Constantia Anastasiadou
Constantia Anastasiadou

Dr Constantia Anastasiadou



Constantia is Professor in Tourism and the Research Lead for Tourism in the Tourism and Languages Group. In her research leadership role, she supports early career and established academics in the Subject area with their individual research goals and works across the Business School to support collaboration and promote a positive and inclusive research culture. She was previously the PhD programme leader in the Business School

Constantia is the leading authority on EU tourism policy and has published extensively on the impact of regional trading organisations on international tourism development in highly esteemed academic journals and practitioner publications. Her main research interests lay in EU tourism policy, tourism governance and organisational structures. She is also interested on technological mediation processes in tourism and cultural/heritage tourism practices and identity.

Her project work has been funded by the EU (TEMPUS programme), the Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC), UK, and the Carnegie Trust for the Universities of Scotland. Constantia was also previously employed as qualitative social researcher on tourism-related and employability projects and held various posts in the tourism industry. She has also acted as a grant reviewer and scientific expert for the Economic Social and Research Council, Innovation Fund Denmark, the Eureka Eurostars programme, and the Commonwealth Scholarship Commission, among others.

Constantia holds a BA Hons in Economics from the University of Macedonia, Greece and an MSc and PhD in Tourism from University of Strathclyde, UK. She is a committee member of Tourism Society (UK), a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy, the Royal Geographical Society and the Royal Society of Arts, Manufacture and Commerce. Constantia has acted as a scientific committee member and reviewer for several academic conferences and journals including Tourism Management, Annals of Tourism Research, Tourism Geographies and Event Management.

Constantia was previously the Postgraduate Programme Leader for Tourism, Hospitality and Events, (Jun 2008- Oct 2012) managing a portfolio of five programmes and overseeing student recruitment and retention. She is an experienced communicator who incorporates her research insights into her teaching and public engagement practice. Her work has been previously presented to student audiences in the UK, Hong Kong, Sweden, Denmark, and Russia and at practitioner conferences and symposia. She developed and leads on the research-informed modules, International Tourism Policy and Planning (taught in UK and Singapore at undergraduate level) and the postgraduate Case Studies in International Tourism. Additionally, her research has informed teaching in two postgraduate modules, Experience Design and Management and Contemporary Issues in Heritage and Cultural Tourism.

Constantia is also an experienced PhD and DBA supervisor and examiner and held the post of PhD Programme Leader in the Business School from Oct 2012- Jan 2016 where she led on the recruitment of Graduate Teaching Assistants and planned and provided induction and research methods training activities.

Research Areas


Advisory panels and expert committees or witness

  • Member of appointment panel- University of the Aegean, Greece
  • Participation as expert on Covid-19 outbreak expert survey for the UK Parliament
  • Member of appointment panel- University of Crete- Greece
  • Member of Appointment Panel- Aalborg University, Denmark


Conference Organising Activity

  • The Human Touch in Hospitality Council of Hospitality Management Education (CHME) Conference
  • '20 Years of Scottish Devolution past and future – what will be driving and shaping tourism in Scotland next'
  • "Destination Organisations: Fit for Purpose and Ready for What the Future Holds?" Tourism Society
  • Travel and Tourism Research Association Conference


Editorial Activity

  • Editorial: Tourism Governance during Public Sector Reform and Financial Uncertainty- How can Destination Management Organisations Adapt?


External Examining/Validations

  • External Examiner for University of Sunderland Periodic Programme Review
  • External Examiner at Middlesex University


Fellowships and Awards

  • Fellow of the Royal Society of the Arts, Commerce and Enterprise
  • Fellow, Higher Education Academy


Grant Reviewer

  • Economic Social Research Council Grant Reviewer
  • Grant Reviewer for University of Patras- K. Karatheodori scheme
  • Commonwealth Scholarship Commission assessor
  • Scientific Expert for Innovation fund Denmark (IDF)


Invited Speaker

  • The international environment shaping the creation of sustainable delivery models for destination development marketing and management (DDMMOs) organisations
  • Does the tourism industry have an image problem? Current trends and their implications for student recruitment, teaching, and learning.
  • Scottish & Danish destinations - a comparison of evolving purposes and roles: Tourism Management Institute
  • Technology Solutions for Tourism 2015: Edinburgh Tourism Action Group


Media Activity

  • Interview on Russian television as part of the TOULL project dissemination activities.
  • Interview, The Independent


Membership of Professional Body

  • Member of Tourism Society, UK



  • Journal Reviewer: Journal of Sustainable Tourism
  • Journal Reviewer: Tourism Recreation Research
  • Journal Reviewer: Hospitality and Society
  • Journal of Destination Marketing and Managment
  • Journal Reviewer: City, Culture and Society
  • Journal Reviewer for Tourist Studies
  • Journal reviewer for Annals of Tourism Research
  • Journal Reviewer for Tourism Management



53 results

Tourism and the EU: Retrospect and Prospect

Book Chapter
Anastasiadou, C. (2020)
Tourism and the EU: Retrospect and Prospect. In Brexit and Tourism: Process, Impacts and Non-Policy, (30-42). Bristol: Channel View
The aim of this chapter is to consider how the EU’s approach to tourism may develop or change after the UK has left the Union. Beyond the changes and any exit agreements concl...

