Please speak with us as early as possible if there is anything about your disability or health condition that we should take into consideration at the application stage or while you are staying in our accommodation so we can support you.

The Student Accommodation team takes our duty of care very seriously. We aim to ensure a positive student accommodation experience, prioritise the safety of all our students and want to assist with the smooth transition into student accommodation. In order to do so, we need your assistance to work with us so we have enough time to make any adjustments prior to your arrival. It is never too early to get in touch and make us aware of your needs.

If you have a disability or medical condition, including any that are not specifically mentioned on this page, contact the accommodation office before submitting your application. Please get in touch as soon as possible, even if you do not yet have your unconditional offer, so we can pre-reserve an room to meet your requirements and make any adjustments prior to your arrival. Please note, priority will be given to students who come under the guarantee of an offer of accommodation.

Making us aware of your requirements in advance gives us the time required to make any adjustments, arrange a site/flat visit and discuss a Personal Emergency Evaluation Plan (if applicable) prior to you moving into accommodation.


We have a small number of accessible flats at our developments. 

Hearing Aid Equipment

We have a number of flats at our developments offering hearing aid equipment (flashing lights/vibrating pillows). We are also happy to guarantee you staying in student accommodation for your total academic journey if you meet the requirements detailed under 'returning students' on our Who Can Apply page.

Blind/Visually Impaired

Please contact the office before submitting your application.

Autism, mental health and social anxiety

We have a number of smaller flats (4-6 students sharing) as well as studio flats at our developments. We aim to guarantee a return to student accommodation for all ASD students for the next academic year when possible, if they have a formal ASD diagnosis and have disclosed this on their student accommodation application form (no exceptions).  These students must also meet the requirements detailed under 'returning students' on our Who Can Apply page and have no debt on their account or disciplinary action taken against them. Unfortunately, we cannot offer this to students with social anxiety, mental health conditions or with no formal ASD diagnosis.  Evidence may be required to confirm a formal diagnosis of ASD.

Diabetic (Medication Required)

If you are diabetic, you do not have to contact our office. Instead, please state this on your application form as we have a small number of mini fridges we can offer on a first-come, first-served basis. If available, a mini fridge will be positioned in your bedroom for your arrival and should be returned to staff at tenancy end. If we cannot supply a mini fridge, a permission statement will be sent to you to give you special permission to bring a newly-purchased mini fridge into your student accommodation bedroom to store your medication.

Other disabilities and conditions

If you have any other disabilities or medical conditions that may have an impact on your student accommodation, please get in touch as soon as possible, even if you do not yet have your unconditional offer, so we can pre-reserve an room to meet your requirements and make any adjustments prior to your arrival. Please note, priority will be given to students who come under the guarantee of an offer of accommodation.

Making us aware of your requirements in advance gives us the time required to make any adjustments, arrange a site/flat visit and discuss a Personal Emergency Evaluation Plan PEEP if applicable prior to you moving into the accommodation.

Food Allergies

If you have food allergies e.g. peanut, you do not have to contact our office. Instead, please state this on your application form. We will ensure posters are displayed in your allocated flat that a student within the flat has food allergies to make flatmates aware and offer guidance if students have reactions to food during your stay.

We would also recommend you discuss your medical condition with your flatmates and, if comfortable, the location of your medication if required. If you require permission to bring a newly-purchased or PAT-tested mini fridge for your bedroom, please email as soon as possible.

For more tips prior to starting university and on arrival, please refer to our Food Allergies Procedure document.

Temporary support

If you find your situation changes whilst staying in student accommodation, please keep staff updated to ensure you have the support required during your stay in student accommodation.

E.g.: John Smith started his tenancy and was allocated on a top-floor flat. Unfortunately, the lift broke during the same time period as John broke his leg playing football. Therefore, his Accommodation Officer arranged a temporary Personal Emergency Evaluation Plan and offered a flat transfer to the ground floor.

