Presentation Guidelines

Oral presentations

Each presenter will have 15 minutes to present their work, followed by a 5-minute Q&A session. Please note that the chair will strictly enforce the timing and will stop you when your 15 minutes are up, even if you haven't finished.

When preparing your presentation, please ensure that both oral presentations and slides are in English only. You can use either MS PowerPoint or Adobe PDF for your slide presentation. Projectors will be available for all sessions.

To upload your presentation, bring it on a USB memory stick and upload it to the Session Room computer at least 15 minutes before your session starts.

Poster presentations

Presenters will be provided with mounting boards or walls to display their posters. Depending on the surface, tacks or tape will be provided. Presenters must create and set up their posters before the start of their session. For more details, please email us at

Poster Guidelines

- Title should be in bold.

- Include author’s affiliations and e-mail addresses for corresponding authors.

- The body of the poster should start with a short introduction, followed by methods, results/findings, and conclusion(s) clearly indicated.

- Keep text to a minimum, with each block of text consisting of no more than a few sentences.

- Use the following suggested font sizes: main title: 78-96 pt (bold, upper case), author(s): 72 pt (bold, title case), affiliation(s): 48 pt (normal, title case), subheading: 36 pt (bold, uppercase), body of text: 24 pt (normal).

- Print your poster in A2 size (420mm x 594mm).

- Bring your Poster with you and give it to the registration desk during your registration.

- Posters that are selected will appear in the book of abstracts.


At the conference, four awards will be presented. The Sir Geoff Palmer Research Excellence Award will go to the BEST oral and poster presentation, while the Sir Geoff Palmer Young Scholar Award will be given to the BEST PhD research student oral and poster presentation.