5 results

Mangrove Ecosystem Services for Local Communities and their Vulnerability to Climate Change

Book Chapter
Huxham, M., Dencer-Brown, A., Diele, K., Kathiresan, K., Nagelkerken, I., & Wanjiru, C. (2017)
Mangrove Ecosystem Services for Local Communities and their Vulnerability to Climate Change. In V. H. Rivera-Monroy, S. Y. Lee, E. Kristensen, & R. R. Twilley (Eds.), Mangrove ecosystems: a global biogeographic perspective on structure, function and services

Recruitment in epifaunal communities: an experimental test of the effects of species composition and age

Journal Article
Lindsay, H., Todd, C., Fernandes, T., & Huxham, M. (2006)
Recruitment in epifaunal communities: an experimental test of the effects of species composition and age. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 307, 49-57. doi:10.3354/meps307049
A key prediction to emerge from community assembly models is that resistance to invasion increases as the community matures. Three epifaunal communities of differing age were ...

Science and environmental decision making

Sumner, D., & Huxham, M. (Eds.)
(2000). Science and environmental decision making. Prentice Hall (Pearson Education
Science is vital in informing the increasingly urgent and complex environmental decisions that affect all our lives, from international agreements on action to limit climate c...

Why conserve wild species?

Huxham, M. (1999)
Why conserve wild species?. In Science and environmental decision making, 142-168. Prentice Hall (Pearson Education

Science and the search for truth

Huxham, M. (1999)
Science and the search for truth. In Science and environmental decision making, 1-32. Prentice Hall (Pearson Education