What next for tourism policy in the post-Brexit EU?

Conference Proceeding
Anastasiadou, C. (2019)
What next for tourism policy in the post-Brexit EU?. In Tourman 2019 Conference Proceedings (193-195
Tourism is a major socio-economic activity in the European Union that has traditionally been, cast as a means of promoting European identity and progressing the EU’s aims for...

“From souvenirs to 3D printed souvenirs”. Exploring the capabilities of additive manufacturing technologies in (re)-framing tourist souvenirs

Journal Article
Anastasiadou, C., & Vettese, S. (2019)
“From souvenirs to 3D printed souvenirs”. Exploring the capabilities of additive manufacturing technologies in (re)-framing tourist souvenirs. Tourism Management, 71, 428-442.
Souvenirs, whether mass-produced commodities made elsewhere or local artisanal handicrafts, are static objects that lack the capacity to mediate or generate the co-creative, a...

AHRC Design Research for Change Showcase

Exhibition / Performance
Vettese, S., Anastasiadou, C., Calder, L., Vones, K., Burton, K., & Allan, D. AHRC Design Research for Change Showcase. 20 September 2018 - 23 September 2018

Vettese, S., Anastasiadou, C., Calder, L., Vones, K., Burton, K., & Allan, D. AHRC Design Research for Change Showcase. 20 September 2018 - 23 September 2018
No abstract available.

Digital Revolution or Plastic Gimmick? Authenticity in 3D Souvenirs

Anastasiadou, C., & Vettese, S. (2018)
Digital Revolution or Plastic Gimmick? Authenticity in 3D Souvenirs. In J. M. Rickly, & E. S. Vidon (Eds.), Authenticity & Tourism Materialities, Perceptions, Experiences, 165-179. London: Emerald
Mass-market production of souvenirs, their disposability and their mixed up, interpretive styling may detach the tourist from the actual experience. Conversely, it is the pers...

1.5cm Unicorn Souvenirs

Physical Artefact
Vettese, S., & Anastasiadou, C. 1.5cm Unicorn Souvenirs. [Physical artefact]. Edinburgh Napier University

Vettese, S., & Anastasiadou, C. 1.5cm Unicorn Souvenirs. [Physical artefact]. Edinburgh Napier University
This study explored the possibilities and challenges that 3D printing could generate in the production and consumption of tourist souvenirs. The team undertook a study in coll...

In Situ, 3D Printed Heritage Souvenirs: Challenging Conventional Spaces and Culture

Journal Article
Vettese, S., & Anastasiadou, C. (2018)
In Situ, 3D Printed Heritage Souvenirs: Challenging Conventional Spaces and Culture. The Journal of Peer Production, 12, 27-39
This paper outlines an Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC) funded Design Innovation Development Award project titled ' Enhancing the Authenticity and Sustainability of...

The role of iconic-historic commemorative events in event tourism: Insights from the 20th and 25th anniversaries of the fall of the Berlin Wall

Journal Article
Viol, M., Todd, L., Theodoraki, E., & Anastasiadou, C. (2018)
The role of iconic-historic commemorative events in event tourism: Insights from the 20th and 25th anniversaries of the fall of the Berlin Wall. Tourism Management, 69, 246-262.
The role of commemorative events for event tourism has received marginal attention. Existing research primarily considers commemorative events for their social and political s...

Enhancing the Tourist Heritage Experience through In-Situ, Customisable 3D - Printed Souvenirs

Book Chapter
Anastasiadou, C., Vettese, S., & Calder, L. (2018)
Enhancing the Tourist Heritage Experience through In-Situ, Customisable 3D - Printed Souvenirs. In L. Egberts, & M. D. Alvarez (Eds.), Heritage and Tourism : Places, Imageries and the Digital Age, (151-171). Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press.
This research set out to investigate whether technological innovations in design and the personalisation of tourist souvenirs through 3D printing, could offer opportunities to...

A study of the relationship between personalised 3D printed 'Souvenirs of Place' and public perception of modern architectural heritage

Journal Article
Vettese, S., Anastasiadou, C., & Vones, K. (2017)
A study of the relationship between personalised 3D printed 'Souvenirs of Place' and public perception of modern architectural heritage. Design Journal, 20(Supp. 1), S3683-S3695.
At present, there is a disconnection between academic and public perception of Modern heritage, particularly Brutalist architecture. This research utilises the processes and e...

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