Centre for Cardiovascular Health Conference: A focus on physical activity interventions
Corn Exchange, Edinburgh 7th November 2019
The first Centre for Cardiovascular Health conference was held in 2019 in Edinburgh. Over 100 healthcare and exercise professionals, academics, public health workers and students attended.
The event showcased learning from UK approaches to cardiac rehabilitation (programmes that offer support to people who have experienced a heart attack or other cardiac event to help them recover and improve their cardiovascular health) and physical activity referral schemes (where healthcare professionals can refer patients with a range of medical conditions for a programme of supervised exercise, usually at a leisure centre). Those who attended also had the chance to discuss future developments.
Session presentations:
Cardiac Rehabilitation
Professor Rod Taylor shared insight into heart failure rehabilitation and Dr Scott Murray discussed the future of cardiac rehabilitation.
Please scroll to the bottom of the page to download presentations by Rod Taylor and Scott Murray on the topic.
The Scottish Men’s pARTicipation after Exercise Referral (SMARTER) study
This three-year study examined the physical activity referral scheme in Fife. Researchers from The Centre for Cardiovascular Health shared the views of scheme participants, health care professionals involved in referring patients and the staff delivering the scheme.
Please scroll to the bottom of the page to download presentations by Susan Dawkes, Coral Hanson, and Bruce Forrest on the topic.
Innovations in physical activity referral scheme design and content
UK researchers shared studies that explored what works in the design and delivery of physical activity referral schemes
Please scroll to the bottom of the page to download presentations by Ben Buckley, Paula Watson, Chloe McAdam, John Downey, Anna Campbell, Jordan Bell, Colin Shore, and Katie Hesketh on the topic.
Overarching challenges for physical activity referral schemes
UK researchers shared studies that explored the challenges of understanding how to measure what works in physical activity referral, how to target those who would benefit most, and the barriers and facilitators to participation and adherence to schemes.
Please scroll to the bottom of the page to download presentations by Mat Cocks, Michael Kelly, James Steele, Emily Oliver, Hannah Henderson on the topic.