The ability to sell allows participants to use this skill set across business, and in their own business, as all managers are required to sell products/ services, ideas, changes, concepts, designs etc.

This course is focused on SMEs who want to build their business in our very dynamic times. It looks at the different sales environment now prevalent - with the introduction of on-line selling and with more information available to buyers than ever before. This means that your buyer is better informed about your company (and your competitors) before you get to meet them. Understanding this allows you to completely adjust traditional selling presentations and techniques. This course demonstrates the difference between selling and negotiations, and the ultimate understanding of your customers' needs before you get to meet them.

Course Overview

This course brings participant through the skills required to sell in dynamic environments, especially in the era of technology, where the buyer knows more about companies and sellers than before. This brings its own challenges for sales directors, sales managers, business owners, or business development managers across all sectors, as meetings are getting shorter and you - the seller - are required to present a clear and compelling sales message quickly and effectively.

This is a change from the previous norm, where companies normally had an hour to make their presentation: many sales meetings are now given a max of 30 minutes (some as short as 15). Sellers need to understand their customer's requirements before they get to the meeting, and your 'presentation' now starts with your ability to fulfil this pre-defined need.

The course covers a number of key areas...

Course Details 

  • Sales vs Negotiations
  • Closing the Sale
  • FAB selling                                     
  • Handling Objections
  • When to talk about Price                       
  • Influencing Skills
  • Today's Presentations / Pitch
  • Active Listening
  • Uniqueness                    
  • Value Proposition
  • Appropriate Questioning

The course teaches the participants two different types of selling skills, and pays a lot of attention to two other key areas of challenge in the sales world: becoming comfortable with objections and closing the sale. Both areas of concern to sales teams.

It also covers influencing skills, which is a skill you can use internally for your own meetings.

Selling skills can be used across businesses, whether selling ideas, asking for support, interviewing, or marketing ideas; it has a myriad of uses both internally and externally, and participants will get to develop presentations and deliver them, another key skill.

How You'll Be Taught 

3 x 1-day workshops at Craiglockhart Campus, plus 1 hour mentoring per participant

How You'll Be Assessed

No assessment


Standard price: £750


22nd April in Room 2/09, 29th April in Room 1/06 and 6th May in Room 1/06, all at Craiglockhart campus. 

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