Amanda Woodrow
amanda woodrow

Dr Amanda Woodrow

Research Fellow


I am currently a Research Fellow working on a collaborative project between ENU and NHS Lothian focused on acute and complex mental health care. My main research interests focus on schizophrenia and psychosis, in the areas of childhood trauma, emotion recognition and regulation, and thought and communication disorder.
After completing my PhD at ENU in 2021 in trauma, emotion regulation and psychosis, I began working as trial manager on two of the first umbrella trials in mental health. Both trials received funding from the Chief Scientists Office and delivered interventions for adults with a diagnosis of psychosis. The DEC:IDES trial offered interventions to support treatment decision making capacity, and the PICASSO trial offered interventions to treat the symptoms of Complex PTSD in those with psychotic symptoms. These trials involved multidisciplinary collaboration with colleagues from the NHS across Lothian, Greater Glasgow & Clyde, Lanarkshire, Pennine, and Lancashire & South Cumbria, along with academic colleagues from Universities of Glasgow, Lancaster and Manchester.

My research to date has primarily investigated causal pathways from childhood trauma to psychotic symptoms, and the development of theoretical models to explain these. My clinical research has used an interventionist-causal paradigm to deliver interventions improve psychotic symptoms. I am interested in continuing this work in future with a particular focus on thought and communication disorder. I am keen to continue working with novel methodological processes to accelerate research, intervention development and testing.


Research Areas


4 results

Trauma and psychosis: synthesising evidence, network modelling and expanding into an interventionist-causal paradigm to investigate mediating mechanisms

Woodrow, A. Trauma and psychosis: synthesising evidence, network modelling and expanding into an interventionist-causal paradigm to investigate mediating mechanisms. (Thesis)
Edinburgh Napier University. Retrieved from
The link between childhood trauma and the development of psychosis in adulthood is already well established, but factors which explain this relationship are currently less wel...

Effectiveness of interpersonal psychotherapy for community living depressed women involved with the justice system

Journal Article
Black, S., Bowyer, D., Graham, P., Irvine Fitzpatrick, L., Pate, K., Woodrow, A., & Schwannauer, M. (2021)
Effectiveness of interpersonal psychotherapy for community living depressed women involved with the justice system. Criminal Behaviour and Mental Health, 31(3), 183-197.
Background Despite the prevalence of depression among women in the justice system, and its potentially significant consequences, there is a dearth of studies investigating psy...

Decision-making ability in psychosis: a systematic review and meta-analysis of the magnitude, specificity and correlates of impaired performance on the Iowa and Cambridge Gambling Tasks

Journal Article
Woodrow, A., Sparks, S., Bobrovskaia, V., Paterson, C., Murphy, P., & Hutton, P. (2019)
Decision-making ability in psychosis: a systematic review and meta-analysis of the magnitude, specificity and correlates of impaired performance on the Iowa and Cambridge Gambling Tasks. Psychological Medicine, 49(1), 32-48.
To identify factors which may help or hinder decision-making ability in people with psychosis, we did a systematic review and meta-analysis of their performance on the Iowa an...

COVID-19 Public Inquiry: Research Report for Portfolio 3 The Provision of Health and Social Care Services Adult Social Care

Report commissioned by Scottish COVID-19 Public Inquiry into the Scottish Government's strategic response to the COVID pandemic in relation to the provision of healthcare serv...

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