Research Output
“From souvenirs to 3D printed souvenirs”. Exploring the capabilities of additive manufacturing technologies in (re)-framing tourist souvenirs
  Souvenirs, whether mass-produced commodities made elsewhere or local artisanal handicrafts, are static objects that lack the capacity to mediate or generate the co-creative, active or immersive experiences that tourists desire. The expansion of additive manufacturing (3D printing) and open access digital fabrication facilities creates opportunities for personalisation, creativity and prosumption that could alter souvenir consumption. Using a qualitative approach, this study examined visitor preferences and managers views on 3D printed souvenirs that were mass-produced but individualised within a heritage retail environment, where the visitors were able to interact with the digital making process. The findings suggest while there is some interest in designing and personalising souvenirs using new technologies, there are also intellectual and ethical challenges which need to be addressed. We propose the 3D printed souvenir as a new type of souvenir and a future research agenda that considers the technology implications for tourist consumption.

  • Type:


  • Date:

    06 November 2018

  • Publication Status:


  • DOI:


  • Cross Ref:


  • ISSN:


  • Library of Congress:

    NX Arts in general

  • Dewey Decimal Classification:

    700 Arts & recreation

  • Funders:

    AHRC Arts & Humanities Research Council; Arts and Humanities Research Council


Anastasiadou, C., & Vettese, S. (2019). “From souvenirs to 3D printed souvenirs”. Exploring the capabilities of additive manufacturing technologies in (re)-framing tourist souvenirs. Tourism Management, 71, 428-442.



heritage, sustainability, gift shops; retailing; 3D printing; souvenir; additive manufacturing

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