Conceptualizing the Behavioral Barriers to CSR and CS in Organizations: A Typology of HRD Interventions
Journal Article
Garavan, T. N., Heraty, N., Rock, A., & Dalton, E. (2010)
Conceptualizing the Behavioral Barriers to CSR and CS in Organizations: A Typology of HRD Interventions. Advances in developing human resources, 12(5), 587-613.
A considerable body of research exists on corporate social responsibility (CSR) and corporate sustainability (CS). However, there is significantly less on the influence of emp...
Collaborative talent management in public services: evaluating the drivers, barriers and enablers
Presentation / Conference
Grant, K., Mackie, R., Gadsden, S., & McLaughlin, D. (2017, December)
Collaborative talent management in public services: evaluating the drivers, barriers and enablers. Paper presented at CIPD Applied Research Conference, Glasgow
Against a background of significant public service reform and growing acceptance of the need for increased collaborative activity within Scotland’s public services, our resear...
Barriers to participation in learning for mid-career managers in the Scottish life assurance industry.
McCracken, M. G. Barriers to participation in learning for mid-career managers in the Scottish life assurance industry. (Thesis)
Napier University. Retrieved from
The Life Assurance industry has been through a period of rapid change as a consequence of increased competition, which is resulting in the need for structural re-organisation....
Learning whilst working: perceptions on barriers and enablers to transfer of learning amongst part-time students on a professional MSc programme Education + Training
Journal Article
D'Annunzio-Green, N., & Barron, P. (2019)
Learning whilst working: perceptions on barriers and enablers to transfer of learning amongst part-time students on a professional MSc programme Education + Training. Education and Training, 61(2), 187-200.
The purpose of this study is to examine student-learner perceptions of benefits, barriers and enablers in learning whilst working, specifically focussing on learning t...
The Sales Process Practice of Food and Drink SMEs -
A Holistic Conceptual Framework: Steps, dimensions, barriers and enablers.
Working Paper
Douglas, T. & Omar, M. (2012)
A Holistic Conceptual Framework: Steps, dimensions, barriers and enablers
Purpose –The research examines the sales process practised by SMEs, and barriers and enablers that hinder and support effective selling practices from the selling organisation...
Sustainable energy policies as a source of competitive advantage in the UK service industry
Journal Article
Burrows, M., & Omar, M. (2007)
Sustainable energy policies as a source of competitive advantage in the UK service industry. World Review of Entrepreneurship, Management and Sustainable Development, 3, 231-250.
The UK service industry has the ability to reduce costs by introducing energy efficiency to its operations. Barriers exist which hinder the implementation of energy efficient ...
Learning and development at work: Opportunities and barriers for non-registered clinical staff in the National Health Service Scotland
McCraw, D. J. Learning and development at work: Opportunities and barriers for non-registered clinical staff in the National Health Service Scotland. (Thesis)
Edinburgh Napier University. Retrieved from
The non-registered assistant workforce in the National Health Service Scotland (NHSS) has recently been afforded increased attention due, in part, to forecast changes in demog...
Ahead of their time? Barriers to action in green tourism firms
Journal Article
Tzschentke, N., Kirk, D., & Lynch, P. (2008)
Ahead of their time? Barriers to action in green tourism firms. Service Industries Journal, 28(2), 167-178. doi:10.1080/02642060701842175
This paper presents findings from a qualitative research investigation into tourism firms and the environment. It focuses on the factors preventing a sample of small environme...
The impact of gender perceptions and professional values on women’s careers in nursing
Journal Article
McIntosh, B., McQuaid, R., & Munro, A. (2015)
The impact of gender perceptions and professional values on women’s careers in nursing. Gender in management an international journal, 30(1), 26-43.
– This purpose of this paper is to engage two enduring sets of assumptions within nursing: firstly, that woman with children should prioritise the care of children; an...
Personalization and street-level practice in activation: the case of the UK's work programme.
Journal Article
FUERTES, V., & LINDSAY, C. (2016)
Personalization and street-level practice in activation: the case of the UK's work programme. Public Administration, 94(2), 526-541.
This article discusses factors shaping street-level caseworkers' role in the ‘personalization’ of activation for people with employability and health-related barriers to work....