Welfare Checks

Staff will perform welfare checks to any student who is raised as a concern from parents, academics, social workers etc. Please note, we will not disclose any personal information regarding the student or their location. We will send a message to the student, if they are staying in our accommodation, to request they contact the person concerned about their welfare. Please note this is not mandatory but requested only.

Sharing Information/GDPR

Please be aware we may share your personal details internally within Edinburgh Napier University support teams such as Disability Inclusion and Health & Safety to ensure the safety, support and wellbeing of all of our disabled students.

Emotional Support, Theraputic Pets & Assistance Dogs

The Tenancy Agreement for student accommodation does not allow pets in University properties, including Emotional Support/Therapeutic pets. The exception to this rule is for Assistance Dogs that meet the criteria below; in such cases, the dogs will be welcomed within student accommodation where suitable studio accommodation is available and a risk assessment and Personal Emergency Evacuation Plan is completed.

Assistance Dogs have formal identification and are permitted to accompany their owners at all times and in all places within the United Kingdom (unless there is a genuine health and safety risk). Assistance Dogs are highly trained to help people with disabilities e.g. sight, hearing difficulties, epilepsy, diabetes and physical mobility problems. Assistance Dogs assist owners in carrying out a variety of practical tasks to allow independent living e.g. opening/closing doors, picking up objects, loading/unloading washing machines etc. If you wish to apply to bring your Assistance Dog with you to student accommodation, please email the accommodation team attaching evidence your Assistance Dog meets the criteria below:

  • Trained by a member of Assistance Dogs UK Organisations or equivalent organisation in another country*
  • Has a formal identification in the form of branded jackets or lead slips
  • Has the yellow ID booklet from the AD (UK) member organisation or equivalent documentation which contains information about the owner and their dog, details of the training received by the dog and its owner, and/or a suitable and sufficient risk assessment that can be modified to suit the various areas being accessed whilst on university premises

*Equivalent organisation in another country must be approved by Edinburgh Napier University, Health & Safety.

The earlier you contact the accommodation team, the more likely we are to be able to meet your needs and pre-reserve a suitable accommodation depending on availability.

We only allow Assistance Dogs in our Studio Flats on 2nd and 3rd floor at Arthur's Seat House and in one of our cluster flats at Blackford Hill House after a risk assessment and Personal Emergency Evacuation Plan has been completed.

A few points to remember if you are successful in gaining permission to bring your Assistance Dog into Student Accommodation:

  • Insurance – it is the assistance dog's owner's responsibility to ensure the dog has full liability insurance cover.
  • Access – the assistance dog will have access to the owner's studio flat, reception, laundry room, common room and bin cupboard, but it will not be able to access other areas onsite unless permission is given e.g. all students within other student flats.
  • Behaviour – the assistance dog's behaviour e.g. excessive barking must be managed by the owner to ensure the safety and wellbeing of neighbours, staff and students onsite.
  • Cleanliness – the owner, unless blind, must endeavour to use designated toilet areas identified by staff (as detailed below under walking) and clean up dog waste.
  • Walking - Dogs must be walked outwith the student accommodation grounds.  There are a number of green areas in the city suitable for dog walking e.g. turn right at the canal.
  • Care and supervision – the owner must address all the assistance dog's requirements e.g. health checks, vaccinations, grooming, exercise, feeding, watering, toileting and updates to training. The assistance dog must be kept on the lead at all times outwith the studio flat (or bedroom in cluster flat if applicable).
  • Conflict – termination of tenancy with a 28-day notice period will be processed if there are any breaches to the code of conduct, the requirements above, or health and safety concerns to neighbours, students or staff.
  • Damage – the owner is responsible for any charges due to damage caused by the dog.

Note: Student Accommodation at Bainfield provides a busy, noisy environment. The assistance dog must be comfortable with this environment, as well as stairs, lifts, and fire alarms, as these are tested regularly and can also activate at any time of day or night.

If you are on the waiting list for an Assistance Dog, please make us aware of your situation as soon as possible. If one becomes available during your tenancy agreement, we will try our best to accommodate you and the Assistance Dog by arranging a transfer if available/applicable.