical by the robots sensors, yet require different courses of act...

Learning a procedure that can solve hard bin-packing problems: a new GA-based approach to hyperheuristics.

Conference Proceeding
Ross, P., Marin-Blazquez, J. G., Schulenburg, S. & Hart, E. (2003)
Learning a procedure that can solve hard bin-packing problems: a new GA-based approach to hyperheuristics
The idea underlying hyper-heuristics is to discover some combination of familiar, straightforward heuristics that performs very well across a whole range of problems. To be wo...

A systematic investigation of GA performance on jobshop scheduling problems.

Conference Proceeding
Hart, E., & Ross, P. (2003)
A systematic investigation of GA performance on jobshop scheduling problems. In Real-World Applications of Evolutionary Computing. , (280-289). https://doi.org/10.1007/3-540-45561-2_27
Although there has been a wealth of work reported in the literature on the application of genetic algorithms (GAs) to jobshop scheduling problems, much of it contains some gro...

Artificial immune systems: proceedings of the 2nd international conference.

Conference Proceeding
Artificial immune systems: proceedings of the 2nd international conference. In E. Hart, J. Timmis, P. Bentley, & P. J. Bentley (Eds.), Artificial Immune Systems: Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference,doi:10.1007/b12020
This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the Second International Conference on Artificial Immune Systems, ICARIS 2003, held in Edinburgh, UK in September 2003

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