9 results

A Knowledge Flow Model to Capture Unstructured Product Development Processes: A Knowledge Flow Model

Journal Article
Vasantha, G. V. A., Chakrabarti, A., & Corney, J. (2016)
A Knowledge Flow Model to Capture Unstructured Product Development Processes: A Knowledge Flow Model. Knowledge and Process Management, 23(2), 91-109. https://doi.org/10.1002/kpm.1501
Product knowledge emerges from day‐to‐day, ubiquitous interactions executed by engineers. Types of interaction and their associated influence on knowledge activities are often...

Advances in designing product-service systems

Journal Article
Vasantha, G. V. A., Roy, R., & Corney, J. R. (2015)
Advances in designing product-service systems. Journal of the Indian Institute of Science, 95, 429-448
Product-Service Systems (PSS) have emerged as a class of hybrid business models that have evolved particular relevance to enterprises operating in a resource-efficient, circul...

Crowdsourcing solutions to 2D irregular strip packing problems from Internet workers

Journal Article
Vasantha, G. V., Jagadeesan, A. P., Corney, J. R., Lynn, A., & Agrawal, A. (2016)
Crowdsourcing solutions to 2D irregular strip packing problems from Internet workers. International Journal of Production Research, 54(14), 4104-4125. https://doi.org/10.1080/00207543.2015.1102355
Many industrial processes require the nesting of 2D profiles prior to the cutting, or stamping, of components from raw sheet material. Despite decades of sustained academic ef...

Influences of design tools on the original and redesign processes

Journal Article
Annamalai Vasantha, G. V., Chakrabarti, A., Rout, B. K., & Corney, J. (2014)
Influences of design tools on the original and redesign processes. International Journal of Design Creativity and Innovation, 2(1), 20-50. https://doi.org/10.1080/21650349.2013.839076
Concept generation plays a vital role in establishing a broader foundation in the design process to create novel products. In the globalized, collaborative, designing scenario...

A manufacturing framework for capability-based product-service systems design

Journal Article
Gokula Vijaykumar, A. V., Komoto, H., Hussain, R., Roy, R., Tomiyama, T., Evans, S., …Williams, S. (2013)
A manufacturing framework for capability-based product-service systems design. Journal of Remanufacturing, 3(1), 1-32. https://doi.org/10.1186/2210-4690-3-8
Manufacturers aim to design product-service systems (PSS) which integrate services with products to attain sustained competitive advantage from a life cycle perspective. PSS d...

A definition and valuation of the UK offsite construction sector

Journal Article
Taylor, M. D. (2010)
A definition and valuation of the UK offsite construction sector. Construction Management and Economics, 28, 885-896. https://doi.org/10.1080/01446193.2010.480976
The offsite construction sector is now established as a significant contributor to the delivery of UK construction industry output. The exact value of this contribution is que...

Information strategy: a new item for the textile industry's agenda

Journal Article
Hall, H. (1994)
Information strategy: a new item for the textile industry's agenda. Journal of the Textile Institute, 85(4), 533-541. https://doi.org/10.1080/00405009408631299
A discussion of current thinking on the role of information as a business resource for competitive advantage leads to the conclusion that consideration should be given by the ...

Information strategy and manufacturing industry — Case studies in the Scottish textile industry

Journal Article
Hall, H. (1994)
Information strategy and manufacturing industry — Case studies in the Scottish textile industry. International Journal of Information Management, 14(4), 281-294. https://doi.org/10.1016/0268-4012%2894%2990005-1
The results are given of an investigation into the perception and use of information as a strategic resource for effective business performance and competitive advantage in th...

The Integration of Design and Manufacture ‐A Quantum Leap

Journal Article
Hunt, I., Roberts, S., & Jones, R. (1993)
The Integration of Design and Manufacture ‐A Quantum Leap. Integrated Manufacturing Systems, 4(2), 15-19. https://doi.org/10.1108/09576069310037464
New product “time to market” in the information technology (IT) industry is increasingly critical to a company′s competitiveness. Early product release into the marketplace wi...