The Blended and Online Education is a part-time, fully online programme that provides participants with practical opportunities to develop, implement and critically evaluate the use of technology for open and inclusive learning and teaching practices. Students may be lecturers, course developers, or other professionals who work in a teaching or teaching and learning related role in FE, HE or staff development.
Applicants may be completely new using digital technologies for teaching, or may want to extend their digital education skills. The programme allows students to develop a personal, evidence-based approach to the use of digital technologies for teaching and learning, and consider the implications for educators, students, colleagues, training departments and educational institutions.
- Study within a highly supportive online environment, working alongside tutors and fellow participants in the programme’s virtual learning environment
- Collaborate across a range of other online spaces and tools
- Draw from your own professional working environment
- Study alongside your peers and tutors online, as well as learning from guest experts
The course includes an academic skills and scholarship in digital education strand to support your development as a digital scholar through your studies and beyond. This comprises flexible 10-credit modules which run alongside the main modules, providing just-in-time learning to develop your academic writing and research skills at master's level.
The programme is designed to complement a work-based role in education and students can choose to exit with a PgCert (60 credits), PgDip (120 credits) or MSc (180 credits) in Blended and Online Education.
Typical entry points to this course are in January and September. Please enquire for more information.