Epilepsy Studies PgCert

Develop your knowledge and skills in the care of people with epilepsy on this flexible course delivered fully online


This one year part-time course will introduce you to the key concepts in holistic epilepsy care management.  The programme aims to correlate to clinical practice and has been co-produced with clinical expert partners from across the UK and people with lived experience.


This course is now closed. The next intake will be in January 2026.


Students using computers to study with one student looking at the camera and smiling

Mode of Study:



1 year

Course details

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    How you’ll be taught

    The Post Graduate Certificate in Epilepsy Studies will involve online tutorials, reflection, work-based learning and scheduled groupwork activities spanning three trimesters over one academic year.

    As a part-time student you will study 2 compulsory modules: Exploring Evidence for Clinical Management of the Epilepsies and Epilepsy Work Based Learing. A standard module is equivalent to 200 hours of learning. You will also undertake personal research and complete a work based learning portfolio.

    On completion of all elements you will receive the award of Post Graduate Certificate in Epilepsy Studies.

    The programme is offered in a part time blended mode of study. The blended element refers to entirely online delivery of Exploring Evidence for Clinical Management of the Epilepsies, in conjunction with the applicants own substantive post underpinning the requirements and learning within Epilepsy Work Based Learing.

    The programme aims to develop your interest in and knowledge and understanding of Epilepsy to enable you to:

    • Demonstrate knowledge that covers and integrates the main features, boundaries, terminology, and conventions associated with Epilepsy
    • Use a significant range of the principal professional skills, techniques, practices and/or materials associated with diagnosis, treatment, and management of Epilepsy
    • Apply critical analysis, evaluation and synthesis to forefront issues, or issues that are informed by forefront developments in Epilepsy
    • Communicate effectively with, support and educate, a range of audiences with different levels of knowledge or expertise
    • Demonstrate substantial application of theory to practice development and specifically a focus on quality improvement
    • Recognise and act upon the complexities of care that may arise as a direct consequence of epilepsy itself, or as a common co-morbidity, and the strategies available to stratify risk and limit morbidity

    Upon successful enrolment, you will be provided with a dedicated programme handbook which contains all the information you need to know about your programme and studying at the University more generally. You will also be given a student email account and provided with access to our student-focussed online information service MyNapier. We will also introduce you to our virtual learning environment, known as Moodle, which enables you to engage and interact with a variety of learning support materials specific to your programme and the modules you will be studying.

    In addition to receiving support from the programme teaching team you will be allocated a Personal Development Tutor (PDT) who will meet with you formally throughout your programme to ensure that your individual learning needs and aspirations are being met. As a taught postgraduate student your Programme Leader is likely to serve as your PDT.


    NOTE: If you are being sponsored by your employer, you will need to provide a Purchase Order Document prior to starting the course. 

    Please email this document to the Programme administrator: s.vetchkanova@napier.ac.uk.



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    Exploring Evidence for Clinical Management of the Epilepsies is delivered fully through online lecture environments, within which problem-based learning, case discussions and interprofessional peer-peer learning and reflection will enhance the disseminated core topics. Group work and guided independent learning both academically and within clinical practice will build on this. Interprofessional learning will be evident between nurses from different fields of practice, as well as programme materials, tasks and reflections underpinned by a variety of other professionals. You will be supported to engage critically in the evidence base surrounding the field of epilepsy practice to augment your practice, and enable enhanced consideration and application of evidence-led skills and knowledge to promote positive outcomes. The development of critical analysis skills and applications of the evidence base within a case report will form part of summative assessment.


    Epilepsy Work Based Learning will incorporate a blended approach, whereby you will utilise your ongoing substantive post in clinical practice as a basis for reflection and development of skills. Analysis of the roles of yourself and other members of the wider team will facilitate assessment of strengths and areas for development within the context of your own clinical practice.

    Combining your knowledge from Exploring Evidence for Clinical Management of the Epilepsies will allow application of QI methodology to propose creative problem-based improvements to practice, underpinned by relevant strategic and policy drivers.A portfolio of evidence comprising QI proposal and structured reflection will be the basis of summative assessment.

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    Work placement

    While studying on this Blended programme you will continue in your ongoing substantive post in clinical practice, using this as a basis for reflection and development of skills.
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    The compulsory taught modules will be delivered using online lecture environments, allowing you to study from wherever is convenient.


Study modules mentioned above are indicative only. Some changes may occur between now and the time that you study.

Full information is available in our disclaimer.

Entry requirements

This programme is intended for registered healthcare professionals who have clinical contact with people with a diagnosis of epilepsy.

Bachelors Degree in Nursing (any field) OR Registration as an allied healthcare professional (AHP) with documented clinical practice involvement working with people with the epilepsies.

Recognition of prior learning. Your application will be considered on an individual basis, taking into consideration your previous study and experience. 

Entry with previous experience - If you can demonstrate that you have appropriate knowledge and skills you may be able to enter this programme. You will be asked to reflect on your previous experience working with people with epilepsy; demonstrating skills, knowledge and understanding equivalent to that achieved on successful completion of a Bachelors degree with honours.

We welcome applications from students studying a wide range of international qualifications.
Entry requirements by country

Please note that international students are unable to enrol onto the following courses:
  • BM Midwifery/MM Midwifery
  • All Graduate Apprenticeship courses.

See who can apply for more information on Graduate Apprenticeship courses.

We’re committed to admitting students who have the potential to succeed and benefit from our programmes of study. 

Our admissions policies will help you understand our admissions procedures, and how we use the information you provide us in your application to inform the decisions we make.

Undergraduate admissions policies
Postgraduate admissions policies

Fees & funding

The course fees you'll pay and the funding available to you will depend on a number of factors including your nationality, location, personal circumstances and the course you are studying. We also have a number of bursaries and scholarships available to our students.

Tuition fees
Students from 2024/25 2025/26
Scottish & Rest of UK £1,575 £tba
Overseas & EU £1,780 £tba
Please note tuition fees are subject to an annual review and may increase from one year to the next. For more information on this and other tuition fee matters, please see our Fees and Funding
Please note that the tuition fees liable to be paid by EU nationals commencing their studies from 1 August 2021 will be the Overseas fee rate. The University offers a range of attractive Tuition Fee bursaries to students resident in specific countries. More information on these can be found here.

If you are being sponsored by your employer, you will need to provide a Purchase Order Document prior to starting the course.  Please email this document to the Programme administrator: s.malone@napier.ac.uk


Nursing students grouped around a bed in the university's clinical skills and simulation suite

This postgraduate qualification will enhance the practice and potential career prospects of any registered healthcare professional who has clinical contact with people with a diagnosis of epilepsy. It will provide you with opportunities to develop and demonstrate your knowledge and understanding of Epilepsy and to develop your practical, critical, and analytical skills and attributes. You will be able to:

  • Evaluate research and a variety of types of information and evidence critically and demonstrate an ability to articulate and communicate information to a variety of individuals in a variety of ways
  • Apply a range of policy, practice and research evidence to propose a quality improvement project focussed on health outcomes for people with epilepsy
  • Develop original and creative responses to problems, issues and challenges in Epilepsy care, taking an evidence-led, problem-solving and patient centred approach
  • Practice in ways which draw on critical reflection on own and others’ roles and responsibilities