The effects of detector spacing on traffic forecasting.
Journal Article
Chen, H., Dougherty, M. S. & Kirby, H. (2001)
The effects of detector spacing on traffic forecasting. Computer-Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering. 16, 422-430. doi:10.1111/0885-9507.00244. ISSN 1093-9687
An investigation was made as to how short-term traffic forecasting on motorways and other trunk roads is related to the density of detectors. Forecasting performances with res...
Analysis of liquid outflow from single-outlet vessels
Journal Article
Koukouvaos, A., & Kubie, J. (2001)
Analysis of liquid outflow from single-outlet vessels. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part C: Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science, 215(10), 1189-1210.
The paper presents experimental and theoretical investigation of the outflow of liquids from single-outlet vessels incorporating a vertical downcomer. In such vessels the liqu...
Electron transport in metal-amorphous silicon-metal memory devices.
Journal Article
Hu, J., Hajto, J., Snell, A. J., & Rose, M. J. (2001)
Electron transport in metal-amorphous silicon-metal memory devices. IEICE Transactions on Electronics, E84-C, 1197-1201
Current-voltage characteristics of Cr-doped hydrogenated amorphous silicon-V (Cr/p+a-Si:H/V) analogue memory switching devices have been measured over a wide range of device r...
Menu sonification in a mobile phone – A prototype study.
Conference Proceeding
Helle, S., LePlâtre, G., Marila, J. & Laine, P. (2001)
Menu sonification in a mobile phone – A prototype study. ISBN 9512255219 for a CD
We have studied the effect and acceptance of a sonified menu structure in a mobile phone. In this experiment, mobile phones with a special software were given to test users fo...
Modelling of the injection of hot liquid sprays into a closed vessel
Journal Article
Kubie, J. (2001)
Modelling of the injection of hot liquid sprays into a closed vessel. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part C: Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science, 216(4), 485-488.
An experimental and theoretical study recently investigated the transient processes that occur when hot liquid spray droplets are suddenly injected into air contained in a clo...
A direct approach to analysing step changes
Journal Article
Kubie, J. (2000)
A direct approach to analysing step changes. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part C: Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science, 214(11), 1437-1441.
There are many processes in engineering in which a physical parameter y normally varies linearly with another physical parameter x, but where, on occasion, a step change in th...
Velocity of long bubbles in horizontally oscillating vertical pipes
Journal Article
Kubie, J. (2000)
Velocity of long bubbles in horizontally oscillating vertical pipes. International Journal of Multiphase Flow, 26(2), 339-349.
No abstract available.
A model of liquid outflow from single-outlet vessels
Journal Article
Kubie, J. (1999)
A model of liquid outflow from single-outlet vessels. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part C: Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science, 213(8), 833-847.
This paper analyses the outflow of liquids from single-outlet vessels. In such vessels the liquid leaving the vessel through the outlet is replaced by another fluid, which ent...
Oscillations of liquids in single-outlet vessels
Journal Article
Kubie, J. (1998)
Oscillations of liquids in single-outlet vessels. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part C: Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science, 212(8), 759-764.
This paper considers the oscillatory behaviour of liquids in single-outlet vessels, i.e. vessels in which the outflowing liquid is replaced by another fluid which enters the v...
Infrared sensing using pyroelectric polymers
Conference Proceeding
Armitage, A., Benjamin, K., Setiadi, D., Weller, H., & Binnie, D. (1997)
Infrared sensing using pyroelectric polymers. In A. T. Augousti, & N. M. White (Eds.), Sensors & their Applications VIII (297-302
This paper describes a programme of work intended to develop inexpensive infrared imagers. The technology is based on the pyroelectric effect in the polymer PVDF, and a copoly...