Adrian Davis
adrian davis

Dr Adrian Davis FFPH,



School of Health & Social Welfare, Open University 1994-1999
- Trained in Public Health
- Research children's independent mobility decline (Hillman hypothesis) 4 subsequent peer reviewed papers
- Wrote first Medical Association report on Road Transport and health globally for the British Medical Ass. in 1997

Transport Studies Group, University of Westminster 1999-2005
- Councillor understanding of health impacts of transport, funded by DfT New Horizons

Bristol City Council Public Health Evidence Advisor 2008-18
- Designed city-wide 20mph programme as public health intervention
- Started translational research 1 page summaries of road transport topics
- Designed Lifecourse workstream for Local Sustainable Transport Fund for West of England highway authorities

University of the West of England, Visiting Professor 2012-2018
- Commenced series of YouGov studies on public attitudes and reported behaviours regarding 20mph speed limits

UWE Senior Research Fellow p/t 2017-
- Further research on 20mph speed limits for Scottish MSP to support Bill
- Centre Line Removal study funded by the Road Safety Trust
- Perceived Road Safety Indictor - for pedestrians and cycle users - funded by Road Safety Trust

TRI, Edinburgh Napier University, September 2018-
Honorary Professor, Moray House School of Sport and Education, University of Edinburgh ,2019-2022

Research Areas



Advisory panels and expert committees or witness

  • City of Edinburgh Council Infrastructure Board
  • Jury Panelist for 10th Annual Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan (SUMP) Awards
  • Trustee
  • Chair of the Transport Data and Evidence Group of the Social & Systems Recovery Group
  • Chair of the Transport Working Group of the Cleaner Air for Scotland Review


Editorial Activity

  • Associate Editor, Journal of Transport & Health


External Examining/Validations

  • PhD External Examiner


Fellowships and Awards

  • Dr of Business Administration
  • Visiting Professor
  • Fellow of the Faculty of Public Health through Distinction