Training on transport & public health for transport practitioners and Essential Evidence 4 Scotland
  Part 1: The aim is to provide regular training sessions for both public authority transport /highways practitioners, and a similar but 'reverse' training for public health practitioners on the relationships between transport and health.
A key aim is to give the attendees the confidence and knowledhe to engage with the other sector - either transport or public health. The work, coming in the wake of the pandemic, where interest among transport professionals and others as to the role of public health has helped this area to become more attractive to potential attendees in local authorities, and the Regional Transport Partnerships, among others.
These would be half or one day sessions. During 2021-22 I have run three of these for transport /highways practitioners but I have run such sessions multiple times over the past 15 years across England.
Part 2: Continuation of Essential Evidence 4 Scotland series of 1 page evidence summaries, targeted principally at local authority highways practititioners. Others such as consultants, Councillors, advocates, as well as public health practitiuoner are also secondary targets. The aim is to issue at least 20 of these summaries within 12 months. Evidence is largely taken from peer reviewed and highly robust studies in order to reduce bias.

  • Start Date:

    1 November 2022

  • End Date:

    31 January 2024

  • Funder:

    Paths for All Partnership

Project Team